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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 6 Aug 2015 22:38

Hi all I have put a thread up re Jean, poor girl has had a tumble. Buck up Jean, hurry up and get well soon, we miss you on here <3 <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 3 Aug 2015 18:43

Hi, one and all, I had a pm from Mo, Roly is still strugling with pain, he goes to the physio and Mo said he is in agony afterwards, She has been on face book telling her family how he is , Thinks they have forgotten how to use a telephone :-| :-| :-|
It must be hard for her trying to look after Roly and seeing him in such pain....

Sylvia, the journey sounds fantastic, you are good at arranging it all...I look forward to hear all about it when the time comes...

Ann I will have a look at the pics after tea, I will have some more card pics soon...

Sallie , hope all is well with you and yours..

lots of love to all of you not forgetting Huia and Marie.. Jean xx <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 3 Aug 2015 18:31

Hi everyone

I hope that Roly is improving xxx

The weather is hot here ........... it might cool down by the middle of the week, and we might get a slight shower or two after that.

Nothing exciting has happened ........ although I did book our trip for early October while OH was away last week.

we're going to take the train across to Montreal ................. not too much of a surprise!!

We have never seen the Prairies at harvest time, and thought this was the year to do that. I've booked the Vancouver -> Toronto and return part, so that is all set. I'll look at the hotels this week, and keep an eye on possible deals for the trains to and from Montreal.

We are going to stop in Winnipeg for 2 days on the return leg as there is a new museum there, the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, that we want to visit. We've watched it being built for the last 8 or 9 years, it opened last year and this seemed a good time to stop off. OH also has a close friend from their school days who lives in Winnipeg, so we will also visit with him.


AnninGlos Report 3 Aug 2015 17:53

Hello all.

I have just put four lots of photos on the blog. Our garden, Highnam court garden Gloucester, Lake District and our canal cream tea cruise.

Not been on here for a couple of days, hope you are all ok and that Roly is getting better Mo.

Glad you finally got your pills Jean.

Is the company that Michael worked for very big Sallie? Surely they can't sack people and take on Eastern European in their place. There are regulations about these things. Were they made redundant? If so they should get redundancy. I hope that somebody can sort them out as they should be entitled to some money. Have they worked there very long?


JustJean Report 31 Jul 2015 18:44

Yes i finally got them Sallie,our two english doctors have gone one to Australia, and one retired,we now have two new doctors, not english,we normally have our tablets perscriptions electonicly (sp) sent to our chemist that is next door to the surgery, but it seems there was a backlog from last week.... the lady at the chemist said its been a nightmare, it certainly would not have happened when our usual docs were there ,

what a shock for Micheal getting sacked, why cant things just carry on as before...
the old saying is very true.. if its not broken dont try to fix it....I hope he manages to get another job soon....

I wonder how our Mo and Roly are getting on...I hope things are easier for him and less pain too....

I bought two small dies by Wild Rose Dies...a lovely spray of flowers I cut over twenty, all different colours, and a corner die with two tiny flower dies, they cut beautifully on the Sapphire mini machine.....I have also taken pics of quite a few cards , so when D puts them on for me I will send them to you and Ann, also I send them to JO off the birthday girls site.....

D has just made our tea, chicken in a sauce with pasta and garlic bread... smells chat later take care..... Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 30 Jul 2015 22:59

Hi Jean,. I'm here and I haven't gone to the seaside. Shaun on the Wales thread sometimes asks if there hasn't been anyone on there for a few days. As I told him, I haven't been to the seaside for a long while, the nearest seaside town to us is about a hundred miles away.

Hope that you have all managed to sort your prescriptions out now. Surely the surgery would have them all on their computer records.

Not been a very good week, Michael came home from work on Tuesday morning and told us that both him and the mate he works with, had had the sack, apparently there is no work for them. Michael was telling us on Monday that both him and his mate were the only two Brits left working for the Company, everyone else are all European workers. that will work for less money than the minimum wage. We know for a fact that there is no shortage of work in the Company and that it is doing well, they are just too greedy.

Hello Mo, Ann and Sylvia, hope that you are all okay.

Speak to you all soon.



JustJean Report 30 Jul 2015 17:32

Where is everyone, :-S :-S its been a bit hit and miss weather wise here , but now its lovely sunshine.. :-D :-D :-D trouble is we had to wait in for my pills to come., its been a bad week as far as the doctors is. pills ordered Monday, D ordered hers last thursday, she finally got them yesterday, I rang up about mine , only to be told there wasnt any perscripion for them, since our two usual doctors have gone its been mayhem, I have just recieved mine now... but we didnt know when they would be delivered, so had to stay in, no big problem cricket is on , and I have been card making, I had only six cards left, lots of chrismas ones, but general ones are now with my friend who goes to meetings for dementia. her oh has it... so I managed to get a load of new cards made , I will take some pics tomorrow... Sallie and Ann..
Oh is happy and so am I.... :-D :-D :-D

Mo I hope Roly is doing well and not in much pain, getting better every day...
also Enid too...

love to all our friends wherever they are ;-) ;-) ;-)

love Jean xx <3 <3


JustJean Report 27 Jul 2015 20:33

Hi folks, it has been an awful wet day , and still rains ....

