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The Change - Arrggghhh!

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Jane Report 22 Oct 2009 10:15

I must try the wheat wind a problem with anyone? Sorry to be so personal.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 22 Oct 2009 00:10

Hello ladies...ANOTHER BLOATER HERE! Thanks for the tips Elizabeth, I'm not fat, I don't have a big bum or legs, I'm a bit busty...but not too big, but it's my stomach. Going to try to cut down on wheat then, and my biggest thing...spuds and bread!!



Elizabethofseasons Report 21 Oct 2009 23:17

Dear Patricia


I have this problem too!

Try cutting out wheat for a short time to see if this helps.

And try and drink more water and less coffee/tea.

When I bloat my clothes don't fit at other times they do.

Take care of yourself

Very best wishes


Patricia Report 21 Oct 2009 23:12

Hi Fiona,how is baby Sofia doing? Our little one has put on 21/2 pounds in her 1st month and is sleeping for 5 hour streches during the night! Why did my kids never do that?I had the pleasure of her company overnight last week,her mum and dad slept in our front bedroom which is totally remote from the rest of the house so they had undisturbed sleep and I kept her with me ,it was almost a disappoinment that she slept so well seeing as I was awake half the night anyway Thats the one symptom that I can't get used to ,it would be so good to sleep the whole night through.The other problem at the moment is bloating some days I look 6 months pregnant which is so not a good look I've started giving away clothes that are clingy as I feel so embarassed in them.Anyone got ideas to beat the bloat?


Jane Report 21 Oct 2009 20:53

My OH's Dad was a bit of a miserable old G*T.I can see him in my OH !!!!!!!! HELP lol
I just found my bra in my handbag.We went out for lunch today and I was so full I could hardly breath in the car.So I whipped it off for a comfortable drive home.It's a good job I found it tonight ,otherwise I could have been pulling it out at Tesco tomorrow when searching for my purse lol.How would I explain that??


Fiona Report 21 Oct 2009 20:51

Hi Ladies
I have got a bad back with picking up my baby granddaughter, she is putting on the weight and I have to stop rocking her to sleep in my arms while pacing up and down at the same time. I have had back problems for a few years now, lower muscles in my back were strained while working with children in a pre-school nursery so I have to watch what I do also sitting to long at the computer hurts as well.
Hello to Elizabeth WELCOME!!!!!
Hope everyone is well.
I'm off for a bath so I will say goodnight.


Patricia Report 21 Oct 2009 11:50

DL ,my O.H. is a bit younger than me too,grumpy just doesn't go far enough to explain him.He sounds exactly like his dad used to and he always said that would never happen.We have moans about the weather(of course) other drivers (usua lly women) our political leaders ,the state of the roads,the cost of living etc ect etc.Luckily like most women ,I learned to switch off from the irritants in life,whiney children,loud music ,and moaney men so he doesn't bother me too much .The only problem comes when he expects an answer and I have to look interested and knowledgable at the same time ,he will catch me out someday I'm sure.Of course I'm perfect ,no bad habits ......except for the white lies lol

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 21 Oct 2009 11:48

Morning all from a wet and miserable Norfolk.

AB I read about that cat too!

If you go on to you tube ladies and type in
" La La the penguin," it'll make you laugh I'm's a penguin who goes shopping for his own fish...I won't spoil it for you.

Had a very hot night and I thought oh no here we go again...but my husband hadn't turned the heating down!

Have a good and safe day.


Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 20 Oct 2009 15:38

Do you think men can have similar symptoms? I ask because OH is sometimes boiling hot when it is cold, and shivery for no reason. He throws off bedclothes and opens windows, wants the heating off when I am covering myself with knee blankets and extra cardigans!

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 19 Oct 2009 23:51

Elizabeth if that's the case you'll fit in well with all of us on here!!



Elizabethofseasons Report 19 Oct 2009 23:02

Dear Ladies


Thank you for making me welcome, Jane

Hello Pam, yes I am your Elizabeth from "Favourite film" thread!

I am a bit scatty-brained at times and getting more power surges and more grumpy!

Take care all

Very best wishes

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 19 Oct 2009 21:55

Hi girls...and welcome is my Elizabeth fom the film thread isn't it?!

Please feel free to contribute on here anytime. I've not written much of late as have been a bit busy, but it is good for a giggle...and like Jane said, all a bit mad but very friendly.



Jane Report 19 Oct 2009 20:24

Good Evening Elizabeth.
I look like a clown tonight.Have nearly used a whole can of Magicool spray!!!.
I think I am just about over it now.That has been about 3 hours!!!!!!!!!! I feel exhausted and drained now.I think OH realised as he has now cleared all the dinner dishes,and left me sat at the table
We are a lovely bunch here Elizabeth ,bit mad sometimes (well AB is ) lol.
I blame it on the Change !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elizabethofseasons Report 19 Oct 2009 20:04

Dear Ladies


I am new to this post.

Please treat gently.

I keep getting huge waves of hotness.
I call them me power surges.

I think it is definitely the MENOPAUSE.
Oh dear!

Take care of yourselves.

Best wishes to all


Jane Report 19 Oct 2009 19:19

I think the word F**E should be erased from my vocab lol.I could set someone alight if they touched my face when it like this.I look like I have Slapped Cheek Syndrome


Jane Report 19 Oct 2009 18:44

LOL Christine.I am sat here freezing,but my face feels on fire and I keep having to mop with kitchen hasn't been helped by cooking Piri Piri Pork.Not sure I will be able to eat it as my head will probably explode !!!! OH will have double serving I think.


Jane Report 19 Oct 2009 14:48

I still seem to be one of the very few out and about just in a cotton top.People are in fleeces and gloves .I had lunch in the garden yesterday too.Some man walking his dog said I looked dressed for summer lol
My Duvet is up and down like a yoyo,and I seem to have started waking up a couple of hours after I have gone to sleep.Last night it was midnight.I leant over OH to see the clock and said Oh B****R its only 12 o'clock ,woke him,then turned back over ,pummeled my pillow and knocked over my bottle of water.
I could have been quite violent then Christine lol.Normally I am a very pleasant genteel gal !!!!!!!!!.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 18 Oct 2009 17:13

Hi ladies, sorry have been a bit elusive of late, but have been having a real good de clutter of the house...and boy do I feel better for it! Think it's like de cluttering the mind as well! The place has never been so tidy and straight! We've even done a bit of decorating.

Am working a night shift tonight, so will be back on later in the week I expect....

Hope you've all been sleeping better i have, think it's the cooler nights.

Take care,



Patricia Report 18 Oct 2009 16:59

Jane,sorry 'bout that.I'm known for being a mine of useless information ,so when I see something I know the answer to I can't resist imparting my "knowledge".On a brighter note,the first positive outcome of the change.My power supply bill came in with a credit of 264 pounds,due solely to me turning down the heating .


Jane Report 17 Oct 2009 21:46

Christine,I have noticed that you mention the Yard and now the fall..........Are you from America or Canada????
I don't mean do you live there now but are you from there LOL