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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 22 Jul 2015 20:09

Hi Mo, yes Alun's angiogram went okay thanks, he has to have another test in a few weeks time, and then hopefully they will make the decision on what they need to do and how they are going to do it. So it looks as though there is another hurdle to get over before they operate on him.

Hope that Roly had all the staples out on Monday and that everything went okay for him and that he is feeling a lot better.

Have you heard how Enid is over the last few days? I hope that she improving and feeling a bit better each day.

Jean, hope everything is alright with you and the family. Are you still busy making cards? I made one birthday card this afternoon and I was going to make a couple of engagement cards for Richard and Christie, but I haven't even started them yet..

They told us the good news over the weekend, when they were here. We are all thrilled for them, they have been together nearly eight years now. I only hope that they
won't wait another eight years before they get married. lol!!!

Sylvia, I hope that you are feeling a lot better by now, I miss seeing you posting on the different threads.

Ann, I haven't seen you about for a few days, so hope thst you and T are both okay.

Hello to Huia and Marie, hope that everything is alright with you both.

Speak to you soon.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Jul 2015 21:28

I do hope that Alun's angiogramme went well today, I have been thinking of you Sallie love.

Take care girls, sorry it's a late one from me, been a pretty hectic day and I don't know where the time has gone.

Speak to you tomorrow, hugs Mo xxx


JustJean Report 20 Jul 2015 07:33

Sending love and prayers to Alun and Sallie today hoping all goes well for Alun and a good outcome will soon follow.....

Love as always,Jean and Jeff xxx <3 <3 <3


Sallie Report 17 Jul 2015 23:03

Well girls, over the last couple of days the house has had a good clean. I took me a lot longer that it use to, but at least it got done.

At the moment we are waiting for Richard and Christie to arrive, we are looking forward
to seeing them, they are staying until Sunday. Sunday, and then my cousin is coming on Sunday afternoon until Monday. So I think it will be a bit like a hotel here for the next few!! .

Mo. I hope that Roly is improving each day and that he will soon feel a lot better. Glad that he received his card okay, and that he was pleased with it.

I'm sure that you will be fine driving to the supermarket tomorrow Mo. I will be thinking about you.

Hope all goes well for Roly on Monday, I'm sure he will be happy to have the staples out on Monday.

Jean, I hope that J is feeling a lot better, it is a worry, especially since he had the problems he had few years ago.

Sounds as though a few of us have been to the hairdressers this week and some of you to the dentist, too. I suppose we are like cars really. we all need a service every so often. lol!!

Ann, at least your card got here in the end, as they say ' better late than never '. lol!!
Thank you again.

Hope Sylvia is recovering well and that she will soon be back on GR.

Hello to Huia and Marie, hope is all okay with you and your families.

Speak to you soon.



JustJean Report 17 Jul 2015 21:31

Mo, we have the shopping delivered now, J and D used to go Sat morning have breakfast then trawl round the store, but it has become to much espcially for D as she works long hours and we could see how weary she was, also we find we dont spend nearly as much as before , no impulse buying it on line and have it come around 10ish sat morning....perfick...

Just had a chuckle this week I have had me feet done, hair done, teeth done, I am a brand new woman ;-) ;-) well nearly :-D :-D :-D

love Jean xx <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Jul 2015 20:45

Ouch girls, dentistry is soo expensive now isn't it.
What with having to pay for glasses, thank goodness we don't have to pay for prescriptions as well, with the amount that both of us need in the way of medications.

Still no visit from the district nurse, despite my ringing them yet again today, getting a promise from them that someone would call.
Thank goodness Roly gets his staples out on Monday,at least that way we can be sure it's not infected.

Sallie, thank you so much for the lovely card, Roly was so chuffed to receive it. He has put it up the mantle piece, and shows it to the family when they pop in to see him.

