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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 19 Oct 2015 14:19

Hi everyone I Am BACK trying to catch up all the reading, hello to Baker Gill nice to meet you , hope we can chat some more, well my lovely friends it has been and still is a very traumatic time for J and myself, still unpacking all the boxes, but I sadly get very tired and am unable to stand any length of time, still hoping that will improve... Sallie so pleased to hear from you its made my day, hope the family are ok and that you are improving daily....
I will read some more of the thread later , time for a nap methinks,

take care one and all love and hugs Jean xx <3 <3 <3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Oct 2015 18:08

Hello everyone, just to let you know I won't be posting for a few days, but should be able to post by Friday.
Hugs to all, Mo xxx


Gillx Report 17 Oct 2015 17:06

Sounds like the party was a great success Mo, you certainly had a long day didn't you? How nice for her friend from France to be there, I bet your daughter was thrilled.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Oct 2015 16:45

Hello my darlinks, how are we all today.
Just a quick message from one worn out ol gel.
Yesterday was a great success, re our daugthers surprise party. We thought our daughter was going to pass out with the shock of it all.
But family, friends, and work colleagues all turned up for her, even her old friend who has lived in France for 15 years came over just to celebrate with her.
It was a long tiring day, but oh so worth it.
I started cooking at 7 a.m, and we left the party at midnight last night, oh boy today we have just chilled out doing as little as possible.
I must say bye for now, got to do some dinner for peace for the wicked.


Gillx Report 16 Oct 2015 12:18

Bit of a bad start to your trip Sylvia, glad it all came good in the end though.

Hope the party goes well today Mo for your daughter's birthday, she will be surprised won't she? You're going to have a busy time before hand, sorting out the food.

It sounds like you've had a good time with your Australian relatives. They do get around a lot don't they?

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Oct 2015 18:56

Hi there Sylvia, good to have you back.
What a shame about the hold up though, but it didn't spoil the total time away did it, thank the lord.
Oooh, watching the geese fly over must have been awesome. I am not sure when the birds here fly south for the winter,I just hope they hurry up, as I am fed up of putting the washing out, just for them to use it as a toilet, and wipe their little botties on it, yuk dirty bird.
Seeing the birds roosting up on the roofs and t.v ariels, is fine thats something I love to do, it's just the mess on the washing I don't like.

We have been travelling around different churches today, showing my cousin the churches that our forebears were married in.
One in particular was very very helpful, she showed Tricia the marriage certificate, on the computer, even though we already had the certs ourselves. One church is over seven hundred years old.
It was so funny at one venue, we were searching round for an entrance, when suddenly a door opened, and we were admitted, only to find it was ladies day, and they were practising christmas carols, so we had disturbed them, only to find we could not find an exit after photo's were taken, and tombs looked at, so we had to disturb them again, I don't think we were very popular by the end of out visit.
My cousin is a little gadabout, she is off to Poland tomorrow, then onto Germany arriving home at the end of the month.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us, we have our daughters 50th birthday party to cater for, she thinks we are going out for a meal, oh boy I think I shall be full from the smells of the cooking, I just hope our daughter has a heavy lunch or she will be starving when she arrives at the surprise do

Bye for now girls, and just a quick ((((((((((HUGS for our Sallie))))))))))))).


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Oct 2015 04:48

Hi Mo, and everyone

Lovely to see you posting, Saliie. I hope you continue to improve little by little xxxx

we're back from our train trip.

It was great fun ................ apart from the 10 hour delay getting into Toronto on the first leg, which led to us having to be put on a bus to Montreal. Normally the train company would have put us up in Toronto and re-scheduled us onto a Montreal train the next day, but there were no hotel rooms available ........... a Madonna concert, a big ice hockey game, and another big sporting event.

It took 6 hours to get to Montreal, we walked in to the lobby of the Fairmont hotel at 4:15 AM. Naturally they had let our room for that night go, but they managed to find another one for us. We fell into bed at 4:30 am, slept for 4 hours, then got up and had breakfast, and continued with our day!

Still, we managed to do everything that we wanted to do. And we saw the autumnal colours on the Prairies and in northern Ontario ............. along with huge skeins of geese flying south. There must have been 200 or more in those skeins.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Oct 2015 20:38

Coooee my lovelies, welcome to Just Jeans thread Gill, you will probably notice that some of us already post on the friendlies thread LOL it's a small world.

Just had a wonderful day with my cousin Trisha, who is over from OZ, visiting us rellies who she has never met.
My jaw is aching, from so much chatting. My goodness she is such a great lady, and does not look her age at all.
She had so much news about our family, who were evacuated from Hong Kong, when it was invaded by the Japanese.
They were supposed to stay in Australia for six weeks, but it ended up as a lot longer.
And of how my grandfather, and her father were interned in a prison of war camp for many years, by the Japanese.
Enough enough,thats it for tonight girls, I am shattered, and I have another day to look forwards tomorrow, before Trihsa flies of to Poland for a week on Friday. Oh boy she is a real live wire.
Night Night my friends, hugs Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Oct 2015 20:38

Coooee my lovelies, welcome to Just Jeans thread Gill, you will probably notice that some of us already post on the friendlies thread LOL it's a small world.

