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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Patricia Report 21 Sep 2009 13:27

Jane ,if you can't see a solicitor try to get in touch with The Citizens Advice people they are very helpful and could possibly get a solicitor to speak to you on the phone as it''s an emergency.


Jane Report 21 Sep 2009 10:06

Morning Ladies,
Just made an appointment with solicitor,but it isn't until Friday!!!!It is all a mess for daughter and I feel so sorry for her...and us!!!
No sun yet,yesterday we had wall to wall sunshine.

Hi Blackrose,welcome on board.


AnninGlos Report 21 Sep 2009 09:00

The best of luck for your daughter Jane. It sounds as if he may have told a porky to get the loan as, if the mortgage was in joint names, and the deeds, he would have needed your daughter's agreement to the loan I think. I hope you can get it sorted.


Fiona Report 20 Sep 2009 21:25

Night night Everyone.


Patricia Report 20 Sep 2009 18:16

Hi Jane ,all sounds too familiar my daughters ex did a very similar thing then quickly declared himself bankrupt ,leaving her with the house to pay as it was in both names and all the other debts he had collected along the way.He allso refused to let her sell the house so she was really stuck
between a rock and a hard place .It took us a couple of years to sort it out
and I would advise you and your husband to go to the solicitor with her and make sure he can't do the same.By making himself bankrupt he is no longer liable for ANY of his debts.Might be best if shedid
it first.While it's not what she might want,it maybe her only way out.
Baby's name pronounced Ky uh.Jane P.S. Daughter has been married to a wonderful man for 8 years now and her life couldn't be happier.I hope your girl has the same luck


blackrose Report 20 Sep 2009 17:03

Hi everyone first time I've posted on this thread. I was 50 in Feb and have been having flushes, headaches, aches, odd dizzy moment for several years and then beginning of April I had my massive stroke. Two points here several symptoms that had been put down to "my age" most especially dizzy spells and extreme tiredness have now been classed as blood pressure so please take warning and get things checked out properly. Headaches especially I told myself were hormonal (they werent) and if things had been looked into properly I wouldnt have had a stroke. The other thing is that since my stroke I've had no menopausal symptoms but I blead heavily for ten days after stroke but nothing since. Can anyone else relate to this.


Jane Report 20 Sep 2009 16:47

Lizzie,I have plenty of flutes or any glasses come to think I may have had my fill of drinkies as we have a bit of a family drama at the mo.Too complicated to go into but to cut it short daughters ex who hasn't paid the mortgage for 2 years has taken out some kind of loan against the house and hasn't been paying it back.There is a court order out on him.Daughter has no idea whatt it is all about so Solicitors tomorrow.There have been lots of tears and my roast dinner has gone to pot.OH has gone for a lie down...I think he just had to get away otherwise he would have lost the plot.
I can see it is going to be a difficult evening here will say bye bye for today!!!!!!!!!!


Fiona Report 20 Sep 2009 14:27

Afternoon All
Great sunny day here, fed up with ironing so am catching up with a bit of family history and printing of some pics of grandaughter to take to show some friends who I am meeting for coffee next week.
No Jane thanks but no thanks no more babies for me either , watch daughter & SIL struggling with the whole baby thing and I am glad it's not OH and me all over again,
It's lovely to get the smiles and the cuddles but nice to wave them off when it's time to go home.
Thankfully it will be a while yet before daughter needs me to babysit all night.


Jane Report 20 Sep 2009 12:40

I think it always so nice to hear of the birth of babies,it makes me feel all mushy.Not that I would fancy it again lol.Not now anyway.I never can understand these women in their 60's who have babies.
I do hope my niece will carry this baby to full term,she is desperate for a brother or sister for Finlay.

Well what a night I had last night.Woke every 2 hours.12,2,4,and 6.With the most peculiar dreams,and hot.I feel a bit pooped now lol.After lunch I will sit outside and put my feet up with my book.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 20 Sep 2009 12:30

What lovely news Patricia and congatulations!! It's been nice coming on to the thread again after a break and seeing so many happy posts!! We have two new grannies, Fiona and Patricia.

I'm working tonight so won't be back on again 'til Tuesday.

Welcome to the world these two new babies!!


Jane Report 19 Sep 2009 20:18

That sounds a lovely name Patricia,how do you pronounce it please?


Patricia Report 19 Sep 2009 19:33

Baby to be called Kaia ,norwegian for "pure of heart" She has a lot of dark hair like her mum and her dads eyes


Jane Report 19 Sep 2009 19:15

Just heard tonight ,my niece is expecting.She has a little boy who will be 4 in December.She had a miscarriage about a year or so ago.So we all have everything crossed now.


Fiona Report 19 Sep 2009 16:31

Just me deleating as it came up twice.


Fiona Report 19 Sep 2009 16:12

congratulations Patricia on your little granddaughter, I bet your she's adorable, and congratulations to her parents too.
Welcome to the world little one.!!!!!!


Jane Report 19 Sep 2009 14:47

Oh !!!!! Congratulations Patricia.How exciting.Your son is a Daddy lol.
Where is AC with those cigars?????????? and champers.
You must let us know what baby? name is when they have chosen.
WELCOME BABY?for a very happy and healthy life.
Love Jane xx


Patricia Report 19 Sep 2009 14:13

Baby arrived this morning at local community midwife unit 7lbs 2ozs no name as yet mother tired but happy father over the moon .Oh and she's a girl


Jane Report 19 Sep 2009 13:27

Glad to have you back Pam ,and glad you had a brilliant holiday.I hope you are well rested now.You probably need another holiday lol


Jane Report 19 Sep 2009 13:25

Patricia,my mum died 4 years ago too on Valentines day.She had Dementia and was 84.She lived 300 miles away in Plymouth.We decided we couldn't have her to live with us as I think it would have ended in me and OH divorcing lol.So I found a lovely home near me and moved her up.She was very unhappy and I moved her back to Plymouth 6 months later to a home where her sister had stayed.She still wasn't happy,but at least she had old friends who were able to visit her,and take her out.She kept running away and causing all sorts of trouble lol,but I knew she was being cared for very well and that relieved me of an awful lot of worry and stress.
Fiona's Dad is sounding just like Mum and I understand the pressure she is under.But we love our parents however difficult things become.
I miss having my phone calls to mum on a sunday and wednesday even though they didn't make a lot of sense sometimes!!!!


Patricia Report 19 Sep 2009 11:58

It's a joy being this age isn't it? I looked after my mum for 12 years after my dad died and although mentally she was as sharp as a tack ,she had a variety of illnesses that kept her housebound except for the odd outing in a wheelchair which she hated.You feel as if their isnt enough of you to go round far less time for yourself I watched my grandson at that time too and she resented that he took me away from her although I saw her every day and did all her cooking and shopping,she said I never had time just to "visit" I have no regrets because I did all that I could for her,we couldn't have her live with us because quite frankly she would have driven my O.H. mad and my son would have had no freedom to bring home friends or stay out late she didn't approve of the modern trend of going out at midnight and coming home with the milk.She's been gone now for 4 years and I miss her every day ,her doctor used to say she was a "carnaptious old devil" and she was but she was MY carnaptious old devil.So Fiona treasure your Dad while you have him .