Watch out drivers on the roads tomorrow, I have to drive to the supermarket to get the big shopping done.
It's silly, but having not driven for so long, I am really nervous as soon as I get behind the wheel.
I was a bag of nerves when I had to take Roly for his physio on Wednesday.
There seems to be twice as many cars on the road now, than when I last drove.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 17 Jul 2015 15:23

We were both there this morning, Tuesday I had a bill for £45, today the joint bill was £100. A couple of weeks ago the inspections cost £22 each. I see he has a new car!!!!


JustJean Report 17 Jul 2015 13:45

Just got back from the dentist ...ouch that hurt....teeth are fine, the bill wasnt :-0 :-0


AnninGlos Report 16 Jul 2015 16:36

Mo, no doubt if he'd got an infection you would be on the phone to the surgery insisting the district nurse came immediately. But thank goodness you don't need them urgently if the wound looks clean and has stopped bleeding. Best, if possible to leave the plaster in place then. Sometimes I wonder why physios often make things worse. Some years back when I had to go to one with my back she made it worse instead of better. Anyway, hope rest will improve the situation, as long as Roly is doing the exercises from the hospital.

Jean, poor Jeff, is he more prone to tummy upsets since his problem? We are at the dentist tomorrow as well so will think of you!

Sallie We had our hair cut today as well thank goodness, our hairdresser was away the last couple of times we went and my hair was not cut well at all so I was pleased to get it done today.
That card took a long time to get to you, it was posted on your birthday!!!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Jul 2015 15:42

Hello my lovelies, it's sooo good to hear from our Sylvia, and Huia, thank you girls we have missed your input, but stay well, and pop back when you can.

Time for an update from Florence Nightingale, re poor Roly.
Yesterday. he got up in high spirits, and had to see the Physio at 4.30 p.m.
She was very impressed with his progress, and he would have continued in this vein, if only she hadn't put him on the bike.
The saddle was up to high, and his feet didn't touch the pedals properly, but she got him peddling away.
Last night he had a very painful, restless night, and today is in immense pain.
Roly is supposed to go to our local gym next thursday, but the way he is at the minute, I doubt if he will go.
He is still doing the excercises the hospital gave him, but I believe the physio pushed him to hard yesterday.
We wont talk about the District nurse.... when we got back from physio last evening, there was a message to say that due to unforseen circumstances, they would not be able to come and change Roly's dressing today, but that they would ring us today make another appointment, and yes you are right, no phone call as off yet, and it's now 3.40 p.m.
I just thank the lord that the bleeding has stopped, and the wound does look very clean under the plaster, (it's a clear one I might add), but who's to say what would happen if he had got an infection in the wound.

Must go now girls, please take care, love and hugs to you all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 16 Jul 2015 09:35

Oh Sylvia, you have had a rough time, hopefully you are well on the way to recovery
Huia, what a busy lady you are these days, good on you.... hope you dont over do it though....
Mo, I am praying that Roly is getting better daily and it will all be worth it . bless him and you too and hoping Enid is also on the mend...

Sallie we are not too bad, although poor J has had a tummy upset which always causes him to over worry...understandble I suppose , but drags him down a bit...

I have been doing some more cards as per usual, a few of each christmas and general...experimenting also with various dies and cardstock... wish i hadnt bought the Grand Calibur now, I have an athritic shoulder and its not helping having to turn the handle, so I think I will try and sell it.. one of the best buys is my little machine so easy to use and surprising just how much will fit in ,die wise... new smaller dies are the thing now. I can use my e-bosser for biggger dies and embossing and dont have to turn any handles... just need to find a way of getting rid of the G.C now.

off to have my hair done later, and we have a dentist visit tomorrow ugh......

hope all is well with you and the family.....

sending love to all our friends , I was thinking about Jenni and wondering how she is also Elizabeth...take care everyone,

Love and hugs Jean xxx


Sallie Report 15 Jul 2015 16:17

Sylvia, it's lovely to see you back, if only briefly...... at least for the time being.
Hope that you improve each day and will soon feel a lot better. Looking forward to see you posting again,, very soon.Take care of yourself. <3 <3

Huia, nice to see you back with us, if only for a quick 'quick hello'. It sounds as though you are a very busy all sounds very interesting. Good luck with it. Take care.

