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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 6 Oct 2015 22:46

Hi girl's

Jean, hope all goes well for your move tomorrow. Will be thinking about you both.

Thank you all for your lovely messages and support over the last few weeks, it's good to know I have so many lovelyand caring friends on GR,

I hope that you and your families are all okay.

This is the first time I have managed to write a message on GR for a few weeks, but still not finding it easy.

My cousin had a hysterectomy last Friday, she has been improving each day, but she has been in quite a bit of pain today. so hope that she will feel better tomorrow.

I will say goodnight to you all now. Take care everyone.

Love and best wishes. <3 <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 6 Oct 2015 21:15

OK Jean, take care, hope all goes well with the move.


AnninGlos Report 6 Oct 2015 21:14

OK Jean, take care, hope all goes well with the move.


JustJean Report 6 Oct 2015 20:17

Time to say goodbye, until the 19th Oct, I we move tomorrow and wont have internet or phone until the 19th, maybe a good thing it will take us longer than that to unpack all the stuff... so be good all of you, ;-) ;-) ;-)

Sallie, sending love and prayers , we will be thinking of you and Alun and the family...

to everyone else keep safe and I WILL BE BACK ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

missing you already.. Mo, keep em in order,

Love and hugs Jean xxx

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Oct 2015 18:20

Hi there one and all.
Many thanks Jennie, for keeping us updated on mum. Tell her NOT to give up on the card making, she is soooo good at it, and I expect my usual christmas card from her and Alun.
Once Sallie is on the road to recovery, her desire to start again will be back, as it's been so good for her, taking her mind off of her problems.
Give her all our love, and when she is ready, we will be waiting to hear from her on here.

Have a wonderful time Sylvia, and NO we wont behave ourselves, we are the age where we can get away with it. LOL
Speak to you when you get back love.

Well girls, the weekend is here again, good grief why does the time go so quickly when you reach a certain age....being twenty one and over the age of consent, I dont have the time to really be naughty.
We have attended two funerals this week, good lord it really hits home when the people who we have known years pass on.
The second funeral had over three hundred people attend. They had to open the front and side doors, for people to be able to join in celebrating Rons life, oh such a lovely man gone but he certainly wont be forgotten.

Thanks for the p.m Ann,will do as you asked.

Well it's time for a cuppa, so I will say cheerio for now, but I shall make an extra cup for our Sallie, as she lurves her tea, the same as moi.
Byeeee love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 2 Oct 2015 16:47

Thanks Jennie. Tell Sallie, she WILL be back and she WILL want to make cards again. Pack it away for a while but don't get rid of it. Please tell her she makes such lovely cards we can't afford to lose her skills. And they will come back when she feels better.


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Oct 2015 04:11

Jennie ....................

Thank you very much for keeping us updated about your Mum.

Please give her my love and best wishes xxxx

The trip has crept up on us very quickly!!!

I think we'll be ready on time though :-D

Behave yourselves while I'm away .................... expect me about the 14/15th


Sallie Report 1 Oct 2015 21:38


Thank you all for your lovely messages and support, it means a lot to my mum. Writing this for her, as she is struggling to concentrate to type out a message.

Jean, hope you and J are managing to cope okay moving your stuff around. Also hope that the water tablets you had off the doctor are starting to work and your legs are not as swollen as they were. Mum's thinking about you both, good luck for the rest of the move. Mo, hope both you and Roly are okay. My mum's hoping it won't be too long before she is back on the threads again to "talk" to you all soon. Ann, hope all is well with you and T. Mum has been talking of getting rid of her card making stuff as she cannot concentrate on it. Both Dad and I have told her to keep it until she is feeling better.

Hope all is well with all your families.
Mum sends her love and best wishes to you all. Just take care everyone.



AnninGlos Report 30 Sep 2015 21:14

Jean does it all have to be done by the time you move. I mean, if D is staying in the house surely some of the stuff can be got rid of after you move out? That way you won't put so much pressure on yourselves.


JustJean Report 30 Sep 2015 18:54

I wish I could take it easy Mo, its a nightmare here, just too much to sort out we have taken appr 8 black bags full to the charity shop, and have boxes full in every room ,to top it all we had fridgefreezer and washer delivered to the new place it was the wrong washer,so J had to go and sort that out , I have packed too much craft stuff, I dont think it will all fit in...really should get rid of the E-Bosser cutting machine, just wont have room, but I cant do much , poor J is very tired too, I had to go to the docs yesterday, I have now got fluid in both legs, the right one is like a balloon so now I have water tabs, good job we have a downstairs loo...I am fed up to say the least...
could be worse I suppose although it doesnt feel like it.... Moan over......

Hope our lovely Sallie is responding to her treatment and feeling much better,Poor love she has had fight with the black dog, for quite a while but I am sure she will win.. hang on there Sallie we are all thinking of you and look forward to hear from you soon, take extra care lovely lady...

Much love to you and those you love....Jean xxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Sep 2015 17:34

I hope the move is shaping up well Jean, providing you are not lost amongst the boxes, and all the packing,I hope you are taking it easy my love.

Sending love and hugs for our Sallie. <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 30 Sep 2015 15:05

Thank you Jean, glad you enjoyed looking at them.


JustJean Report 30 Sep 2015 13:36

Lovely pics Ann, I have left a comment...

love Jean xx

Sending love and prayers to our Sallie, <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 29 Sep 2015 20:06

Thanks Ann, I will have a look tomorrow..

Love Jeanxx <3


AnninGlos Report 29 Sep 2015 17:43

Jean I am not sure if you have seen that there are photos on the photo blog that you may not have seen.

Sending ((((((hugs)))))) to Sallie <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 29 Sep 2015 16:46

quick nudge up for Sallie, hope you are feeling much better ,

Love and hugs, Jean xxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Sep 2015 17:53

I will reiterate what our friends have said Jennie, many many thanks for letting us know about mum, please give her our love, and a great big (((((((((((HUG)))))))))
We will be here waiting for her return to the fold, whenever she is ready.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 28 Sep 2015 05:37

Thank you Jennie for letting us know about our Sallie,we will be thinking of her and also you and the family, please tell her how much we miss her and hope to hear from her soon, <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Love Jean xxx <3


SylviaInCanada Report 27 Sep 2015 21:28

Jennie ............

Thank you very much for letting us know.

Please give Sallie our love and best wishes. xxx


Sallie Report 27 Sep 2015 20:28


This is Sallie's daughter, just to let you know she has not been good at all over the lst few days. She wanted to ask if you are all okay, but can't get her head around the wording so has asked me to do it.

She sends her love to you all and to tell you all to take care.
