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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 30 Aug 2015 21:56

Have a good week Ann, hope the crowds go home and the sun shines :-D :-D :-D

love Jean xx <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 30 Aug 2015 15:52

Hi all, Jean we are in Dorset for the week not doing a lot, just revisiting old haunts. Weather is a bit damp today but not cold. Being bank holiday the place is heaving with people.


JustJean Report 30 Aug 2015 10:53

Huia, it sounds as though your leg is like mine, its cellulitus usually antibiotics clear it , mine is now clearing and less tight...did your doctor not mention that, the thing you need to watch out for the legs blistering .so moisturizer is .what I have to do usually at the moment i have carers that come each morning to help with cleaning parts i am not able at the moment to reach.... I hope yours clears up quickly...

it will be great for you to be able to carry on with your scanning...

I managed to get in the craft room yesterday and actually make some cards, which bucked me up....

Mo I do hope Lily will be well looked after and the school will see she she will need some help now and then... bless her....I hope Roly is recovering well now and also that you get new specs, you will miss the dart board if you dont ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

manged a full nights sleep last night although this morning I was very stiff , but each day is getting easier, as long as I watch how I walk around the house. dont want any more falls... :-0 :-0 :-0

Sallie my prayers go out to Gracie and the family bless the liittle one hope she will soon be much is the news about your Alun? I hope and pray he continues to get the treatment he needs, also Jennie and the rest of your family..
how are you doing, flower, life is hard sometimes but we come through it all dont we?you are always in my thoughts and prayers...

Ann, whats on the itinery for this weekend are you off somewhere nice? I may try a short walk to the bottom of the back and maybe a little run out in the car... to all our other friends , keep safe and healthy.

Love as always Jean xxx.


Huia Report 29 Aug 2015 23:12

I went to the doc 5 days ago and she told me to keep my leg up (have you tried driving with your right leg on the dash-board?) and keep an eye on things in case I get infection in it. It has lost most of the indigo colour but is still red and swollen and warm and when I stand it feels as if the skin is too tight. I might make another appointment later this week.

I went to Papakura on Friday and picked up and paid for :-( a new negative scanner which the local photographer had got for me in only 3 days. The big shop where I first asked last April still hasnt done anything about getting one in so they can go you-know-where. I will now be very busy doing all the scanning which I have been itching to get done, so you might not see me for a while.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Aug 2015 23:01

Hello my friends, sorry for being on the missing list for a while.
I have had major problems with my completely died on me, so back we went to the lappy hospital, it needed a new battery and charger, so I have had to wait for them to be delivered.
It's now fully charged, but is only giving me 2 hours 6 minutes of charge, even though it is fully charged up, so it might end up going back for another check up at P.C World, well I pays me money for the cover, so they can sort it out if need be.

Well,I took my new glasses back to the opticians, as my vision was blurred. They checked the lenses, and they were correct to the prescription, so today I had to have a follow up eye test, and they are going to change the lenses, as the ones I had been given were for closer reading, but i dont want to read with the book under my nose,and need more distance, so that I can use my laptop as well.
Thank goodness I have still got my old glasses to be going on with.

Our Lilly starts school Tuesday week, and is having a home visit fron her teacher one day next week.
I do hope she shows her true colours, so that they are aware of what she can be like, or they are going to get a mighty shock when she starts.

I have not had a chance to read back, so I will do so tomorrow. Night god bless you all, love and hugs, Mo xxx


Sallie Report 28 Aug 2015 15:25

Hello girls,

Thank you Mo, Jean and Ann for your cards. Not sure if we are going out for a meal this evening, at the moment I am trying to lose weight, so think we will go another time.
Although the weight is slow coming off, because of the medication I am on, I have managed to lose 1st. 9lbs.

Mo thanks for asking about Gracie. She is now out of the induced coma and is on the neurological ward, her speech is a bit slurred and she walks a bit off balance, also when she is eating she uses her hands to pick up the food instead of a fork or a spoon as she did. before she fell. Although the doctors think that once the bruising on her brain has healed completely, she will be fine. So we are all keeping our fingers crossed. It could have been a whole lot worse with her falling from her bedroom window.

Richard has a small cyst on his head which he has had for a number of years, but now it has become infected, so the doctor has put him on antibiotics for a week, hopefully it will clear it for him.

Ann, it sounds as though both you and T had a lovely day for your anniversary. I have never heard of the restaurant where you enjoyed your meal......although they might have one in Nottingham and not noticed it., I think sometimes I go about with my eyes closed.lolol!!

