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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 25 Oct 2015 21:20

We went to Butlins Minehead two or three times in the 60s/70s and had a good time, no problems at all Mo, sounds like you were unlucky.

Sylvia nice to have warm weather but sounds like you need some of our rain.


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Oct 2015 20:03

Hi everyone

We are having quite lovely weather, sunny and around 10/11C. Most days, I can go out in the afternoon without a jacket on ..... well, I do only walk form the car to the coffee shop :-)

The only snag is that we have had very much less rain in both September and October than the normal average ............. so we could be in dire straits once again.

Sallie ............. lovely to see you back posting, take it easy. xxxxx

Jean ...... I'm glad to hear that you are hoping to get out for a walk. It sounds as if your new place is very well situated for access to things such as the library and the park.

Mo .............. Minehead was another place where I worked in a hotel during the summer vac :-)

I was supposed to go to a hotel in Blue Anchor Bay, which is quite near (I found that job in an ad the The Lady magazine :-D ), but a week before I left home I got a letter asking me to go to "my friend" in Minehead "who is desperate for summer help".

It was another experience of a lifetime!!!

I had several university friends who worked at various Butlins in the summers .......... a couple of them ended up with permanently damaged wrists from having to carry full trays in the dining room.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Oct 2015 14:27

Ann, we went to Butlins at Minehead years ago, and got flooded out. This was before they did the refurbishment down there.
Roly complained, along with a lot of other families, who were also flooded, and we got our money back.
It was horrendous, not only was water flooding in under the doors, it was backing up in the toilet and bath and sink, causing a danger to health, and good grief the stink was awful.
We vowed never to go there again.The way things are going, there are not a lot of caravean sites left for us to visit. LOL
Isn't it a nightmare when discovering a leak, and then having to find where it's originating from. I hope you've managed to sort it now.

Ah Jean, if I had known you was awake at that early hour, I could have rung you, and we could have had a chat.
Guess who forgot to turn the clocks back last night...yep we did.
When I woke up this morning, I wasn't sure if Roly had done them after I had gone to bed last night.
So I turned my phone on, and sure enough he hadn't.
I had txt the family to remind them about the change, and even reminded Roly, but no, he had changed the one in his bedroom, but not the downstairs ones. Silly billy, I should have stayed up and watched him as I usually do, but I was tired and needed my bed.

I have started a rotten cold today, and am feeling yuk, but hey ho thats life.

Take care all. Sending special <3 <3 <3 to our Sallie.


JustJean Report 25 Oct 2015 06:56

Morning all so pleased to see Sallie is on here , well done petal, each day you are winning the battle and will improve more and more each day.

I stilll havent sorted the craft stuff, but will have another go later today. I want to have a little walk in the park, its two mins from our place, we can see all the trees from our window, the leaves are slowly dropping and we can see more of the park area, the library is very close so I hope to go there even though I have my Kindle I do like a book to read J has already been .I had a bad night and woke at 2,and never got back to sleep, so finally got up around 4ish, I will probably go back to bed after the carer has been, we go to the new doctors on Wensday, so I will have a word about it all...

hoping everyone else is fine and dandy, take care you lovely folk.

Love Jean xxx <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 24 Oct 2015 15:13

Not only raining her Mo it is very cold as well. We just popped out to the small Tesco round the corner for a few bits and have been indoors the rest of the day. A bit chaotic though as we had a small leak under the sink and just couldn't find out where it was coming from, T pulled the washing machine out (so that is a lot cleaner behind it now) and we ran it on a short wash. It wasn't that, then I just managed to spot a tiny drip from a join in a piper, so hopefully that is fixed now. All the cleaning stuff had to be pulled ou though so that is waiting to be put back when we are sure it is fixed. Hence no cards have so far been made today.

Sallie, it is so lovely to see you on here chatting as normal, we do miss your lively posts when you are not on here. I am sure the more you do the sooner your concentration will return, especially if you don't worry about it. <3 <3

Jean I bet it felt great to have your hair done again and you will look forward to the perm. Naughty man Jeff, didn't you ask him about the box yesterday? Sounds like he had a senior moment and forgot he'd done it! You can sleep tonight now.

Mo, glad you liked the cards and had a good birthday. I suspect that Butlins Clacton has shut. No loss really. I think the Minehead one is still open though. :-)

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Oct 2015 14:54

Oh what a lovely surprise to hear from our dear friend Sallie.
Sallie, miracles don't happen over night darlin girl, slowly slowly you will begin to face the black dog in the eyes, and shoo it away for good.
You know we are here for you my love, and back you 100%, if you want a chat you can message any one of us to scream and shout as much as you want, and we will understand.

Thank you all for my lovely cards, you clever clever girls, and yes I know I always say that, but you are.

Oh what a miserable day it's been so far, it's raining at the moment, thank goodness we managed to get the shopping in before it chucked it down.

