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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 27 Sep 2015 17:42

We keep slipping down to page 3.

I have put some photos on the photo blog.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Sep 2015 19:52

Oh looky looky Jean, our Sallie's back.
We have missed you Sallie, but guessed that some of the old black dog signs were back. Thank the lord you are now coping on your new meds. It takes time for them to start to work.
It's so nice to hear that you have visited Dolly's grave, and are coming to terms with things.
Great also that both your brothers were with you for support.
It's amazing looking at photo's, just how much we start to look like our maternal mothers. It frightens me a bit, when I think to myself, have I treated my children in the same way,as much as I tried not to, perhaps thats why my eldest daughter want's nothing to do with me still.
I am so pleased that Aluns results were good, thats another load of your mind love.
Whatever they found is obviously able to be controlled by medication...phew what a relief though.
Keep strong my love, in the knowledge we are here for you,should you need us.

Jean lovey,if truth be known, we are all hoarders, and should any one of us have or need to move,would be up to our elbows in things we really don't need.
And Roly is the worst one believe it or not. In knocking down our wooden shed, he discovered things he...ahem...lost a long time ago.
The amount of junk we took up the tip was unbelievable, thousand of screws, nuts and bolts, sleeves for elecrical jobs that he would no longer do after retiring.
You are in my thoughts sweetheart, try not to upset yourself to much, and don't worry if you are unable to do as much as you would like, being there with J is all he asks of you darlink.

I have been back to the doctor today, re my wrist, he has not changed his mind, it's not tendonitus, he now says it's my osteo arthritus affecting the joints in my wrist, so I have got Ibuprofen gel to use on it, it may help, but I am not totally convinced.

Well I will say night night girls, sending my best wishes to Ann, Sylvia, Marie, Huia, and obviously our beloved leader Jean, and her side kick Sallie. LOL


JustJean Report 22 Sep 2015 05:55

Hello everyone, still living the nightmare of moving,we cant move for boxes , bin bags, and its unbeliveable just how much we have accumalated over the years, we have had to be very ruthless in getting rid of stuff, now I have to get rid of more craft stuff E-Bosser and lots of other stuff, I wont have as much room as I thought, but may be a small area, at least D will still be here and we shall come back and take or get rid of remainding stuff.... my biggest upset is that I am unable to do much, and now tire very quickly....but hopefully that will improve....yesterday was a very emotional time and my eyes leaked all day :-( :-( :-( :-(

Sallie is so good to hear from you, and I feel sure once your meds are sorted you will be able to do all your crafting...great news about Alun, that must be a load off your minds...

Marie, nice to hear from you also, still a busy lady I see, the choir sounds as though it is really taking off you must be very proud and I am sure it is good for everyone concerend (sp) I used to sing many years ago and my mother had a lovely voice too....

love to Sylvia, and Huia,Ann and me mate Mo <3 <3 <3 <3

take care everyone, much love Jean xx <3 <3


Sallie Report 21 Sep 2015 20:49

Hello girls!

Sorry not been on for a while. Doctor changed my medication and slowly taking me off the others. I've been suffering side effects of dizziness and nausea so not been able to get on. I'm feeling much better now. Alun has been to have the camera to look at his heart today, the doctor said his heart is not as bad as they thought. He will write to our GP.

Jean, really pleased that you've got a place to go to! Thank you for your email letting me know your new address. It's a shame that you have got to leave your house but at least things will alot easier for you and J. Thanks for the last lot of cards, they are lovely as usual. I am trying to do Christmas cards but very slowly because of how I have been.

Mo, hope that Roly is feeling better now and that you are also okay. Just been reading your messages like you, Richard and Christie has the karcher window cleaner and they really like it. I would love one myself but I don't know if we will ever have one. Hope all the family are okay.

Ann, yes I just nipped on to wish Sue Maid a happy birthday. It will be nice when your new bathroom is done. I just hope it won't take too long so it is done before the winter sets in too much. Hope both you and T are okay.

Sylvia, how are things with you? Hope that you are both okay.