Jean, I hope that things are are improving each day and that you are feeling a good bit better. Hope that you are not too bored and managing to keep your mind occupied., but I'm sure you are.

I have a very bruised and swollen forefinger on my right hand. I was cutting a die on my Grand Calibre and the handle snapped off, so now have to use my eBosser instead, starting to get use to it though.

Huia, hope you managed to see the doctor about abot your badly bruised leg and that there is no long lasting damage.

Sylvia, hope everything isokay with both you and your OH.

Thank you all again for your lovely cards.

Chat to you all soon,

Take care.

Love, <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 27 Aug 2015 21:47

Happy Anniversary to Sallie and Alun, tomorrow enjoy your special day.

love and hugs Jean and Jeff xxxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 27 Aug 2015 15:51

Thank you Sallie for your lovely card.

We have been into town for lunch to a place called 'Coal'. I think they are part of a chain. I had garlic bread, but it was more like pizza base, with melted Mozarella and sweet caramelised onions, T had Mushroom soup + some of mine! Then we both had cod and pancetta fish cakes, chips and leaf salad, the we share a sticky toffee pudding with chocolate ice cream, a strawberry and spun sugar. We had a large glass of Merlot each. I enjoyed it we had not eaten there before.


AnninGlos Report 27 Aug 2015 10:13

Thanks Jean and thank you and Mo for your cards. Both arrived early but we didn't open them. :-D


JustJean Report 27 Aug 2015 09:28

Happy anniversary to Ann and T have a wonderful day,

Love Jean and Jeff xxx <3 <3 <3

Huia , I hope the sore leg isnt a problem for you ,

love to one and all Jean xxx


Huia Report 24 Aug 2015 21:30

Yesterday I took my camera to town and tried the card in one of the self-service machines but had the same results, so the man tried it in his card reader, but still no joy, so I guess I will just have to use a new card (which I already have) in that camera. I do have another bigger camera, plus a small camera which I dont use often, and my phone will also take photos, but I prefer the 2 bigger ones for quality of photo.

Today I am going to get my badly bruised leg checked out by the doc. Hopefully no serious lasting damage.


Sallie Report 24 Aug 2015 18:38

Mo, you are not the only old fashioned thinking person, both myself and a few of my friends are just the same. We all stayed at home yo look after them ourselves until they were all in fact the majority of the mums at the schools our children went to, stayed at home, just a few mums went to work then.

I wonder if Lilly was being bullied by a few of them, trouble is, they never get caught because they are also sneaky and make sure there is no one watching when they hit another child. Unfortunately it is usually the child that is being bullied that seems to get caught.
I know when Jennie was in year 1 infants, one of the girls there was a real bully, sh would hit or push , or tear a book, then go to the teacher and tell her that some other child had done it, so of course, that child was told off. Trouble was, the girl's mum thought she was a little angel and could do no wrong.

We haven't heard any news of Gracie since late on Saturday evening, so we are hoping that no news is good news.

Jean, if you are looking in, hope that you are getting better a bit each day, we miss seeing your posts on here. Take care.

Ann, Sylvia, Huia and Marie, hope you are all okay.

Well girls will chat to you soon.

Love to everyone. Sallie, xxx <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Aug 2015 16:50

Sallie, our son and D.I.L, had words with the people in charge of the after school club, to no avail.
I know Lilly can be a little minx, so wouldn't put anything past her LOL
She now goes to Ava's child minder whilst mummy is at work.
I shall never understand why, our D.I.L works all the hours she does, to just earn £100, after she has paid for child care.
Personally, I would rather she did as I did, and stayed at home, till the children are old enough for school....but then I am an old fashioned thinking person.
Thank goodness Gracie is doing well, may she continue to recover.

I have just picked up my new glasses, but think I shall have to take them back, as these readers are making everything look blurred.
I know I have to give my eyes time to readjust, but this is rediculous, I can hardly make out what I am typing.

I must go now girls, I shall have to go back to my old glasses and read what I have written, in case of any mistakes LOL
Love and hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 23 Aug 2015 23:01

Mo, we heard last night that the doctors had just started to bring Gracie out of the induced coma, she opened her eyes and when her dad moved to the side of her bed she
moved her eyes and looked at him. So we are all hoping and praying that she will be okay. We haven't had any more news today.

Oh poor Lilly! Maybe her mum and dad could have a word with the person in charge
of the out of school club and tell them what another parent told them. It's a shame that Lilly should be banned, when it was the others that started it.....I hope that things will get sorted for her.

