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OLDE CRONE RETURNS!!!! Time to journey home......

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Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 18:50

Fantastic, Tina and Beryl.........Come in, and thanks for the provisions. Jess and I are staying here until Saturday as Jess has predicted a Mother-in-Law problem on New Years Eve, so she wants to arrive home on Sunday morning. I can give you a lift as far as Northampton if you like? Merry

The Bag

The Bag Report 28 Dec 2005 19:15

get in here girls, its warm and its cosy and totally snow proof ( well, nearly) we'll need some more wood tommorow but we have enough to keep us going until then . There is a bottle of lemonade over here, we could hare that later althought it must be special cornish lemonade because its blue and smells a bit odd.Still if were are really thirsty.... Shove that whale meat in the flower Pot, no Merry NOT that one its Plastic, try the terracotta one over there rub a bit of snow round it to get the dirt out and we'll be well away


Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 20:10

Right then.........Here are some paper plates from the roof box..... If Olde Crone comes scrounging for a slap-up-meal, what shall we say???? Merry

The Bag

The Bag Report 28 Dec 2005 21:16

well, say that whale meat was georgeous, and unless you have brought us something delicious for pudding , then clutter back to where you came from!. i'm ready to settle for the night (sorry guys) so will curl up on my sheepsking rug by the fire. had all the 'goodies' I should have had, antibioics (check), painkillers (check) anti inflamatories(check) so shouldn't moan so much tonight- and after that lot snore less too night chaps see you on the morrowday


Merry Report 28 Dec 2005 21:26

Nite Jess and Bobbin......... Glass of whisky - check Merry


Beryl Report 28 Dec 2005 23:11

Hi Tina, Yes I am still here...I will have to keep the noise down though as Merry, Jess and Bobbin are sound asleep. I can hear the wind blowing through the crack in the roof....or is that snoring? Sorry I have not been around but I have been very busy researching ... ways to get back up North. The Royal Iris has long gone but my research has proved very successful. The Royal Daffodil is passing St. Ives Bay heading Northwards sometime on Thursday. I managed to get a message to the Captain by ship to shore radio only I did it backwards....shore to ship. He will keep a lookout for us, however, we have to find a way to board her by some means or other. Have you any idea how we might do that? Perhaps we could build a raft what do you think? I think I will settle down in that corner over there...see you tomorrow. Beryl x


Merry Report 29 Dec 2005 10:20

Yaaaawwwwnnnnnn,............Morning all.......... Today's fare, breakfast: porridge and honey, lunch: left over roast meat from yesterday with a dish of veg from the feeezer and C-mas pud, tea time: toasted hot-cross buns (is it Easter already then??) and marj and more honey if you like it.........and C-mas cake It's amazing the stuff in this shed.........anyone would think Olde Crone's garden backed onto a supermarket warehouse....all the stuff there is here.......... You don't think......?????? Merry


Merry Report 29 Dec 2005 16:10

Afternoon nap....I'm bloated.................... ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz Merry

The Bag

The Bag Report 29 Dec 2005 16:25

Serves you right for eating all that ice cream, you didnt have to eat it all in one go, you know. been out to find some more fuel for the fire, and stumbled across some drift wood on the beach which will burn brightly, Oh and a copuple more old chairs. sling another chair leg on the fire, mother


Beryl Report 29 Dec 2005 16:27

Gosh I'm so cold....I have been scavenging most of the day looking for suitable material to build a raft. It wasn't easy as I was so full up with all the super food that we have eaten and I found it very difficult to bend down to pick up wood. I am afraid the pieces are all too small to nail together but at least they make good fuel for the fire. I have spotted an old tin bath on a nail....I shall go and investigate. I think I'll have a little snooze first ....Merry is fast I had better not clang the bath incase I wake her. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore....snore.....phffff Beryl x


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 29 Dec 2005 17:15

Hi Beryl I've still got the box I travelled down in. Seem to have run out of balloons, so no chance of getting airborne, but I gave it several coats of paint before I set off from home, and I have spotted a tin of elderly yacht varnish and a couple of not-quite-bald paint brushes in the corner of OC's shed, so perhaps we could make it sea-worthy, and float out to the Royal Daffodil in that. Do you have any pieces of wood big enough to act as paddles? Oh look, OC seems to have waterproofed the roof of her shed with a sheet of plastic. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we borrowed it to line the box with - just need a hammer and a few nails now. Tina


Beryl Report 29 Dec 2005 18:01

Hi Tina, That sounds like a very good idea....what a good job you painted the box to make it stronger....clever girl. I haven't found anything big enough to use as a paddle but I do still have the big white is a little grubby now more of a greyish colour...we could use it for a sail. Come on then lets get started on the is soooo thick I think we may have to spread it on with a trowel rather than use the paint brushes. Shall we give it a go? Oh....Tina...go easy with the hamer and nails...we are trying to make a seaworthy craft not a sieve! Beryl x


Merry Report 29 Dec 2005 18:16

Flippin' heck....all that banging of nails woke me up!! My word - what an excellent craft.....Suppose it will go our through the door now it has a sail etc? Merry

The Bag

The Bag Report 29 Dec 2005 20:01

If you'd have said..i chopped up an old table top and flung it on the fire. Couldn't you use the lid of one of the roof boxes as a canoe if we tied a bit of string on it to haul it back? how far have you got to paddle out for heavens sake?


Beryl Report 29 Dec 2005 20:54

That's a good idea Jess. How long is your piece of string? I should think we need to row about 2 nautical miles! We do have the four Shocking Pink Bri nylon crocheted cardies....I could unravel them and tie all the wool you think it would be strong enough to pull your roof box back to shore? Just had a thought......does Bri nylon shrink or stretch when wet? Beryl x


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 29 Dec 2005 21:12

Oh excellent, a canoe. And if we tied lots of little hooks to the pink bri-nylon string, then when Merry and Jess haul the roof-box back in to shore, with luck they may bring their supper back with them. Tina


Merry Report 29 Dec 2005 21:53

Cor.....measuring this string is a hard job.........Two nautical miles is 145,920 inches..........and two of my fingers measure one inch made me lose count......................Grrrr One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight........................... Merry

The Bag

The Bag Report 29 Dec 2005 22:06

4961.....4962.....4963 allow 4% for shrinkage, well thats what is says on this Golden Hands 1966 crochet pattern. Actually , that pattern is quite nice.... Wonder why those chose mustard colour? Merry , be careful, your fingertips have gone a very fetching shade of purply/blue. Cant we just guess?


Merry Report 29 Dec 2005 22:23

Oh, OK (four thousand nine hundred and sixty four.....)....will twenty balls be enough? Tie the ends together with a granny knot? Merry


Beryl Report 29 Dec 2005 22:54

OH! Merry, Jess...thanks so much for measuring..... My what big balls. That looks to be plenty for two nautical miles. I will have to try and find a couple of pan lids. There is such a lot of stuff in this shed I am sure I will find a couple somewhere. These will be dual purpose...we can use them as paddles and I can use them as ice skates...when I eventually get back to Liverpool. Peeked through the window of a cottage a couple of doors down and it said on the weather forecast that the Leeds - Liverpool canal is frozen and it is snowing in Liverpool. I shall have to skate the last 12miles. I'm just off to fashion a little doggie life jacket for Poppy dog. I think that waterproof stuff that Tina found earlier should be just the thing. Merry may I borrow you darning needle please? Beryl x