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Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 20 Dec 2008 09:38


Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 19 Dec 2008 08:10

Thinking of all the families without their loved one cos of this dreadful Silent Killer XX..

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 18 Dec 2008 22:46

In The Company of Angels
If I am the first to go
I will wait for you in the place
Where the crowns of Angels glow

If I go first because I lost the fight
I will be waiting with the Father
Where the tunnel opens into light

If I am the first one there
I will await you in lush meadows
Where heady perfume fills the air

If I go first and leave you lonely
We will meet again in paradise
In our loved one's company

If I am the first to go, allay your fears
I will be waiting in the place
Where there are no more tears

If I go before you and we must part
I will wait for you in heaven
Where sweet music soothes the heart

If I am first to go we will meet again
In a far better place than this
Where God has banished pain

If I go first and I leave before
You will find me with the angels
Where suffering is no more

If I am first to go by days or years
You will find me waiting there
Far beyond this vale of tears


MayBlossomEmpressofSpring Report 18 Dec 2008 20:31

Thursday evening nudge to the top

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 18 Dec 2008 14:54

Oh what beautiful poems, literally bring tears to the eyes. xxxx

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 17 Dec 2008 23:20

Love you XX..

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 17 Dec 2008 21:07

Bless you both my Son and Grandson baby Stephen, loving you and missing you. Please all remdember in your prayers this week, those twelve who have been taken from their families this week, and the twelve that will be taken next week, Christmas, what a Sad prospect. XX..


PolperroPrincess Report 17 Dec 2008 18:53

This world, however beautiful, was never meant to be
The place that we would call our home for all eternity.
And though we would not choose to leave, a loving
God knows best, and in His time,
He lifts us to a place of peace and rest,
For He has built a mansion where
His children will abide, free from pain and sorrow,
Forever at His side.
He said He’d never leave us to face our trials alone,
And though sometimes we fail Him, He never fails His own.
And even when our choices are less than He would ask,
He knows when human courage is unequal to the task.
We cannot judge what happens,
Though tears and questions start –
We only see what’s visible – God sees into the heart…..

And though there may be many things that we cannot explain,
We can be sure it breaks His heart to see His children’s pain.
In loving arms, He bears us to a quiet place apart
Where He mends the wounded spirit
And heals the broken heart.
And though these one we love so much
Have left our present sight, and passed into a
Better world of majesty and light,
Someday we’ll be together in our Father’s home above,
Where we’ll thank Him for His mercy
And praise Him for His love.

"Nearly Christmas Stephen" Just put my decorations up so feel a bit more in the spirit of things!! Watch over your mum at this time and take care

Bev xx


PolperroPrincess Report 17 Dec 2008 18:44

My grief is like a river,
I have to let it flow,
But I myself determine,
Just where the banks will go.

Some days the current takes me
In waves of guilt and pain
But there are always quiet pools
Where I can rest again.

I crash on rocks of anger
My faith seems faint indeed
But there are other swimmers
Who know just what I need

Are loving hands to hold me
When the waters are too swift
And someone kind to listen
When I just seem to drift

Grief's river is a process
Of relinquishing the past
By swimming in Hope's channels
I'll reach the shore at last



MayBlossomEmpressofSpring Report 17 Dec 2008 17:54

Nudgeing to the top before pc goes down on me again.

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 16 Dec 2008 22:18

Missing you like crazy today Stephen, tell Mum & Dad, "Happy Anniversary" Bless you all, and little Stephen XX..

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 16 Dec 2008 08:17

A Tuesday morning nudge

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 15 Dec 2008 23:00

~nudge~ xxx

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 15 Dec 2008 22:53

xx with so much love XX..

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 15 Dec 2008 19:01

A Monday evening nudge

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 15 Dec 2008 08:21

XX. with Love XX..

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 13 Dec 2008 13:21

Another Saturday, and yesterday received letter from SADS now 12 young people are taken from us each week by this silent killer, that is a 50% increase, how many more before somebody makes the governement realise that we need ALL our children tested.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 12 Dec 2008 14:47

An afternoon nudge.x.

Gillian Jennifer

Gillian Jennifer Report 11 Dec 2008 22:32

Love you XX..

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 11 Dec 2008 21:05

A Goodnight nudge