Marie, lovely to see you post! I'm pleased to hear that you are well. Still got the black dog but I am on some new medication now so let's hope that will help. Also I will be going to see another therapist next week.

Huia, sorry to hear that you hurt your leg and hope that it is healing now and won't have any problems with it. It sounds as though you are a very busy lady.

A week last Saturday we went down to South Wales, visited both my brothers John and Jeff. We met Jeff's family, it was wonderful. We went around where my birth mother (Dolly) was born and brought up. We went to the cemetery and put flowers on her grave. Jeff's two sons can't get over how much I look like Dolly. I must admit that when I look at the photos of her, especially as she got older that I do look like her. It feels so nice to know who I look like, after all the years of not knowing.

Will chat to you all again soon. Take care everyone.

Love, <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Sep 2015 20:03

Zack ........ how nice to see you :-)

It was definitely late October/November-ish over the weekend ................... chilly, lots of rain, and high winds :-(

It was actually a little worrying as most of the trees still have most of their leaves ............... and that is very dangerous in high winds.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Sep 2015 14:12

Hello there Marie, good to hear from you love.
Window cleaning is made easy for me, as we bought ourselves a Karcher window cleaner. It's marvelous, we just spray the panes with tepid water with a drop of washing up liquid in, and sweep the water off with the Karcher...and it's all done, lovely clean sparkling windows.
Our neighbour bought one, not long after we bought ours, and it's still in the box, unopened.
I gave her a quick phone call, and had her come round to us, so that she saw a demonstration on how to use it, bless her, she was afraid of how to use it, but it's so simple, well it must be if I can use it lol.
It doesn't seem possible that you have lived in your new place for two years now, goodness me where does the time go.
Well done on your excercise classes, and also on your singing group.

Ann, it's good that you have got a reliable builder, doing your bathroom. When our daughters was being done, the original plans went haywire, and the final descisions were down to us, with daughter being away on holiday.
The way she wanted it originally, went out the window, when the shower head height had been mis measured. The builder hadn't taken into account that the roof sloped where it was supposed to have been placed unbelievable really, as he is normally very good at his jobs.

I am expecting a visitor next month, a cousin from my fathers side of the family, is coming over from Australia, to visit us, and family members from her fathers side of the family,up north.
We have never met before, the same as two other cousins I have in OZ.
It was only when a distant family member passed away, that the probate office informed us all of each others being alive.
Can you imagine how wonderful it was to realise that my aunts family's were still around..
I can't wait to meet Tricia, and am so excited about it.
I am sad that the gentleman, who was a very distant family member passed away, but through him, I have discovered three close members of my family, and a pity that I knew nothing of his life.

Take care my friends, hugs to you all, Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 21 Sep 2015 12:34

Hi all, Mo, yes when we get the bathroom done it will be nice, it is quite a dark room so having white tiles should spruce it up. Still waiting for the estimate, but we know our man, he does take a while to do the estimate because he is a stickler for being precise. He is a good, clean worker though so worth it in the end.

Lovely to see you Zack, sorry you have had a cold winter, somehow I don't think we envisage Australia being cold at all so being on here educates us. Never mind you are going the right way, I love going from spring to summer and hate going from autumn to winter. It is very wet here today and quite cold, but the weekend weather was glorious, two sunny warm days in a row. God job T got the garden done while he could. today is an indoor day!

Jean, no doubt you and J are scurrying around doing things towards the move. Good luck with that.

Sylvia, I noticed a tree up the road starting to turn this morning so autumn is definitely here. I don't think it is worth visiting the arboretum yet though as the best time is end of October, beginning of November.

Sallie, I did see you pop on another thread over the weekend so you are around. Hope things are ok with you and yours. <3 <3


Zack Report 21 Sep 2015 11:01

Hello to you all, yes it is Marie ,it has been awhile
This winter has been bad very cold and we have had a very bad flu virus.

