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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Aug 2015 17:50

Oh thank the lord, hearing from our Jean is wonderful, welcome back my darlink, we have missed you.
I don't envy you having to move my love, but needs must, and your safety must come first.
I assume you both at your own home now, so take it very slowly.

Thank you Sylvia, Roly being on the 25mg Amitryptaline, probably is the reason for his drowsiness during the daytime.
He was quite shocked that it can be used as an anti-depressant, thinking to himself that he isn't depressed, but the pain was so bad that I believe it was depressing him.
Not only that, the doctor was probably fed up of his complaining LOL I joke about that I might add.

Goodness me, how is the temperature where you all are. It's been sooo hot here today, we couldn't even sit in the garden with the parasol up, it's so humid.

We have two Anniversaries coming up this week, Jean and J, and Ann and T, I hope that you will all be able to celebrate.

Now what has happened to Sallie and Huia, they are on the missing list, we do expect a sick not for being around....LOL

Speak to you soon girls, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Aug 2015 15:29

It will be good to have carers available 24/7 Jean but it has happened a bit quickly for you hasn't it. Have you adjusted to the thought yet? How big is the apartment likely to be, do you know? Is this all caused by the fall?


JustJean Report 20 Aug 2015 13:51

yes Sylvia and Ann, I can no longer get upstairs and a stair lift cant be fitted too narrow and steep, so J and I are moving into apartments were there is 24/7 carers
D will stay in the house meanwhile, trouble is we dont were yet... big upheavel

Love Jean xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Aug 2015 03:48

Jean ........

good to see you posting. I hope you get better and better every day ..........

but like Ann, I'm puzzled by your comment about moving.

Are you going to have to move out of your place?


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Aug 2015 03:47

Mo ..........

I was on amytryptiline 10 mg for several years to help me sleep. It was a very low dose and I had to take one tablet about 8 pm for it to take effect 2 or 3 hours later.

It certainly did not make me extra sleepy during the day time

Perhaps you should ask the doctor about reducing the dosage.

Larger doses of amitryptiline are an antidepressant.


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2015 22:01

Good to see that you are home Jean, I am sure you will improve more quickly there than in hospital. What do you mean about moving? Is this because of the fall? What about D? Hopefully it won't be long before you can go out in the car. As you say it could have been much worse, thank goodness it wasn't. <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 19 Aug 2015 21:51

Hello everyone, home now hard going at the moment, very weak and sore ri
bs, care staff coming each morning to help with back washing, and other bits.I had the doctor come today as I have a gash on my right knee which is infected so a dose of antibotics needed, I have cellulite in both lower legs so have to keep feet elevated, in between walking now and then,..

we still have no idea were we will be living Jeff and myself, which js begining to frustrate us.... I realise things are not going to be like it was, but I do expect to improve still hard on Jeff as I havent to be left alone so when Debra goes back to work, he wont be able to get out until I can get in the car and go with him.....still it could have been a lot worse, a couple of broken ribs is a miracle really....

Thank you so much for your love and prayers , and lovely cards. I need to stop now and get into bed but I will be back.

much love Jean xx. <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Aug 2015 20:32

Good evening girls, good to hear your news.
Nothing much has been happening here, same old same old,day in day out.

The Amitryptaline the doctor has put Roly on, keeps knocking him out. He can be watching the t.v, and when I look at him, he is fast asleep.
He's been going to bed at 9.30 p.m, and sleeping all night as well. Whilst I realise that these tablets are relieving his pain a little, they are also doping him up.
Does anyone have any experience of this medication?
I want him to stop taking them, but don't want him to suffer the pain.
Oh boy what a conundrum.

I was hoping and praying there would be news on our Jean, I do hope she is recovering o.k.

Well girls, I send you all my best wishes, and god willing will speak to you soon.
Hugs Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Aug 2015 19:33

Hi Mo and everyone

we're back in the hot weather after 2 or 3 cool days over the weekend, even had a few drops of rain on Friday night! And I do mean a FEW drops!

I took OH out for dinner last night to celebrate his birthday ......... we went to our local bistro-style place, one of our favourites. It was very interesting ......... there were 2 long tables of women having dinner. I think they were not connected, but one had about a dozen women, the other about 14>

There were only 3 men in the place, sitting at other small tables and quite obviously none of them were connected to the women!

Women make a lot of noise :-D

But it was nice to see so many people eating there.


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2015 16:56

Yesterday we went to Gloucester. This was the second round of searching the Scrumpty sculpture trail. all is explained on the photos blog. The explanation is right at the bottom of the photos listed on the latest blog.


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Aug 2015 19:48

Hi Mo, and everyone

we were back in the hot weather for 3 or 4 days, but today is MUCH cooler, and I'm waiting for the rain to start!

It was our anniversary on Wednesday, and OH had reserved for dinner at our favourite restaurant ............. but then I got a return of the nausea that I had last month after the antibiotic, so we had to cancel :-(

We'll re-book in a few days ............. I have to take OH out for his birthday next Tuesday.

I'm feeling much better, thank goodness! I hate that constant nausea feeling :-(

The hot weather didn't help either.

I actually wish we could have a really good downpour ......... we really need several days of it.