Mo hope Roly can now rest better , what about you? you need to grab a nap when you can... love and hugs for you both <3 <3 <3

Sallie C came yesterday , he is one canny boy, lights up the room, and now he is in big boys undies, so off he toddled with daddy and came back with his underpants on his head then decided he would put both legs in on side , but he was fooling about until S said put them on properly which he did with no trouble then proceeded to eat my grapes.... when it was time for home he pretended to fall asleep on the floor , so S went to go and said are you staying with gramps, C answered yes bye bye. daddy....
but we had a lovely time. and lot of squeezes and kissses......

I have some new pics which I will send soon Sallie, some a bit different than usual.

Love to Sylvia, Huia, Marie and all our friends take care ...

Love Jean xx. <3 <3 <3


Sallie Report 26 Jul 2015 19:48

Mo, at least it sounds as though Roly is managing to get some sleep with the morphine based medication he had off the doctor. I hope that he will soon feel well enough, so that he won't need to take them anymore.

Ann. glad to hear that you and T are home safely. I hate travelling on the motorway when it is pouring down with rain, and the spray makes it even worse.

Nice to know that you had a lovely week with your daughter, grandson and his wife. But as you say, you miss them for a short while when you leave.
Richard and Christie were here last weekend , it was lovely to have them here, but I missed them for a couple days after they went home.

Sylvia, how are things with you? Hope you are enjoying your ' me ' time and that you are alright.

Jean, hope you all had a lovely time with C yesterday. Did C manage to eat all your grapes? lolol!!

I have been making some cards today, been trying to make some cards that are a bit different from what I usually make. I am a bit fed up of making similar kinds of cards.

It was Liz Purples birthday yesterday, and it would also have been Joyce's 75th birthday too.

I hope that both Huia and Marie are okay. It is a good while since we heard from Marie. Anyway, hope that they and their families are all alright.

Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie. xxx <3


AnninGlos Report 26 Jul 2015 16:14

we have driven down from the Lake district today, down the M6/M5 and all but the first 40 miles or so it rained non stop, traffic was horrendous (although going North was worse, two very long traffic jams.) and spray off the road was nasty. Took us about half an hour longer than normal.

Yesterday was a lovely day, we walked around Tarn Howes and visited wray castle. Lovely to see daughter and grandson and wife, miss them again now.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Jul 2015 15:48

Oooh Sylvia, it's a relief to hear that you are on the road to recovery, enjoy your you time, it will soon pass.
What a shame your O.H had to give up on the veggie garden, he must have put a lot of time and energy into it, and then having to forfeit all the lovely fresh veg is a blow.

Ann, I hope that T enjoyed his birthday, and that you enjoyed your meal out.
Are you of on your hols again soon?

Jean, I hope little one shared the grapes round, we don't want you getting withdrawal symptoms LOL
It's so lovely to see the young ones, but can be quite exhausting for us. I always feel like I have been run down a double decker bus by the time our Lilly goes home, but I love her to bits.

Sallie, the doctor has given Roly a morphine based pain relief, to help with the pain.
He is quite reluctant to take them, but as I said to him, he was on morphine in hospital, so he has taken one, instead of two, about an hour ago, and is now zonked out in the armchair.
At least he is getting some rest and relaxation, that he really does need.
To be honest, I feel like I could go to bed and sleep for a week.

Well girls, enjoy your weekend, I will speak to you soon, love to all, Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Jul 2015 17:25

it's RAINING!!!!

such joy!!!!!

Well, OK ............... they are officially classed as heavy showers BUT the temperature is down to around 16C, and the sound of the rain on the roof and on the leaves is just fantastic!!!!

Hopefully these "heavy showers" will drop several mms over today and the rest of the weekend. We do so desperately need it after such drought conditions.

PLUS ..................

OH left this morning for a week of meetings, and I will not have to water the kiwi fruit, the strawberries, etc, with buckets of water, which is all we can now use under Stage 3 watering restrictions. :-D :-D

He gave up on the veggie garden about 2 weeks ago, just couldn't give it the amount of water needed, and the grass has been brown and dry since late May. It will soon become green again, it is amazing how fast it recovers after drought :-D


Sallie Report 24 Jul 2015 17:05

Ann, wishing T a belated Happy Birthday, so pleased to hear that he had a lovely day.

Sylvia, so glad that you are feeling a lot better and are able to post on GR again. We all missed hearing from you. <3

Jean, it will be lovely for you all, to have little one visit tomorrow. Are they arriving early in the morning? Anyway have a lovely day aall of you.

Mo. hope you and Roly are both okay today.

Speak to everyone soon.

Take care.

Love, <3 <3


JustJean Report 24 Jul 2015 07:55

Sylvia, it doesnt last long ;-) ;-) ;-) glad to hear you are feelung much better now. enjoy your "Me Time"......