Mo, hope that Roly is improving each day and still not suffering too much pain. I hope the nurse is calling to see him now and that she is able to change the dressings for for him instead of you having to do it.

Also hope everything is alright with you and all the family.

Jean, how are things with you and your family? Hope you are all okay.

Alun and I decided to go to Derby this morning, so that he could get his hair cut, it really needed doing. Trouble is, the last time he had it cut, was in a cheap hairdressers up in town,, and whoever cut it, didn't make a very good job of he thought it would be better to go to the one we always go to.

We had an early lunch in our usual place in Derby and then we called into Asda's on the way home to get a few things we needed.

Ann, thank you for your card, it arrived this morning. Hope that you and T are both okay.

Not much going on here, it's all very quiet.

Love to you all. Sallie. xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jul 2015 04:01

Hi everyone

I'm back, very briefly.

I am recovering, slowly.

The regime of the very strong antibiotic at 2000mg per day for 7 days cleared up the erysipelas. The side effects of the antibiotic took a lot longer, and the extreme heat we've been having finally got to me.

I think I am about 50% of the way back

I haven't read back, but I see that Roly has had his operation ............... I hope everything is going well for him xxx


Huia Report 14 Jul 2015 23:32

Hello all. Sorry to hear all the problems everybody is having. As Ann says, I have been busy on Facebook. I have a community page, Hunua Hills - In and About. There are a lot of old photos on it that my dad took last century, also some Phil had taken, and my brother in law and his friend of the building of the dams, and of the old Hunua store. I am enjoying it all. Another local started me on it. He has a FB community page Old New Zealand photos. He is using some of dads photos in it. And I contribute some to other sites on FB. I have been busy scanning lots of old photos. I want to get them done before I kick the bucket! Hopefully I still have another 20 years in me, but will my eyesight hold up? Anyway it is keeping me out of mischief.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jul 2015 18:35

Ann, I know it's going to sound strange, but Roly's knee joint is not giving him the problem so much as the bruising coming out.
I had to phone the doctors this morning, as the hospital had not given Roly enough painkillers to last him, and they would be running out tomorrow.
Our G.P phoned me staight back, and had left him a new prescription for more tablets.
Today I had to change the dressing on Roly's leg, and on doing so, it started to bleed, so I told the doctor, and she is going to send the district nurse out to check him over.
Goodness me, trying to get the clean pressure stockings on was a nightmare, and the poor soul has been in extra agony since we changed them, but it had to be done, or I couldn't change the dressing.
I just hope we see the district nurse tomorrow.

It sounds like you had a wonderful, if filling weekend in Milton Keynes. Leave the scales where they are for now, even though I am sure you wont have gained that much weight love.
Roly wants to get onto our scales, as he wants to know how heavy his new knee weighs, silly sausage that he is, he would probably fall of off them. LOL

Bye for now, take care one and all, Mo


AnninGlos Report 12 Jul 2015 15:41

Thank you Cynthia for the news re Sylvia. If you are reading Sylvia, I do hope that you will feel better soon. That was some mozzie then. Maybe it was a horsefly or something. However hope you heal soon.

Mo Sorry Roly is in so much in pain with his knee. From what I have heard from other people, although painful it has not been that bad so maybe he has just been unlucky. Hopefully it will have been worth it in the long run. And you take it easy as well, caring for somebody is very tiring and will take it out of you so make sure you rest when you can.

Sallie, I hope that you soon get your belated card. Sorry again for missing the day. I have seen Huia on facebook so think she is ok.

Jean don't let your knees get too bad before you get them checked out. It could be that it is arthritis.