Just had a wonderful day with my cousin Trisha, who is over from OZ, visiting us rellies who she has never met.
My jaw is aching, from so much chatting. My goodness she is such a great lady, and does not look her age at all.
She had so much news about our family, who were evacuated from Hong Kong, when it was invaded by the Japanese.
They were supposed to stay in Australia for six weeks, but it ended up as a lot longer.
And of how my grandfather, and her father were interned in a prison of war camp for many years, by the Japanese.
Enough enough,thats it for tonight girls, I am shattered, and I have another day to look forwards tomorrow, before Trihsa flies of to Poland for a week on Friday. Oh boy she is a real live wire.
Night Night my friends, hugs Mo xxx


Gillx Report 14 Oct 2015 11:57

I don't think we have met in person Ann but our paths may have crossed at some point here on Genes. I've been a member for over 10 years and have contacted so many people that it's possible I may of made contact with you. I've noticed that one of the surnames you are researching is matching one of mine, so you never know.

How wonderful Huia, I can imagine you jumping around with excitement, I was exactly the same a few years ago when I finally found some information for one of my OH's relatives in New Zealand, so I know how you feel. He was born in the UK so I was very lucky to have found him, I would of never thought of looking in New Zealand for him and only came across him travelling there by chance.
I'm so pleased for you, do you know who the people in the photo are now?

Happy birthday to Mo's daughter, hope she has a wonderful 50th

I'm off to wrap up my Mother-in-laws birthday present now, we are giving it to her tomorrow as OH has to work on her birthday. We don't live by each other so visiting can be a bit of a problem with the long hours my OH works.
See you all later Gill


AnninGlos Report 14 Oct 2015 09:21

That is great Huia to be able to see the whole group.


Huia Report 14 Oct 2015 09:03

For some years now, I have had a small photo, the only one, of one of my great grandfathers. It was obviously taken from a group photo as a male figure is seen behind one shoulder (head not showing) and a young girl behind his other shoulder, but only a bit of her face. I have long wished I could see the original photo.

Early this evening I received an email from a distant relative in America and she attached a photo. YES! It was the original group. I was jumping up and down and yelling, and busting to tell someone, so phoned my son. I have now put both photos on my facebook page. I just hope I can get to sleep tonight as I am waking early to go to my sisters diamond wedding anniversary. Ooooh, I am so excited. :-D but what I really need is an emoticon jumping up and down.


AnninGlos Report 13 Oct 2015 22:49

Mo I will have to remember that you only like cards with verses. My handmade cards are usually blank as not everyone likes verses. I actually prefer cards that people write their own sentiments.
Hello Bakergill, have we met?


Gillx Report 13 Oct 2015 20:05

What a good idea Huia, I'd of never thought of that, the card must look so pretty and unique. I'm sure your sister and her husband are going to love it

If cards don't have verses in them, I look online and print one off to stick inside the card, that way I can choose a really nice one. The problem I have with buying cards is that you can't seem to find one with a nice picture and verse, I find that if there's a nice picture the verse isn't very good or the other way around, so buying a blank card with a nice picture and choosing my own verse sorts the problem out.

How did the visit with your relatives from Australia go Mo? I know how excited you were about it :-) :-) Hope it went well.
Happy 50th birthday to your daughter for tomorrow, hope she has a lovely day. Did you manage to get all the food in your freezer for her party on Friday? Sounds like you're going to be busy cooking it all, your granddaughter will be so pleased with all your help.


Gillx Report 13 Oct 2015 15:02

Hi Mo

I've finally found this thread, it took me a while, but I got there in the end. I've posted on the other thread too. Is it still ok to join in this thread as well?

Must go and dry my hair, I'll pop back later if that's ok?

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Oct 2015 13:23

Well done Huia, I wish I had your ingenuity. It's surprising how many cards do not come with verses inside them these days.
I only like cards with words that have words inside them.
Have fun with your sister and husband.
Speak to you soon love, hugs Mo xxx


Huia Report 13 Oct 2015 06:50

I am still in the land of the living, Mo.

On Thursday (day after tomorrow for me) I will be going over to North Shore to help my sister and her OH celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary. I bought a blank card (pretty picture on the front, but no writing inside or out) and I bought a 'diamond' necklace from a $2 shop. I then formed the number 60 using bits of the necklace. Looks quite nice. Not as hard to do as I thought it might be. That sort of thing could also be done for other wedding anniversaries, or birthdays. Not that I am planning to make any more.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Oct 2015 19:27

Now come on you lot, where are you hiding.
I know a couple of you are on holiday,our Jean is on the move,so it looks like it's just lickle old me keeping our thread going.
Sallie my love, I hope you are still on the mend, pop in when you feel like it darlink.

Huia and Marie, hows things over there in O.Z and N.Z. I hope you are both well.

Take care everyone, hugs to you all, Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Oct 2015 20:41

Oh Sallie. it's so lovely to hear from you. Take each day at a time my love.
If you don't feel up to posting for a couple of days, do not fret about it, we are always here for you.
Stay strong my lovely.
I do hope your cousin if feeling better now, it's quite a big operation she has had, and will be in lots of pain at the moment, but it will get easier for her given time.

We are both plodding along nicely, poor old Roly is suffering with his rheumatism in this wet weather.
He was under the impression that having his knee replaced, it would get rid of the rheumatics, silly billy, it's in all the bones, not just his knees LOL

We had a hectic couple of hours this afternoon, Lilly and Ava descended on us, after school.
Cor blimey, she is still like a little tornado, we thought that being at school would calm her down a bit, but no such luck.
She does look so grown up in her school uniform. Her mummy puts her in gymslips, as in skirts and trousers she looks a proper little dumpling, bless her, she is just lovely all the same.

Well my friends, I will say cheerio for now, take care one and all. Hugs Mo xxx
Special (((((((((((HUGS FOR SALLIE )))))))))))
And good luck to our Jean and J on their move.


Huia Report 7 Oct 2015 05:55

How lovely to see you again Sally. I hope you are improving all the time.