Huia, sorry to hear that your camera is giving you a few problems, I hope that you will be able to get it sorted so that you don't lose any more photos that you take,

It must have been nice to stay with your son and his wife for a few days, has you don't see them very often.

Well, I am ready for a cup of tea now, so will look in again tomorrow.

Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie. xxx <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Aug 2015 18:47

Ooops yes I got it wrong, re the anniversaries,I even wrote the cards out wrong as well, ah well never mind, silly me.

Sorry to hear things have not been good Sallie, you know you are in my thoughts my love, and that things will turn out for the better in the long run.
Honestly, you can't turn your back on little ones can you, I do hope Gracie is o.k.
Our Lilly has been banned from the out of school club, she was supposedly caught hitting a couple of children, but her mummy and daddy have been told by another childs parent,that she did it in retaliation, goodness knows whats going to happen when she starts school next month.

Oh Huia, you are not having much success with your camera are you my love. I hope you can get it sorted out.
It's good to hear from you, and know that you are well.

Must go now girls, take care, see you later. Hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 22 Aug 2015 23:19

Hi everyone,

Sorry not been on here for a short while, things haven't been too good here. Alun has had a prpblem with his back, not sure if he has pulled a muscle, he had an appointment with the doctor on Friday, about his medication, but he decided not to mention his back. He is still waiting for an appointment from the hospital, for the next test he has to have.

I haven't been too good over the last couple of weeks, so Tom (therapist) has referred me to secondary level services for mental health. It basically means more services/options become availble to me.

We all had a shock on Wednesday afternoon, Michael's mum rang him to tell him that his four and a half year old niece, Gracie, had been taken to Nottingham University Hospital, as she had fallen out of her bedroom window. She has two fractures of the skull and a small bleed on her brain, but she was concious. They put her into an induced coma for 72 hours, so we are all hoping and praying that she will be alright when they start to bring her out of if..

Mo, I thought about Lily trying to throw the cat out of the window. it doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened.

Hope Roly is isn't in as much pain now and that he is feeling a lot better.

Jean, lovely to know that you are home and hope that you are getting better a bit each day.Slowly but surely!
Sorry to hear that you will have to move from the home that you have lived in for many years.I'm sure that both you and J must feel upset about having to move, but it will be a lot easier and safer for you to live all on one floor.

Thank you for your pm, will answer you tomorrow.

Ann, Michael hasn't been able to find a job yet, just wish something will come along.
very soon.

Unfortunately, the company that he worked for, offered both him and his mate a job at their place in Uttoxeter, with the same wages, but because it would have mean't a 60 mile round trip everyday, as.they were only paid the minimum wage, they couldn't afford to take it. Michael has only got an old car and not very reliable either.

Sylvia. pleased to know that you are feeling a lot better now. Sending you and OH belated anniversary wishes.

Richard rang last week to tell us that he had had his eyes tested, and that the optician told him that he has a small cateract and that he also has cholesteral. So he has to make an appointment with their doctor about it. We all can't understand why he has cholesteral, because both him and Christie watch the kind of fats and food they eat, and also they both exercise and go running regularly.

It was a lovely bright and and sunny morning here, but this afternoon we have had a few thunderstorms and heavy rain, it is still very humid though.

Well, I will say goodnight to you all, will speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes. <3 <3 <3 <3


Huia Report 22 Aug 2015 22:58

Hello girls. Sorry I havent been on much, been so busy. Glad you are home again Jean. If you have my FB page you can always look at my photos. I had 3 days at Rotorua with my son and his wife. I took lots of photos on a couple of walks I did with her. Plus a few others. Unfortunately both the cameras I took were playing up a bit and one of the cards is refusing to put a couple of the photos on to my computer, even though I can see them when the card is in the camera, and a video I took of the paddle ship coming in to the wharf at Rotorua (Lake) has disappeared from the camera, even though we had viewed it afterwards. But I did still get some nice photos.


AnninGlos Report 22 Aug 2015 22:40

Jean yes you are right nighty nite!


JustJean Report 22 Aug 2015 22:32

No Ann, our diamond anniversary is the 3rd of march ,2016
Sallie and Aluns is the 28th, yours 27th august, am I right?

I will use my little machine to do some toppers, bit difficult as I have to keep my feet elevated, but will try tomorrow, I have two adult colouring books also always love drawing and colouring, but i have a Nintendo lite which i play scrabble on and other plenty to keep me occupied, both ankles quite sore, so i am fidgety

I am off to bed now so nite nite Love Jean xxx.


AnninGlos Report 22 Aug 2015 21:02

Mo is it Jean and J' anniversary as well. What day? I know it is Sallies on Friday. :-D