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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Patricia Report 3 Oct 2009 10:31

Hi Pam, try using the old scots version of "partner" bidey in .It literally means living with,or as we say in this part of the world staying with. and like many old scots words and sayings is still in daily use,Pronounced "by day."

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Oct 2009 00:36

Hi girls, haven't been on here for a while as have been a bit busy of late and before you know it the time flys doesn't it.

Sorry to see your mum's not been so well AB, always worrying when parents get poorly.

I actually felt a bit chilly today when I went shopping and it felt lovely!! I always say I'm not really a summer person, I quite like the autum, it's also a bit of a novelty to me when the nights draw in...seems cosier somehow. don't like the icy roads though or the snow!

Anyway, will log on again soon, fondest wishes to you all.

PS Think I mentioned my daughter has moved out with her partner (hate that word) well I popped over to see her tonight...and she's a real domestic goddess! Wonder how long it'll last though!! ha ha!


Jane Report 2 Oct 2009 18:57

Christine ,our garden is bone dry.Have had no substantial rain here in months.I think I saw on the news yesterday we are down 60% on rain !!!!!!!!!!.
My little herb garden has just about died(don't think the kids watered it enough when OH and I were away)The rest of the garden looks very sad now.

I just washed all my jacket and coats today,ready for the chilly mornings to do the dog walk.I bet there were a few spiders in them as they haven't been out of the understair cupboard in months lol.They smelled really musty too.


Jane Report 2 Oct 2009 17:13

I can't believe it.......I feel chilly and have put on a jumper lol.The first time in about 5 or 6 months!!!!!
I bet in a moment I will be pulling it off as it's too hot lol


Patricia Report 2 Oct 2009 15:12

Hi AB, I'm not sure what the charges are nowadays,my daughter saw Marcus ,his son-in-law 5 years ago for Fibromyalgia and was treated witha mixture of acupuncture and naturall medicines and I think the first visit was about 60 pounds but that included her first session of acupuncture and her meds,after that it was about 30 pounds a month ,iit was a great help to her and she also saw him for OCD and thankfully thats also a lot better ,in fact I reckon she's cured.I'll let you know what the charges are when I find out or you could just phone them for a guide price the women on reception are always very helpful.


Patricia Report 1 Oct 2009 22:33

AB,thats how I spend my nights too,but it's my O.H. who's moved into the spare room I can get through 3or 4 books a week ,play relaxation c.d.'s and my Paul Mckenna "I can make you sleep" c.d. It gets me off to sleep but like you I tend to wake frequently through the night ,I've decided to stop all menopause treatment and after a couple of weeks make an appointment to see Jan de Freis the homeopath .I saw him about 30 years ago for a stomach ulcer after conventional medicine appeared to make it worse and I was cured of it within 2 months although the symptoms got much worse in the first 2 weeks after they abated, I never had any problems with it again. So here's hoping he has an answer for this too


Jane Report 1 Oct 2009 17:50

I seem to be going through a phase of waking every couple of hours too Christine.
I bought some of stick on lights ,and put one on the headboard so I can read my book in the night without waking OH .It's brilliant.The only thing is I didn't think when I stuck it,that when I take it off I will probably take the varnish with it lol.
Not sure what is wrong with your Mum Christine,but I hope she gets her tests done soon.She sounds a feisty lady !!!


Jane Report 1 Oct 2009 17:05

Found us on page 5....that won't do ,so a little nudge !!
I hope all is well with everyone.


Fiona Report 30 Sep 2009 10:44

Morning AB, Jane
dull here today but dry, I'm not very busy today.
Christine sorry to hear about your mum in hospital I can understand about her worrying, my mum had colitis for 15 years , and while she and dad were still living in England mum went to see the doctor and received treatment for it but refused to go into hospital for an operation.
When they moved up to Scotland in 1995 she flatly refused any treatment what so ever from medical staff and over the next four years she slowly withered away becoming thinner and thinner, and in December 1999 she had to be taken into hospital as she just could not cope anymore, 2 weeks later on 31st December she past away.
All you can do is be there for her and give her the support when she wants it, we tried the gentle approach no good, we tried the nasty approach and she would not talk to us.
I will be thinking about you and your family hoping all turns out well.


Jane Report 30 Sep 2009 10:30

You are an early bird this morning Christine! I was a late bird lol,I stayed in bed a bit longer reading my book.I thought blow it,I only have to get up to take the dog for a walk and it won't hurt for him to wait a bit longer.He sat and just stared at me making silly noises!!!


Patricia Report 29 Sep 2009 23:16

AB, maybe your mum is worried about the tests I know when my mother was ill she'd rather ignore it than face up to it ,simply because she was scared it was serious.So we had a struggle to get her to co-operate with the hospital staff who it has to be said had the patience of saints.even though she hoarded medicines rather than swallow them and found excuses for why she didn't take them .If someone can reassure her and if they'll let your sister be present maybe that will help,my mum was certainly more at ease when I was there to hold her hand.It's not an easy time and my thoughts are with you

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 29 Sep 2009 19:04

AB, so glad your Mum is not staying in hospital. too easy to lose your independence in there!


Jane Report 29 Sep 2009 11:41

Morning on another nice day,now the sun is out.
I'm off out for lunch and cinema in a while so better get my skates on.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 28 Sep 2009 21:35

Evening ladies, just a quick hello and goodbye, will catch up with you in a day or two. Have worked nights over the week end so am bit cream crackered...speak soon........



Jane Report 28 Sep 2009 18:22

I seem to be back to the bad nights sleep lol.Last night was just awful.The dreams totally Whacky!!! Hopefully tonight will be better.If not I will probably fall asleep at the cinema tomorrow afternoon!!!.

Sadly I have no Parents or in laws to worry about now.We had the extra problem of living so far away from them.I have to say I don't miss the 6 hour journey I had to do to Plymouth,which became a regular thing when Mum had Dementia.It can be so stressful and affects all the family.
I'm the oldie in the family now ...55 lol


Jane Report 28 Sep 2009 10:06

Morning Ladies.
Christine I hope your Mum isn't too ill and will be better soon.Just pop in to us when you can.I assume your Mum is elderly now,it is always such a worry isn't it?.


Jane Report 27 Sep 2009 10:55

What's a duster????? I have to admit I would rather do anything else rather than clean.Not that I'm mucky lol.Give me a pile of ironing anyday,
It is a super duper day wall to wall sunshine.Hopefully we will have lunch outside,and make the most of the last of the summer sun.


Patricia Report 26 Sep 2009 21:09

I don't think mine know what feet are.When son's car was off the road he said he felt as if his legs had been cut off.However he's a dab hand in the
kitchen,when the breakfast cook didn't turn up at the hotel where he works he just set too and cooked for the occupants of 50 rooms ,and he was only 18 at the time! Daughter is a bit manic on the cleaning side with a routine that puts me to shame ,a tick list of chores for her and her O.H. to complete every evening after work ,sometimes they don't eat 'til 9pm.G/daughter no1 takes after her mum and is rarely to be seen without a duster or wipe .Me cleaning is the last thing on my list though I'll cook for you all day quite happily


Jane Report 26 Sep 2009 20:48

Jean ,I think they would have a short sharp shock and realise they have been molly coddled LOL.Then have to stand on their own 2 feet.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 26 Sep 2009 19:37

Jane, what would they do without dear mum!!