Roly will feel bettter now the stitches are out , but I do hope the pain will also fade away quickly, you rest when you can , Mo, praying for poor Enid hope she will be on the mend soon, I think its the shock of it happenlng is the hurdle she will find hard to get over , at least she has a good friend in you .... take care my lovely friend... <3 <3

we are hoping our little is coming tomorrow it seems ages since we saw him,
I have got the grapes ready for him ,

sending love to all our friends, here and away...
think I will have some coffee and toast, for a change... see you all soon,

belated birthday greetings to T good to see you had anice celebration with the family, hope everyone is well....

love Jean xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Jul 2015 04:04

Hi everyone

I'm almost better :-D

and about to be left on my own .......... OH is going to a meeting and will be away for several days. I'm looking forward to the freedom to do absolutely only my own "thing" :-D

Jean ........... how do you like being a "new woman"????

I went to the hairdressers yesterday to have my hair cut. I last had it cut in early December and have been putting it off as I thought about trying a new place that is closer to home. That is what I did, and I'm quite happy with how she cut it ......... the test of course will be when I wash and dry it myself :-D

Mo .............. I'm glad that Roly has had the staples out and that everything looks fine

Sallie ........ you must be relieved to hear the results of the angiogram xxx

Ann ............. Happy Birthday to T xxxx

OH will be 77 in mid-August.


AnninGlos Report 23 Jul 2015 22:48

Hi all T's 77th birthday today, this evening w have been out for a meal with daughter and grandson and his wife, a lovely evening.


Sallie Report 23 Jul 2015 21:24

Mo, pleased to know that Roly has had his staples taken outand that the wound is nice and clean and healing well. Did the consultant say why he is still suffering so much pain or how long it is likely to last?

Poor Enid, I hope that the doctors will be able to sort out whatever problem she has and that she will soon feel a lot better.

I hope that you are okay Mo and that you are managing to cope okay.

Yes, luckily for Alun, the angiogram went okay, the consultant told him afterwards that the leak in the mitral valve isn't as severe as they thought and that there are no blockages to any major arteries.But he has a blockage in one of the minor arteries.
I hope that when they do the operation, they will be able to do it through an artery.

I will speeak to you all soon.



Sallie Report 23 Jul 2015 21:24

Mo, pleased to know that Roly has had his staples taken outand that the wound is nice and clean and healing well. Did the consultant say why he is still suffering so much pain or how long it is likely to last?

Poor Enid, I hope that the doctors will be able to sort out whatever problem she has and that she will soon feel a lot better.

I hope that you are okay Mo and that you are managing to cope okay.

Yes, luckily for Alun, the angiogram went okay, the consultant told him afterwards that the leak in the mitral valve isn't as severe as they thought and that there are no blockages to any major arteries.But he has a blockage in one of the minor arteries.
I hope that when they do the operation, they will be able to do it through an artery.

I will speeak to you all soon.



Sallie Report 23 Jul 2015 21:24

Mo, pleased to know that Roly has had his staples taken outand that the wound is nice and clean and healing well. Did the consultant say why he is still suffering so much pain or how long it is likely to last?

Poor Enid, I hope that the doctors will be able to sort out whatever problem she has and that she will soon feel a lot better.

I hope that you are okay Mo and that you are managing to cope okay.

Yes, luckily for Alun, the angiogram went okay, the consultant told him afterwards that the leak in the mitral valve isn't as severe as they thought and that there are no blockages to any major arteries.But he has a blockage in one of the minor arteries.
I hope that when they do the operation, they will be able to do it through an artery.

I will speeak to you all soon.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Jul 2015 18:41

Sallie, I am pleased that Aluns angio went o.k. Once again it's back to the drawing board, waiting for further tests to happen,is so frustrating isn't it.
I am sure all will be well for him love.

Yes Roly had his staples out the other morning, the wound looks so lovely and clean, and is healing well.
The problem he is having, is with the pain of it. He has been on Codeine Phosphate, and Paracetamol since he came home, and the don't appear to be working now.
Originally he was on Ibuprofen, but had to stop that as it upset his stomach.
Tomorrow I shall be ringing the doctor, I have a slot at 11.40, to ask her if she can give him something else to ease the pain.
I have been on at him all week,saying that I should ring the doctor, and being a stubborn devil, he wouldn't allow it. But as he is getting short on pain relief now, he had no choice.
Today he was due to have physio, but he was having trouble with his tummy, so I gave him Lactulose last night and this morning....and....he couldn't keep of the loo, hmm naughty me.
Never mind, we rang and changed the date and time for him, so now he is going next Thursday instead, perhaps he might be more pain free by then as well.

Enid had to go down to theater earlier this week, they had to remove the skin on her leg. If they hadn't done it, they said she would probably have lost her leg.
She has to go to East Grinstead hospital for skin grafting soon as well. Bless her, she has been in hospital for weeks now, and it looks like she will be there for many more weeks.

I do hope Sylvia is recovering from her problem, we haven't heard from her in quite a while now. Sending Sylvia love and hugs.

Jean I hope you and J are keeping well darlink.

Hugs for Huia.

Heres hoping that Marie is o.k as well.

Ann, I hope you and T are having good health.

Me thinks I shall go and have five minutes peace and quiet in the garden, so I will say bye for now girls. Love Mo xxx