I have been well no cold or flu, but Barbara's daughters have both had a bad virus so I have been doing a lot of nursing ,taking them to the doctors and administering the medicines.
I have really felt the cold this year we have had severe frosts and also snow on several occasions.
I have been in this unit for almost 2 years now and I am still working on the front lawn and garden beds, it is heavy work and I can only do a little digging before it knocks the wind out of me.
I still go to the Gym to excercise classes and water aerobics I am a lot slower now, time is catching up with me.
I am still tutoring for U3A,and my singers have grown in number we sang in the Annual concert for " BATHURST SINGS ",we received a wonderful reception I was so proud of my ladies,our Xmas round of Carols starts early Dec.

Jean, I am so sorry to hear you have had to down size, I am sure once you are settled in your new home you will realize it was for the best I am now very happy where I am.I hope T is well.

Ann it will be so nice to have a new bathroom keep well. I hope your coming winter won't be as bad as ours has been, God bless you both.

Huia I hope by now your leg is much better, have you any plans for down sizing ?
Even though I have only been here for 2 years I have decided I have to have a big spring clean, I still have several boxes of photos in frames that I must do something about also lots of clothes that I haven't worn for years, also lots of family history that all needs filing and I keep putting off as I hate filing I am no good at it.
I seem to have lost my get up and go.

Hello Sally I hope you are well, has that black dog left your neighbourhood.I hope Alun is well.
Dear Mo, you sound busy ,I wish I had a window cleaner as mine need doing.feel free to pop over the pond I will have a step ladder bucket and clothes for you, oh and a lovely cup of tea as well, I hope Roly is well .

Hi Sylvia, I hope you have had a good Summer and that you are well also your husband.
It only seems like yesterday that your daughter was having her Baby now he is in Kindergarten.time moves so fast.

Love to you all <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
:-) Marie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Sep 2015 18:08

Oh my goodness, I have missed you all, sorry about that my friends.

Jean, wonderful news, re your move. It's bound to be a wrench leaving your present home my darlink, there are so many memories within your four walls..
Once you are in, and settled, please don't forget to give us all your new address.
The tinternet won't take long before it's installed knowing you my love.
Just you take good care of yourselves, and take it slowly with your cuppas.

Ooh Ann, a nice new bathroom, it sounds like a lot of work, but will be so worth it in the end.
Maybe you and T, should have a wee break away whilst it's being done.
When our daughters bathroom was done, not so long ago, she had it changed round completely.
The bath has been removed, and a lovely big walk in shower installed replaced it.
I am very envious of her, it looks absolutely beautiful.
It took the men about a week to complete it, and the place was in complete turmoil whilst it was being done, so our daughter went abroad and left it up to Roly and myself to oversee the job.

Sylvia, your fall in Canada, is it the equivalent to our Autumn, when the leaves fall from the tree's, and change from glorious green, to brown and bronzes, wonderful colours.
I know Ann, is very fond, like myself of visiting arbouretums. Our local one is glorious this time of year.
How is the weather over there? We have had such heavy rain, and high winds for days, but today it has been beautiful, the sun has been shining, and our poor garden is looking so neglected, with so many weeds that took advantage of the downpours.
This week, I must get it ready for winter.

I have taken advantage of todays weather. All the windows have been cleaned, the nets all washed and put back.
The bedrooms, bathroom, and all downstairs are gleaming, what a good girl I have been.
Mind you, I am well and truly cream crackered now.
Roly is doing well with his knee, thank you for asking girls. He still gets pain occasionally, but he is learning to grin and bear it.
During the week, he dismantled our wooden shed, and a friend took it up to his field, and burnt it for us.
We had lodgers in there, a friendly hedgehog, and rats....oooh yuk. The little blighters had eaten through the base, and sides of the shed, and made themselves at longer thank you very much.
Roly had quite a lot of things he had put away, for future will all know that feeling, it never got used,and is now up at the local rubbish tip.
Lilly is enjoying school at the moment, but how long that will last, I really don't know.
At least she has not been suspended yet lol.
Tomorrow, I am going to my daughters house, as she is holding a baby shower for our great grandaughter, who is due in November.
My goodness, we never had anything like that when I was pregnant all those years ago.
We have bought a really lovely cosey toes for the pram, I just hope she likes it.

Now where has our Sallie got to, come back Sallie we miss you love.

Marie, I hope you are well, and settled into your new home.

