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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jul 2015 20:20

Hello my darlinks,
What a week it has been since I last spoke to you.
Monday Roly went to the hospital for his blood tests etc, when we arrived home, there was a message on the answerphone, asking Roly to ring the hospital.
They said he could be admitted on the Tuesday, rather than the Friday.
They sent a taxi out for us on Tuesday, and we arrived at about 12.00 noon.
Then the long wait started, as they had not got the results of the blood test back, and the high dependency nurse had been booked for the Friday, and not the Tuesday, so the operation might not be given the go ahead, especially with his previous health issues.
Eventually Roly went down to theater at 4.00 p.m, and arrived back just after seven.
They have given him a complete right knee replacement, and injected into his left knee with silicone.
Wednesday, the bandages came off, and goodness me they could not stop the bleeding for ages. They put a long plaster over the wound, and elevated his leg.
Physio started this day.
Thursday morning Roly woke up and needed the bathroom, crabbed his walking frame only to realise he had been bleeding very badly during the night, his bed was covered in blood, and so was he.
So he had four sutures at the base of the knee, and that eventually stopped the bleed.
Thursday, he was also given crutches instead of the frame, and the physio said he would probably be able to go home on the Friday.
First thing Friday morning, the physio had him walking up and down stairs, and by 10.a.m we were walking out of the hospital.
At the moment, he is obviously in a lot of pain, and I am doing my Florence Nightingale bit, making sure he gets his meds on time.
Wednesday, we have to go for his first Physio treatment out of hospital, and his staples come out on the 20th of the month.

Phew I am exhausted, but this is just the beginning.

Ooops must go, it's almost more meds time.
Take care my friends, love to you all, Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Jul 2015 20:54

Mo I did see on FB that Roly came through the op ok. Hope he is soon back on his feet again and recovered well from the op. :-)


Sallie Report 10 Jul 2015 20:32

Mo, hope that Roly's operation went well today. Also hope that you and the family are all okay. Sending Roly lots of get well wishes and he will make a quick and good recovery.

Love and best wishes. Sallie and <3 <3


Sallie Report 10 Jul 2015 20:32

Mo, hope that Roly's operation went well today. Also hope that you and the family are all okay. Sending Roly lots of get well wishes and he will make a quick and good recovery.

Love and best wishes. Sallie and <3 <3


JustJean Report 10 Jul 2015 06:48

sending love and prayers to Roly for todays operation, and also for Mo and family, get well soon Roly, we need you to be fit to keep her in doors in order ;-) ;-) ;-)

love and hugs Jean and Jeff xxx <3 <3 <3 <3


Sallie Report 9 Jul 2015 17:14

Thanks Ann, have changed it to what it should have's got to be my agelol!!

Love, Sallie.xx


AnninGlos Report 9 Jul 2015 14:40

Sallie, well it is in the post :-D :-D :-D Hope you are having a lovely day.
Think you mean Roly not Jeff??

Yes, I finished the scrap book for our son. Will give it to him tomorrow. <3 <3


Sallie Report 9 Jul 2015 14:08

Hello girls,

Ann, that's okay, don't worry about it. I had everyones birthdays on my old laptop, but when I had this one, for one reason or another, Alun lost them all, so I have to try and remember whose birthday is next.

I didn't realise that Luke was on the 9th July too. Bless him. He looks such a lovelyand cute little lad on his photos.

Happy Birthday to Luke for today..Hope he has lots of cards and pressies and loads of fun. xxx <3

Have you managed to finish the Scrapbook for your son?

Jean and Mo, thank you both for your lovely cards. Jean loved the way you made the card, it's really different and very pretty.

Mo, the card you sent was also pretty and cute. Most of the cards I have received so far, have butterflies on them, but all the cards are very pretty.

Good Luck to Roly for tomorrow,hope all goes well. Will be thinking about him.

I hope Sylvia and her OH are alright, I haven't seen any posts from her for a few days.

Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie. xxx <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 8 Jul 2015 17:29

Hidcote photos on the photo blog


AnninGlos Report 8 Jul 2015 16:14

As I said on the birthday thread Sallie, I am hanging my head in shame, I don't have your birthday on the calendar and didn't realise it was the same day as Luke's. Aopologies because your card will be late. xx


Sallie Report 8 Jul 2015 13:50

Thank you Jean and for putting the birthday thread up. Hope that you are all okay.
I'll speak to you later.



JustJean Report 8 Jul 2015 13:03

Wishing our Sallie a very Happy Birthday tomorrow have a wonderful day,



Sallie Report 7 Jul 2015 19:48

Hello girls, wherever you are. Hope that you are all okay.