I shall say cheerio for now girls, take care, hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 23 Oct 2015 23:38

Hello to all my lovely friends and thank you for all your caring thoughts and concern for me over the last four weeks.

I am still waiting for a psychologist's appointment to come through, it seems to be taking forever..... it won't be too many weeks before I will have to see the psychiatrist again.
Although I am not feeling much better at all, but with the new antidepressants I am now managing to get five hours undisturbed sleep each night,so I am not so tired as I was

I have been able to make a few cards, but am very slow making them, as I can only concentrate .for a small space of time.

Mo, wishing you a belated happy birthday for yesterday. Glad to know that you enjoyed your meal out last night to celebrate. Sorry that your holiday was disappointing and had to go home earlier than you expected to.

Jean, did you manage to get your hair done today? Hope you did, as it helps to make you feel better when your hair looks and feels tidier.

Hope that you will manage to find the missing box with all the 'bits and bobs' in.

Just seen that you have solved the mystery of the missing box. lol!!

Ann, hope that both you and T had a lovely holiday in Lanzarote. Sorry to hear about the problems with your flight home though.

Sylvia, sounds as though you and OH had a wonderful holiday, I feel quite envious, both Alun and I would love to have a holiday like that.
It's good to hear that you will have a new government in November, and hope that he will keep to his election promises.

Hello and welcome to bakerGill, hope we will see you on here again soon. It's always nice to have new members join our thread,

Huia and Marie hope that you and your families are all okay.

Well ladies,I have taken about three hours to type this out, I hope that once I start to get to feel better, I hope that my concentration will improve once again.

Take care everyone.

Love and best wishes Sallie. xxx


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Oct 2015 18:13

Oh my goodness Jean, he who must be obeyed, needs his botty smacked. Fancy not telling you he had unpacked it himself, I can see that I shall have to come up and have words with him.
I bet you feel a lot better having had your hair done love, and next time you get your perm done, you will charge us double to talk to you lol.
Lucky girl having J preparing your meals, is he available to hire, if so can I book him for sunday weeks sunday dinner please.

Sylvia, thank goodness the country will be in safe hands for the time being. It's like here, our polititions make big promises, and never seem to be able to carry them out.
Clacton sounds lovely from years back, but believe me, it's not a patch on how it used to be.
When I was a child, my aunt used to take me there, and also Walton on Naze for holidays, and my childhood memories are good ones, but then I am looking through a childs eyes from years ago.

Ann, we didn't see a Butlins at Clacton, we were on a Park caravan site, if we had had a choice we would have opted for Butlins or even Pontins, knowing what we know now, never ever again will we go down that route.
How's T's golf going, is he still playing now that the weather has changed so much.

Sending our Sallie my love and hugs, we are thinking of you darling. <3 <3 <3

Have a lovely weekend girls, hugs to all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 23 Oct 2015 17:51

Managed to get my hair done, and booked a perm for next time, after a bad night I kept waking up thinking about the missing box only to find out he-who- shall- be -nameless told me he had unpacked it and put the contents in a wardrobe drawer until we managed to unwrap them all :-| :-| :-| which I did when he went shopping, just have to decide what is going were so I can craft .. :-D :-D :-D
Tea is ready sheperds pie and sprouts for me J is having carrots with his, folllowed by rice pudding +cheese and biscuits.great chef .....

back later love Jeanxx <3


AnninGlos Report 23 Oct 2015 15:44

Hi All

Mo, many years ago when the children were young we went to Butlins at Clacton and thought clacton was a dump even then. Sorry you had a disappointing break though but pleased you had a good meal out.

Jean, obviously the 'box pixie' has made off with your box. I assume you have checked with D that it is now left at the house? Hope you manage the hair appointment ok.

Sylvia I hope all the new man's promises come to fruition.

Sallie, hope you are feeling better. <3


JustJean Report 23 Oct 2015 06:41

Morning all, Mo it sounds a terrible place, but the meal out was better for you, we had decided to not go away as often before my tumble, now its like being on a holiday here, J is coming round to calling it home, he is doing a stirling job of looking after me doing very well with the cooking, what a gem he is... I finally emptied the last of the boxes, only to find we have a box missing, I had labelled it "bits and bobs" nowhere to be seen , it was done right at the last minute before we left, gooodness knows where it is, we will get onto the removal firm and also ask here if there is any sign of it....
I am hoping to get my hair done at my usual hairdressers this afternoon , and hoping I can manage , just a blow wave if I do ok I will have a perm, the crarers wash my hair now I am still waiting to have a chair and hand rail for the shower, so having to make do with a strip wash everyday, luckily Sally my helper is great and will do all that I cant manage at present.......

I was wondering if our Sallie is ok, I think she will do what she can when she can, I had a lovely card from her a couple of days ago.we will keep her close in our hearts I am sure. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

hope all our friends are ok here and abroad.

Take care love Jean xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Oct 2015 22:36

Hi Mo

sorry to hear you had such a bad time at the camp.