But OH says he heard that we will have this hot dry weather through September, and probably a very dry winter as well. It's that darned El Nino!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Aug 2015 19:32

Hello Sallie and Ann.
It's lovely to hear that you had a good birthday Ann, and enjoyed your birthday meal.
Have M+S got any sales on at the moment Ann ? I need to start getting some winter clothes in soon, it doesn't seem possible that we are in our summer, and heres me talking of buying winter clothes LOL

Sallie, Roly is still suffering pain at night, despite the new tablet the doctor gave him.
I think his discomfort is coming from driving, but he says no it's not, so who am I to argue.

I do hope we hear how our Jean is soon, it is a worry isn't it, and we miss her so much.

We had terrific storms yesterday, we had to go to the hearing clinic for Roly's check up, and by the time we had parked the car, and walked into the hospital, we were like a couple of drowned rats, and it was still like it when we came out.
The thunder and lightening was awful, it rained so hard that our guttering, and both out neighbours, couldn't hold the water, and it was like Niagara falls outside.
Thank goodness the rain was lighter today, as we had to go for Roly's eye examination, and we didn't want to get soaked again.
Thank goodness we don't have any appointments tomorrow. But I have my eye test on Monday, so fingers crossed the rain has passed us by then.

Sending my best wishes to Sylvia, Marie and Huia,hoping they are all well.

Have a nice weekend girls, hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 13 Aug 2015 18:37

Happy Birthday Ann, glad to know that you are having a lovely day. Pleased to know that you received my card. Enjoy the rest of your day. <3 <3

Jean, hope you are improving each day and will soon be home. Thinking about you and sending you lots of love and ((((hugs)))) <3 <3 <3

Mo. hope that Roly is a lot better and also hope that you are okay. <3 <3

Love, Sallie. xxx <3


AnninGlos Report 13 Aug 2015 16:25

goodness five days since anyone posted.

first of all, thank you Mo and Sallie for your cards. I read in the paper that people have stopped sending cards. well I had 29 altogether. 14 from friends and relations and 15 from GR friends and birthday group ladies. So I am keeping the post office going!

The forecast of heavy rain and thunder storms changed slightly to lighter rain here but so far, it is 4.30 and we have not had any rain at all so we wonder if we needed to change our plans at all.

I am having a lovely day.We went to Hobbycraft at Cheltenham and bought quite a few bits I didn't know I needed with OH's birthday money, also went to homesense there and Sainsbury's for coffee. Then we drove back and went to Table Table (stupid name for a restaurant, part of the brewers fayre chain) and had a very nice lunch, I had prawn cocktail, scampi and OH had Calamari and fish and chips and we shared a cherry and apple crumble. We also drank two glasses of wine and brought the rest home.

I had money and voucher (M&S) for my birthday so we will go to town at the weekend and spend that :-D :-D

Not heard any more about jean so I hope she is getting on ok. Hurry back Jean, we miss you <3 <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Aug 2015 18:16

Thank you Ann. Roly asked if he could drive us up to town today, and he was perfectly o.k, the only trouble was, that this afternoon he was in a bit of pain.
Having an automatic does help, but it was his right knee that was operated on, and this is obviously the foot he had to use to drive. Oh well, that is another step in the right direction girls.

I send my love and hugs to our dear friend Jean, hoping she is coping with the broken ribs.....oooh so uncomfortable for her, bless her little cotton socks.

My goodness, how has your weather been girls, it's been so warm here in Kent, but I must not complain.

Take care one and all, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 7 Aug 2015 21:30

Well done with the darts Mo, enjoy looking at, if not dusting, your trophies. I am pleased that Roly is on the mend. He will probably feel better in himself once off the morphine.

Hurry up and get back here our Jean, we miss you. Hope J and D are coping without you ok. :-) <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Aug 2015 21:17

Oh my goodness Jean, I can't leave you for five minutes before you take a tumble.
Get well soon my lovely friend, and hurry back to us we miss you very much.

Well girls, I am sorry not to have been around for a while, but things are now going in the right direction, thank the lord.
This Florence Nightingale act I have been doing, was wearing me out, cor lummy, talk about chief cook and bottle washer, had nothing on me.
But thankfully, Roly is feeling a lot better now, still in pain, but cutting down on his Morphine gradually.
After a chat with our doctor, Roly has stopped his physio, and is just doing the excercises at home.
The doctor is not at all pleased with the treatment he was thrown into so soon after his operation. In her opinion, making him go on the bike one week after his operation, was far to soon, and put his recovery back by at least three days following each physio appointment.
Ah well,he is on the mend at long last.

Jean will be so proud of me, we had our darts presentation last night, and our team received two trophy's each, for coming runners up in the league, and in the threes league.. More dust harbourers LOL

I do hope you are all well. Take care my dear friends, hugs to you all, Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Aug 2015 00:25


thank you for letting us know

Jean .............. get well soon xxxx


Sallie Report 6 Aug 2015 23:32

Ann, thanks for letting us know about Jean. I hope and pray that she will feel a lot better soon and that it won't be too long before she is home again and back posting on here.

Jean, sending you lots of love and (((( hugs )))) and lots of get well wishes.

Sallie, xxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 6 Aug 2015 22:38

Hi all I have put a thread up re Jean, poor girl has had a tumble. Buck up Jean, hurry up and get well soon, we miss you on here <3 <3 <3 <3