Jean, not sure how far the cancer has got with Christie's Nan, I am hoping and praying that that it hasn't got too far. I know that she was to have a couple more tests last week to find out how advanced it was, but Christie hasn't heard anything from her, so she is assuming that her Nan hasn't had the results yet.

Mo, hope all went well for Roly at the hospital on Monday. Will be thinking about him on Friday and hope and pray that the operation will go well.

Also hope that your friend Enid is is improving and that she will soon be well enough to go home. Will Roly be in the same hospital as Enid?

Hope all our other friends are all okay.

Take care.

Love, Sallie. xxx


JustJean Report 7 Jul 2015 16:13

I hope all went well for Roly, and praying all goes well on Friday ...

Sorry to hear about Enid is she your darts partner Mo? thinking about her also....

Sallie how advanced is the throat cancer with Chrissies Nan ? the earlier its caught the better the results, sending love and prayers for all our poorly friends...

we had another short very heavy downpour and some lightning just now, I was making christmas cards managed six large sized ones, bit different to what I usually make... will take some pics later...

Suddenly I feel rather tired , think i will stop doing anymore cards for a while, and have a cuppa and a little nibble of something, fruit wise ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) chat lalter folks.

loveJean xx <3 <3


Sallie Report 4 Jul 2015 21:21

Hi Mo, nice to see your post, I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong there. I will be thinking of Roly on Monday and especially on Friday when he has his operation.

Hope that your friend will soon get a lot better Mo, it is very worrying for her and her family.

I rang my cousin this evening to see how he is after his sister's funeral which was on Thursday. He was telling me that his eldest daughter has to go to the hospital for her check up ready for her operation on the 24th of July.. She has been waiting a twele month for a hysterectomy, she is hoping that they don't change the date, she just wants to get it over and done with now.

Richard let us know last weekend, that Christie's Nan has been diagnosed with throat cancer, so they went down to Eastbourne to see her last Sunday. As you can imagine Christie has been very upset and cried a lot of the time last weekend.

We had terrible lightening and heavy rain storms, but not much thunder last night, Jay didn't like it at all, so Michael had to come down stairs to stay with him, so none of us had much sleep at all, so will be glad to get to bed tonight, I am frightened of thunder storms anyway, but last night they were terrifying.
Speak to you soon. Good luck to Roly on Monay.Crossing all my fingers and toes.

Hello to all our friends on here.

Take care everyone.



Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Jul 2015 19:14

OH MY WORD, what has happened to the post I sent the other day, it's vanished into thin air.

Thank goodness Aluns appointment has come through Sallie. Are they doing it through his groin or wrist love ? Roly had a lovely bruise in his groin following his, he kept teling people that I had kicked him somewhere private. Thank goodness people know me better than that. Apart from that, I can't get my legs up that far now.

It was lovely catching up on everyones news, I send you all my very best wishes.

Monday we have got the hospital with Roly, he has got to have his bloods done, and speak to the anaesthatist (sp).prior to his operation.

A very dear friend of ours is in hopsital, with suspected blood poisoning. Poor Enids leg is up like a balloon, and she has to great big blisters either side of her leg.
From her knee up, her leg looks white, but below her knee, it's very very red and swollen.

I shall be relieved when it's this time next week, when god willing, we can have a break from hospital visits, for either ourselves, or our friends.
Sorry girls, for being a down right misery guts.

Take care, love to all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 3 Jul 2015 15:35

I was just making a note of it in my diary,Sallie otherwise I will forget, and I dont want
do that, I am sure he will be fine and come home safely ...we will be thinking of him and you also....

Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 3 Jul 2015 14:58

Hi Jean, thanks for that, I pressed 8 instead of 0 lol!! He has the angiogram on Monday 20th....... sorry to confuse you!!
I have changed it on the post now. Thanks again.



JustJean Report 3 Jul 2015 13:50

Sallie check Aluns date according to my calendar Monday is the 27th have it as the 28th xx


Sallie Report 3 Jul 2015 11:54

Hi Jean, thanks for the suggestions, I hope I can find something for her. I did have quite a few things I could have used, but have used them all up. Oh well, I expect I will find something, somewhere. lol!!

Alun's appointment for his angiogram came through this morning. He has to be at the hospital by eight o clock on Monday, 20th July, he has to take an overnight bag with him just in case he will need to stay in. Just hope that things will go okay, so that he can come home.

Hope you are all okay. I might look in again later on.

Love, Sallie. xxx