The summer I left school, I worked as a maid/cum do-it-all at a private hotel in Frinton, not far from Clacton. A group of us would to go into Clacton for the late shows during their Jazz Festival ......... we saw Humphrey Lyttleton, Johnny Dankworth and Cleo Laine, and others.

It was a magical summer!

My best friend was at Clacton Training College that same time ...... she said Clacton was a dump in the winter :-)

YES ............... we threw out Stephen Harper and the Conservatives! 10 years of taking Canada to the far right will be over on November 4th when Justin Trudeau is sworn in as PM of a majority Liberal goverment.

He's the son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau who was PM when we came to Canada .... people loved or hated PET, no half way, but he certainly did a lot of good for the country. You may possibly remember his name from 1968 to around 1984.

We're now all hoping that JT can achieve at least half of what he has promised.

It's the first time Canada has ever had a father son "dynasty". Justin was actually born and spent a large part of his childhood in the PM's residence in Ottawa.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Oct 2015 22:13

Hello my darlinks,
Did you miss me...we have been up to Clacton for a few days, oh my word, I am sooo pleased we came back a day early, what a dump the camp site was.
I don't know if any of you watched a programme, about the people of Jaywick.
Well our campsite was situated just beyond there, and we were afraid we were going to get mugged, even in from inside our car. My god what a place.
The whole campsite that consisted of over 250 caravans, was inhabited by just nine families, who arrived the same day we did.
There was NOTHING open, apart from the little shop. Nowhere to buy a meal, no entertainment laid on, when I say everything was shut down, that's no exageration.
Monday and Tuesday were lovely weatherwise,but Tuesday night and Wednesday, it chucked it down with rain, so this morning we decided to come home today rather than tomorrow.
Why does it always happen to us I wonder, we are starting to think we should not bother to go away again.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, and lovely cards. We went out for a very nice meal tonight, to celebrate.
The washing machine is on it's second load, how do we make so much washing in just four days.

Ann, sorry to hear that you got held up, and the turbulent flight home. But I bet you all had a wonderful time whilst you were away. I trust you and T and the family enjoyed it.

Hi there Sylvia, we are both fine thank you.
How did the voting day go ? Did the party you were hoping to win get on ?

Jean my lickle darlink, how good to see you back online.
Don't rush your unpacking, take it slowly one day at a time, just don't go falling over the boxes, we don't want you laid up again.
Does J like your new abode ? I bet it will take a little getting used to for both of you, but I'm sure you will settle soon. You are bound to miss D's company though.
Love to you both sweetheart.

Has anyone heard from our Sallie lately, I do hope she is o.k.

Hi to our newbie Gill, hopefully she will pop in soon.

Well girls I will say night night god bless. Hugs to all, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 22 Oct 2015 06:08

Nudging for Mo <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 22 Oct 2015 06:08

Nudging for Mo <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Oct 2015 21:54

Happy Birthday, Mo xxx


JustJean Report 21 Oct 2015 21:07

Happy Birthday for tommorow Mo have a great day.

Love Jean and Jeff xxx

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 20 Oct 2015 12:26

Thank you Sylvia, I am still trying to read the thread and catch up with all the news,
hope you are both well and refreshed after your holiday...

Ann it sounded a hard drive home for you both , hope the holiday was a good one for you all. no doubt we will here about it once you some spare time ...

Mo , do you never stop!!! a woman of your age should rest more, you will never be able to throw the darts ;-) ;-) ;-) how is Roly hope all is well with him....and of course you too my lickle friend :-D :-D :-D

nearly sorted the craft stuff as usual too much stuff :-D :-D :-D :-D
but where to put it all thats the problem....

love to all our friends over the water, take care everyone ,

thank you all for the lovely cardsI have agreat display now,

love and hugs Jean xxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Oct 2015 19:16

Hi everyone

Jean ......... welcome back :-D Don't worry about it taking time to unpack.

Mo ...... hope all is well with you and Rory.

It is Voting Day here .................. we're hoping that it will result in a MAJOR change in government


AnninGlos Report 19 Oct 2015 15:11

Welcome back Jean, it will all come together in its own time so don't fret about tak9ing your time. Anyway I am pleased that you are back on line.

Sallie, I missed your post back there as I was not always able to get on line while in Lanzarote. It is so good to see that you manged a post. I hope your cousin is feeling better now and not in so much pain. Come back and chat when you feel able to, we miss you and think of you <3 <3

Mo, hope all is ok with you and that you will be back on here soon.

We had a very turbulent flight hole yesterday, it was very windy and the plane was tossed around a bit. We landed at Luton at midnight, the luggage took hald an hour to come off and then it took us over 2 hours to drive home. We got home at 3am this morning so you can imagine how we feel now. T did very well driving so late at night when we were tired, we don't drive at night much at all. It was surprisinf how many cars there were on the road as well as lorries, that time of the morning.