Well thats enough of my waffling, so I will say cheerio for now, take care of yourselves.
Love and hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 18 Sep 2015 21:28

Well don't forget to let me have your new address before you do a flit. :-) <3


JustJean Report 18 Sep 2015 19:44

We saw our new home today, and its lovely, now we need to move in as soon as posssible , we have the keys and need to get some new furniture,we will probably move in in two weeks time....the staff are very nice and helpful, and all the care package is sorted too...I will have some room to do some crafting , but may have to get rid of some stuff...only problem at the moment there is no internet, so until we can sort it out I wont be on line..... :-( :-( :-( I am so tired and emotional so shall have a early night....

Love Jean xxx <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Sep 2015 19:31

Hi everyone

Jean ...... I'm so glad that you now know where you are going. Is it far from where you are now?

Ann's idea of a walker with a tray attachment is a good one.

Hope everyone is coping OK

Fall is here ....... I do actually like Fall :-)


AnninGlos Report 18 Sep 2015 08:01

Jean, lovely to have a new place to look forward to. Good job you got rid of a lot of your clutter a while back wasn't it? Less to do now. I hope you will manage to squeeze in an area for crafting.

For moving around why don't you have one of those walkers with a sort of tray on top to put things on? Ask one of your carers or somebody I am sure there is something, much safer when carrying hot tea.

Mo Hope Roly's knee is getting better and that youa re OK, not seen you on here the last few days. How has Lily settled at school?

Huia, hope the antibiotics work for you and that the side effects clear up.

COME IN SALLIE :-) :-) :-) Hope you are OK.

We are waiting for an estimate for having our bathroom done, new tiles, bathroom suite, power shower etc. spending the kids inheritance.

:-) :-) :-) :-) <3 <3 :-D


JustJean Report 18 Sep 2015 06:25

We are on the move :-( :-( its a big wrench leaving our home after 25 years, but since my accident life has changed, so J and I are going into an apartment in a new build complex, we have seen them and its lovely and no more stairs :-D :-D :-D
bit daunting sorting out what we can take and what we will need extra... still it will be easier for everyone, and I will get some care when needed....

Huia I hope the antibiotics will do the trick for your leg , I like your phrase about "looseness"I know what you mean ;-) ;-)

Mo how are you and Roly doing hope you can get back to darting about, and that Roly is managing with the new knee...take extra care...

I am going to have a go at making a cuppa, dont know if I can carry it but one can only try....carefully ;-) ;-)

love to Sylvia and Marie and other friends Jean xxx <3 <3 <3


Huia Report 13 Sep 2015 21:22

Hello there girls.

I have had a busy week, scanning negatives when I have been at home. I have found some which I consider treasures. There is one of the Pukekohe Girl Guides and Brownies marching down the main street in 1953, possibly something to do with Coronation celebrations, but my main excitement is the shops shown behind them. I know the Historical Society will be interested in them.

I will be going out this morning as I am working in the shop this afternoon and I mustnt be late as my co-worker has a medical appointment and might be late. I hope she wont be too late as I am on strong antibiotics for my leg infection and it is causing me a 'bit of looseness'. Time I went again. See you again some time.



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Sep 2015 21:00

Hi everyone

we're all well over here, just haven't done anyhting exciting enough to talk about!

Our grandson started school last Thursday in Primary Class which is All Day Kindergarten. He will spend part of the time in the classroom and part of it with an assistance coach to work on his behaviour and concentration problems

He was really looking forward to starting Big School, and apparently rally enjoyed the first 2 days. Long may it last :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Sep 2015 20:39

Hello girls,
Jean, I have not had the dreaded jab just yet, I am trying to tolerate the ice pack treatment, cooo it's so cold when it's applied, and makes the joint ache even more.
I am supposed to continue with it for two more weeks, but I shall wait and see how it goes.
Roly has been very good, in not taking any medications for his knee, but, for the last two days it's been playing him up again, we are not sure if it's because the weather has turned colder, and he is still wearing his shorts,as he cant stand the feeling of long trousers on his wound,but he wont be able to wear shorts all through the winter, especially if we do get snow...cor that would be too chilly willy.
Hopefully the powers that be, will sort out your accommodation soon love, it's not nice being in limbo.

