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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 14 Nov 2015 22:48

Hello girls,

Mo, glad to hear that you are feeling a lot better now, after the two lots of antibiotics,
How is Ava and Lilly getting along? Hope that they are both okay and that Lilly has settled down at school okay.

Jean, pleased that you and J have settled down in your new home. Sounds as though you are both going to have a good shopping spree for new furniture......oh it sounds exciting.

I made two cards over the last few days. one sympathy card for Alun's sister and her family,her husband died last Saturday, he was the one that was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease twelve years ago.

My cousin also asked me if I could make a birthday card for an old family friend of her ex husband's, who will be 100 years old in two weeks time. So I feel quite pleased that I was able to concentrate long enough to make them both.

I go to see the psychiatrist again on Monday afternoon, as well as Alun being able to come in with me, Paula my CPN will also sit in on the first part of the session.. So we will see how it all goes.

Tuesday I have to go to the anxiety management, as usual and then Alun and I are going to Alan's (brother in law ) funeral up in Iklley,Yorkshire. Alun, Jennie and my CPN think that I shouldn't go to it, that I won't be able to cope ...but I would like to pay my last respects to him.

We had a nice day today, Jeff and Julie came up for the day, so along with Jennie and Michael, we took them all out for a meal. I know I wouldn't have been able to cope to cook a meal for us all.

I felt quite touched when Jeff gave me Dolly's wedding ring, they and their two sons felt that I should have it,because I was her daughter, although she had no choice in giving me up for adoption, even though it was into a wonderful and loving family.

Ann, Sylvia, Huia and Marie, hope that all is well with you and your families.

Hope to speak to you all soon. Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie. xxx

<3 <3

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Nov 2015 16:15

Well this is the third time of trying to post, so here goes.
Hello my darlinks, I am back in the land of the living.
My problems started with a stinking cold, that then went down onto my chest, then into my lungs...not nice.
Two loads of anti-biotics later, I feel loads better.
It's so good to see you all posting, especially our Sallie.
I am going to try posting this now, so fingers crossed, love to you all. Mo xxx
Hooray, speak to you soon xxx


JustJean Report 12 Nov 2015 17:48

Sallie I am glad you have decided to keep your craft stuff it is so good to hear that you have done some cards, I am still sorting out , so bought another set of drawers slightly smaller than the first one i should be able to get all the remaining stuff in them,I went to see the lady in the wheelchair ,she had a small critcut machine and had forgot how to use it, sadly I couldnt help her I know nothing about the machine and would never buy one, but I dont think she will be able to make cards as she has no use in one arm, after suffering a stroke.... but I will take some cards for her,

Because we moved in so quickly we are now thinking of getting new furniture, and get rid of the two G plan tall units we have had forever, ;-) ;-) so i am busy looking for small sofas and sideboards, , most of the ones we like are now self assemble so we need to get them ready will be lovely buying new things,

Its an awful night weather wise heavy rain and high winds,I can see all of the park now the leaves have been blown off the many trees...roll on summer. :-D :-D :-D

Mo hope you and Roly are ok, how is Lily doing in school? Charlie is off to Florida next week for two weeks, quite a long trip for him ,

Ann have you any trips sorted yet, hope T has been able to get some rounds of golf in, and hope the rest of your family are well, especially Luke who will be getting a big boy now,I asked Charlie how old was he , 76 was his reply :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :

well chef is making shepherds pie for tea smells very good too ;-)

love to you all take care Jean xx <3 <3 <3


Sallie Report 10 Nov 2015 23:28

Hello girls, hope that you and all your families are okay.

Jean you have been very busy sorting out your craft stuff, it was very nice of the lady living near you to help you get your card making stuff all sorted and put away. It will also be nice for you that the lady in the wheelchair is also a card maker and that you will each be able to give one another some ideas.and have something in common to chat about.

Ann, yes I have decided to keep my card making stuff and have also made a couple Christmas cards. With the help of my C P N, family and friends, they made me realise that when I am feeling a lot better I would want to make them again.

Pleased that your daughter managed to get her three piece suite delivered even though she had to have the window taken out to do so, but at least the window fitters
found the small leak and they will now be able to put it right.

Sylvia, hope you are feeling a lot better now, as you said, at least you wouldn't have been to go out because of the bad weather, so didn't miss anywhere that you particularly liked to go or maybe do.

Mo, hope you have managed to see the doctor are that you are feeling better a lot better,

I have just been browsing on some of the threads over the last week or two and noticed that you had posted on the Friendly Thread,. I did start to post on there, but haven't for a long while, maybe I should start to post now and again.

Alun's brother in law died on Saturday morning, in a way it is a relief, for the family as he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease twelve years ago, and it was heart breaking to see him as he was.

I am starting very slowly to improve, with all the help I am having. I have to see the psychiatrist again on Monday,both my C P N ( Paula ) and Alun will also come in with me, so that will be fine. I know that Paula is trying to find out where on the waiting list I am before I start seeing the psychologist.