Granddaughter (13 next week) has a knee condition, she was on crutches for about 6 months this year. She has an elongated tendon behind her knee caused, they think by a growth spurt last year when her body didn't catch up with her knee tendon. It can be very painfu and although she can now do PE and horse riding she can't overdo it and has painkillers to take if it is bad. She is such an outdoors girl too.

We had a lovely weekend in Milton Keynes, eaten far too much. DiL tends not to cook so we had takeaway chinese friday and quiche and slad Saturday then son took us all out for brunch this morning so we had a full English and I am NOT getting on the scales now!! Also went out for snack lunch where they do rather nice sandwiches and tea in proper tea cups yesterday (our treat that time, just 4 of us that time as son stayed home to watch cricket and grandson was working. Son had won yet another competition and had a gift card from BHS so treated me to a pull on type sundress for over swimsuit and a top to match the two piece bottom I already have. And Granddaughter also had a couple of things.

We then drove home via the country route over the Cotswolds instead of via the M40/A34 and A40 from Oxford. Drove through the lovely villages, one of which was Aynho, to Chipping Norton, the Moreton in Marsh, Stow, Andoversford and into Gloucester. It was sunny and showery until a cloudburst as we came into Gloucester but sunny again when we got home. :-)

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jul 2015 15:12

Thank you Cynthia, for letting us know about Sylvia, bless her that bite has been causing her big problems.
Get well soon Sylvia, we miss you love. xxx

Jean, Roly has said he will never ever have the other knee done, he's in so much pain, so please think seriously about getting yours done my love.
I have never seen such bruising in my life, he is black and blue from his toes up to the groin area.
He is on Ibuprofen, and Codeine Phosphate 6 hourly, plus paracetamol in between, and they are not working.
We have a freezer pack that has to go on two hourly, and boy oh boy, is it cold.
I forgot when I first did the ice pack, and left it in for too long, it came out absolutely solid, so we had to let it thaw a bit first before we could use it.

Poor Enid is still in hospital. The results have come back, and even though they are not 100% sure, they think it's celullitus.
Her poor leg is still up like a balloon, and obviously is getting bored silly being in hospital.
The watery cyst like things, are still coming up, and being drained daily.

Well back to the grindstone girls, time for more meds for Roly.
Love and hugs, Mo xxx


Sallie Report 12 Jul 2015 10:45

Cynthia, thank you for letting us know about Sylvia, I have missed seeing her on different threads and wondered if she was alright. I hope that she will soon feel a lot better and be back on GR very soon.

Mo, gosh you and Roly have had an awful week. I hope that things will go smoothly from now on, and that Roly will feel better each day.I also hope that you are alright and managing to cope with it all.

Jean, hope that everything is alright with you and your family. Have you managed to
make any more cards over the last few days? Yesterday, I spent most of the day making cards.....trouble is, I would rather make cards than do any houseworklol!!

I wonder if Huia is alright, she hasn't been on for a good while. I know she had problems with her internet, but hoped that it would have been sorted for her by now.

Well must go and get the veg done now, ready for our dinner.

Take care.



Cynthia Report 12 Jul 2015 07:46

Good morning you lovely people.

Just to say that I have been in touch with Sylvia (in Canada) and to say that she has been a bit poorly following treatment for a mosquito bite. She will be back as soon as she feels better and as soon as the weather is cool enough for her to get back on the computer bless her.

Just thought I would let you know.

Love. Cx


JustJean Report 11 Jul 2015 21:08

Wow Mo, talk about what a ride, but in a way its good that you both didnt have time to get stressed more than you already were.... now the worse is over and each day will show a great improvment , what a big shock though, I bet you are both worn out so rest when you can and no painting Mo,it will all be worth it for you Roly, I have two very painful knees and cant kneel down so methinks I will need new ones in the near future, walking is geting harder each keep up the good work and our love and prayers go out to you both...
Mo is Enid your darts partner ? how is she doing, hope she is much better....

hav a good nights sleep , take extra care ...

Love and Hugs Jean xxx <3 <3 <3