It's amazing how quickly little ones change isn't it Ann. They go from being tiny babies, into chatter boxes overnight.
We can't believe our Lilly starts school tomorrow, it only seems like yesterday that she was born.
At least you and T had a nice break away, even though the flamin weather was against you, a bit of sun makes all the difference doesn't it.
We are going to Clacton mid October, and are hoping we get an Indian summer, but knowing our luck it will be blowing a gale, and pouring it down with rain.

I do hope our Sallie is o.k, it's been an age since we have heard from her.

Bye for now, take care, hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 7 Sep 2015 08:33

We got home yesterday Jean, I was reading on here last week but not adding a lot as the download time where we stay is so very slow it isn't worth it for the frustration. We had a lovely break although the weather could have been better. We did have two lovely sunny days though and every time we travelled, (home to Dorset, Dorset to Hampshire and Hampshire to home) the weather was glorious.

We visited the Swannery at Abbotsbury while in Dorset. The Cygnets are quite big now but all still mainly in their family groups. We saw, besides the swans, Coots, Geese, ducks, pheasant and Cormorants and one white small egret. We also went to the Abbotsbury Tropical gardens which were as lovely as ever.

We saw Luke yesterday, we last saw him in May, I didn't think he was a lot taller but he was slimmer and stronger where he is walking and running all the time. Not sure what moves fastest, his legs or his tongue. Can't understand all he says but he jabbers away and I could catch qhite a few words. He is a real charmer and very good, very well behaved for a 2 year old. :-)

Glad you managed to get into the craft room to make cards Jean, that will make you feel a bit better. (I made 8 while in Dorset). It must be frustrating waiting to hear where you are going, and having to sleep in the lounge as well. Hopefully you will hear soon and can get settled.

Mo, hope Roly didn't suffer any ill effects without his tablets.

Sallie was last on on the 28th, hope all is ok Sallie.

Huia I hope that your leg is improving.


JustJean Report 7 Sep 2015 08:03

Where is everyone, :-S :-S Mo I hope Roly was able to sort out the tabs and also how did you get on with the dreaded jab...
has any one heard from Sallie ,Its quite a while since we heard from her, also Ann, Sylvia,Marie, Huia, and all our other friends who sometimes come on here.... I miss you all :-( :-( :-(

My situation hasnt changed much still waiting for news were we are going to live, we feel as though we are in limbo.. I still have carers each day , and although I try to walk each day find it hard . better news though I managed to get into the craft room and made several christmas cards, pics taken so will send them out asp...

so I hope someone will see this , and add something...

Love to everyone Jean xxx <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Aug 2015 16:25

Hello my darlinks,
Oh what a miserable weekend it's turned out to be, I pity those who are still working and look forwards to the bank holidays.
We popped up to town this morning, and believe it or not, someone was complaining because the bank was not open LOL, how stupid is that.

Roly has done a stupid thing, he renewed his repeat prescription early last week, but forgot to put his diabetic tablets on the script, so he has not had any tablets since friday night, oh what a silly billy he is. First thing in the morning we shall pop into the doctors and try and get a repeat script for him, failing that, we shal speak to the pharmacist and ask him to lend Roly some till his script is ready.

Enjoy your time in Dorset Ann, I hope your weather is holding for you.

Huia, you made me chuckle, imagining you driving with your foot on the dash board.
It does sound as Jean said, that you have cellulitus, please keep a sharp eye on your leg love, as it can turn so quickly, as our friend Enids did.

Jean my lickle love, at the moment I am having trouble hitting the dart board, let alone needing my glasses. I have got Tendonitus, and have to apply ice packs four hourly, if it's not cleared in four weeks, I have to have a steroid injection...yuk not looking forwards to that.
It's good to know your health is progressing my darlink, but just take it easy, and tell J not to keep chasing you down the garden path.

I hope our Sallie, Sylvia and Marie are all well, sending you all my best wishes if you should look in.

Time to start some dinner, so I will say tatty bye for now. Love Mo xxx