Hope Huia, Marie and their families are all okay.

Well girls I will love and leave you now, hope to speak to you all soon.

Take care everyone.

Love, Sallie. xxx <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Nov 2015 21:47

hi everyone

you all sound so busy!!

It is a typical November here now ................. gray and wet, with the odd dry day in between storms! We had a very wet weekend last week, and are expecting another one this week.

I had a bad bout of diarrhea over the weekend ......... so I was rather glad that it was wet and miserable outside, I didn't feel as if I was missing any sun


JustJean Report 10 Nov 2015 21:08

Hello everyone, it has been one eck of a week, finally sorting out the last room, mine!!!
I bought a tower of drawers and am impressed with them so ordered another lot.... cant belive how much stuff I have, I have a friend who is in here , her oh as dementia, so when she has time for herself she came and helped me it was so good of her and between us we managed to get quite a lot done, although mostly Ruth doing the hard work, I get so tired and have quite a lot of pain still, so she has been a star...

I have just had two of the carers call and Sophie has arranged for me to meet a lady who also does cards, so tomorrow i will go and have a chat, she is in a wheel chair, i am sure we will get on like a house on fire...and I will be able to off load some of my craft stuff for her...

I wonder how Mo is and our Sallie hope they are both feeling much better,
days seem to be flying bye and cant believe how close christmas is,

love to you all, Jean xxxx



AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2015 10:55

jean yes the suite was delivered through the window which was taken out. which was lucky because the window fitters noticed a small leak in the flat roof overhang over the windows so she is going to get that fixed next, replacing the flat roof over both front windows with fibreglass. (£1000)


JustJean Report 5 Nov 2015 10:15

Ann I now have room to do some cards,and have just ordered a tower of five drawers from argos that will come tomorrow, so I will be able to sort all the papers and cards , plus lots of other stuff into drawers with labels on , once it is sorted I will send you some pics also some of the pics taken of the place we now call home.....including a beautiful display of flowers that the dementia group gave me as a thank you for cards I now do for them, I have been asked to do some for the tenants fund in here, cant wait to finally be organised....
Your bathroom sounds lovely get the candles lit and chill out :-D :-D :-D :-D
btw did your daughter get her suite delivered? D is waiting for hers and I think she will have the same trouble, but when I mention it she says it will be ok. so stop worrying....doh....

Time for another coffee and toast.courtesy of my chef bless him....

love and hugs Jean xxx <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 5 Nov 2015 09:36

Sallie, good to see you posting. As jean says don't get rid of your craft stuff just yet. It would be so expensive if you had to replace it all when you are better and feel like doing it again, and I am sure that you will. Have you tried just doing very simple cards (the sort I do( with a topper on a mat of card and a sentiment. Even if you don't think them good enough because you are such a perfectionist, the fact that you complete a card cou;ld give you satisfaction and this sort won't take so much concentration.

Mo, I hope that you have managed to see the Dr and can get this bug kicked. Do you smoke Mo? You do seem to get a lot of coughs and colds.

Jean, lovely to see you posting. pleased to see that you have almost got straight, won't be long now. Are you managing to make more Christmas cards yet? I presume you are having to do it on the table in the lounge now. glad you have your doctor sorted, hard to change doctors when you are older and used to a familiar one (that is one you are familiar with! :-D :-D) doesn't sound right whichever way I put it!

We will be having our bathroom changed from 30 November, completely redone, new tiling, new suite, new power shower, new flooring. should look nice but I am dreading the upheaval, mess, water off, no loo upstairs etc. Hope it doesn't take too long.


JustJean Report 5 Nov 2015 07:44

Hello everyone, Mo I hope you soon feel much better, and hope Roly is o.k.

Sallie I am pleased you are getting so much help, I am sure you will soon see a big improvement. Dont get rid of your stuff just yet, get some boxes and pack it all away putting labels on each box, dont do anything for a while however long it takes if you still feel you dont want to do any more crafting, then decide what to do, when I said I wasnt going to do any more and got rid of loads of stuff , I found out much later how much I missed it all, and now had to buy most of the stuff I wish I had kept.,

I have nearly got my craft area sorted, its been a long hard slog sorting out all the boxes of our removal, the last boxes went this week. we have had to change doctors so I now have to go to two seperate clinics for assesments luckily the new surgery does it all on the premises , big relief unless something is amiss,
I am still waiting for someone to come and sort out a chair and hand rail in the wet room.I still have cares each day but got it down to a fine art now it takes less time things are looking up......

hope everyone is ok. love to you all Jean xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Nov 2015 16:28

Hello my lovelies,just to let you know that I am still in the land of the living.
I have had one course of anti-biotics, but just can't shift this blessed thing, so back I shall go to the doctor on Friday.
Luckily our doctor has a free appointment at 4.20, we shall just about make it there, as we have a funeral to attend at 3.00.
We lost a lovely friend, our Barbie who unfortunately had to go into a home, when she developed bad dementia.
She was 87, but it was pneumonia that took her in the end. Rest in peace Barbie.

Good to hear from you our Sallie,thank you for letting us know how things are going.

Take care everyone, love and hugs Mo xxx


Sallie Report 1 Nov 2015 23:16

Hello girls, just a quick look in, things are still not good, but at least I now have a CPN calling several days through the week to keep an eye on me. I am starting relaxation and anxiety management on Tuesday ten until three, for the next eight weeks, so hopefully I will start to feel benefit of them. I have an appointment with the psychiatrist again ,on the 16 th of November but not sure when I will start to see the psychologist though.

Jean, you sound as though both you and J are happy and comfortable in your new home.
Hope that you enjoyed your meal at the cafe downstairs, and that you managed to register with your new doctors.

Mo, hope that you are feeling a lot better by now and are managing okay. Also hope that roly is alright and that he hasn't caught the cold virus too. Hope all thefamily are all okay.

Ann, so glad that you have managed to solve where the was coming from and that it is all sorted now.

I am seriously thinking about giving up card making as at the moment my concentration is so bad, I don't think I can make them any more, trouble is, it is what to do with all the card making stuff I have.

Sylvia, such a tragic accident to have happened with the whale boat off Vancouver Island. Do they know what caused it to happen yet?

Hope that both you and OH are going along okay.

Huia, Marie and bakerGill hope that you and your families are all okay.

Alun is still waiting to hear from the hospital about what they are going to do about him having his heart operation. It is six weeks since he had that last test where the camera gave the doctors a good view of all parts of his heart. He went to our doctors to find out if the doctor had heard anything from them, but they haven't either. .

Well girls, must go now, thank you all for your kind thoughts and best wishes to me.

Hope I will be able to drop in again very soon.

Love to you all. Sallie. xxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


JustJean Report 28 Oct 2015 07:50

Mo sorry to hear you are under the weather, hope the cold soon clears up, what have you been up to getting so tired I hope its not the painting season maladay that is the problem :-( :-( :-( when I first read your descripion of wearing a face mask, I thought you had a hot date and was perking the wrinkles up ;-) ;-) ;-)

Sylvia what a tragic accident to happen with the boat seems odd how it sank though,
but terrible for those on board and now the loss to all the families. my sympathy goes out to them all......

Hope our lovely Sallie is coping o.k. my love and prayers to her and the family...
do miss her input on here and her lovely cards..... come on soon Sallie <3 <3 <3 <3

hope Marie, Huia and all our absent friends are ok.

J and I are off to our new doctors, we were with our old docs for over 50 years so its all changed now we are not in their catchment area now, we have to be assessed to see if we are acceptable to be on their list.......I will be ok, not sure about J though
better get some brekkie before the usual visit from my carer, lovely lot they are....

love Jean xx


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Oct 2015 22:11

Rest in peace, those who lost their lives in the terrible whale boat accident.

Good evening girls, sorry to be late tonight,I don't know where the day has gone, it has flown by.
I am sat here with a face mask on >>>>>>>>I have got a streaming cold, and don't want to pass it round.

Well done on the card making Jean. You certainly are living in the lap of luxury, 5* treatment and food on your doorstep, cor love a duck.

Sorry girls I shall have to go to bed now, feel so shattered. Love and hugs Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Oct 2015 21:15

Two of the dead are British nationals but live in Canada

we'll have to wait for the Transportation Agency inquiry to report ............ they usually give an unofficial verbal report on what they think caused an accident, if it is at all possible to do that, before the written report which can take months.


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2015 20:42

Difficult to see what caused it, the boat seemed to flip upwards, normally they would roll over. Yes British nationals the oldest 76 and the youngest 18 I believe.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Oct 2015 18:55


it is indeed tragic. I hear the 5 known dead are all British nationals.

It is however one of the few whale watching accidents that has occurred over the years, thank heavens!


AnninGlos Report 26 Oct 2015 18:42

Sylvia we have just seen about that whale watch boat accident. How tragic.


JustJean Report 26 Oct 2015 12:24

Its a beautiful sunny day the leaves are turning and slowly dropping off revealing more of the park, tennis courts etc;we are going to have a walk in the

I actually made 5 cards yesterday, J was watching sport so I brought some stuff into the lounge and cobbled the cards together... now I must get the room ready to use, it was a bit hit and miss on a small table but yet another step in the right direction, :-D :-D
cant believe how peaceful it is here after the noisy dusty main road,we are toying with the idea to have some lunch in the cafe downstairs, the prices look good, it seems you can have meals delivered to your home too...5* luxury......

managed to sleep all night until 7.30 I think it was the little tot that helped so might try it again

off to get a bite to eat bye for now

Love Jean xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Oct 2015 21:59

Ann ...............

we do need the rain!!

It did rain heavily soon after midnight last night, but it didn't last long!