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Cynthia Report 27 May 2013 21:35

My word, 5 days off work? You'll be going into a decline soon Anne..........will you cope? lol :-D

It's our wedding anniversary at the end of June too.......45 years for us. I find it incredible to think that it's been so long. My OH nearly died when we had been married for 15, so every year (day) is a blessing :-)

Reece, I do so hope that it all goes well on Wednesday and I can understand your nerves. Hopefully, you will settle down fairly quickly. It's good to know that your son is staying so optimistic - well done him....... :-)

I hadn't thought about a solicitor/bank connection with Evelyn's mother, but it's worth considering. Thank you for that. Good luck with your David Jones by the way..... :-D :-D :-D

What a glorious weekend it was, I wonder if that was our Summer ? :-S :-S

Keep well all and take care.........Cx <3


Tabitha Report 27 May 2013 17:24

Good luck with the Move Reece - would love to send a welcome to your new home card - but it will have to be ib thought.

I am sure the garden in your new home will be lovely

I think a lot of things go through bad patches for a while - and this one we both have to push out of our lives

I am sure there is a lovely shell just waiting for me - with such lovely weather its hard to find them as they hide.

Wait for a few more clouds & i will go looking..

Cynthia please do not swoon - I have 5 whole days off work in June (last week) as its our 15th wedding anniversary. We are not going anywhere just staying at home - if we can find a little spare cash we may be able to do a bit of decorating.

On the other hand we may go out for a day - looking around for somewhere different.

Take care all


Reece Report 27 May 2013 17:02

Dear friends,

Yes, trying to keep my chin up! Simon has now had the last treatment and must wait for awhile for the outcome, but he is very optimistic and looking forward to getting back to work and fishing.

I leave for Dorset on Wednesday, 29th so will be offline for a couple of weeks as everything is going into storage and I will be staying with younger son and his family while awaiting the completion of my new home.

Packers arriving tomorrow at 8.00am so am feeling a bit nervous now. The garden is looking beautiful though and I wish that I could take it with me!

Looking at your work on Diane, Cynthia, makes me want to go back to searching for my David Jones b. c1790! Pages and pages of censuses in the name!

Perhaps when I get back on line you will have found her - everyone searching sounds so helpful and kind.

I wonder if Diane changed her name and also if the remittance she received stopped when she married. If it came through a solicitor it might be just(?) possible to trace it. Or even a bank - so many of them have kept records. I say this because I have a relative (b.1840 in England) by marriage in Australia who also received a private remittance while in the Navy and it continued for some time when he emigrated to NSW. Might not be any help but just a thought.

Anne, hope things improve for you - must be a shell or two where you live?

Sue and Sally best wishes for your dear OH's - I know how you must be feeling and send my love.

Cynthia please thank Evelyn for her kind thoughts when you are in touch with her.

To you all I send my love and all good wishes for now.

Reece <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Tabitha Report 22 May 2013 14:09

I am considering joining Robert - I may look for a vacant shell (as long as it has Sky & Wi-Fi (poss a fire too)

Need a few home comforts

Some of the things that seem to be RR'd or reported seem quite stupid - as I said previously - if you don’t like what is being said just leave it alone - let the others get on with a debate

I find it easy to walk away & not get involved - have enough of that where I work at the moment - If I had the money & opportunity I would leave. I need a big lottery win.

I like the work & some of the people but at times like these office politics is doing my head in - I am getting far too old for all of this nonsense

Take care all


Cynthia Report 21 May 2013 20:49

Apologies....apologies....apologies........for going walkabout....... :-(

Like others, I have been busy with so many other things at the moment. I tend to spend ages looking through the Goddard-Fenwicks and trying to make some sense out of them. Today, I have spent hours on my desktop, putting a PowerPoint together. The darn computer went on go-slow, so everything was taking twice as long as it should..........grrrrr

With the nicer weather, I am also trying to join OH on some of his walks. He needs to keep his mobility up and so, when the sun he goes!

He has had some neuro physios calling at the house helping him to ease the pain in his neck and they have worked wonders. So much is due to posture, so I am having a great time nagging him to do his exercises! :-D

I feel so sorry for your husband Sue, he must be in so much pain with his neck problem. Hope it all sorts itself out soon.

Arthur, you sound really busy with a great variety of things..........which is good as it keeps the old grey cells ticking over. Very good news about your PSA too :-)

Do hope Reece is doing okay and managing to keep her chin up..... <3

We'd better keep busy on here - can't have Ven. Robert being depressed now, can we? ;-)

Sally, hopefully, the storms on the boards have passed over........human nature being what it is though......I won't hold my breath. :-(

Anne....get right back here and no huffing............. ;-)

Hope I won't be away as long this to all......Cx <3


SylviaInCanada Report 21 May 2013 20:16

Hi Sue, and everyone

rain, rain and more rain here ...... and it is chilly enough that I have turned up the heating :-(

Sue ....... the good part of your news is that it looks as though the medics can actually do something for your OH.

Do you have to pay for MRIs and scans even they are ordered by the doctors??

We get them free in that case.

Arthur .................. I am fascinated by your connection with the plant world, the AGS, etc.................. I worked in a Botanical Garden for over 30 years :-D

Good news about your check-up, and that of your friend.

Do not worry that you have missed the storms on GR ............... just be glad that you don't see them.

What starts them??

They can start due to various "happenings" .............. someone who has decided that certain things cannot be posted.(eg, a reference to another site, as in "see ancestry for this information") and refuses to accept that s/he is wrong; or unwarranted rude remarks to another member (which usually happens on General Chat). The worst one is when posts keep being reported for review out of pure maliciousness.

The "storm" 2 weekends ago was based on a combination of someone believing certain things cannot be posted, and some malicious postings and reporting by that person. It finally affected about a dozen of some of the best helpers on site.

There was a lesser "storm" this past weekend that was due to extremely rude remarks made about one helper by a certain member who, for some reason, hates most other helpers.

A very, very weird time!

We had a great time last night ....................... my cousin's son emailed to say he was visiting here very briefly on business, and was arriving on Sunday night. He lives in Sweden, and we haven't seen him since he was here almost exactly 16 years ago.

We took him out for dinner yesterday evening, and really enjoyed ourselves ....... caught up with his doings, and on my cousin ..... as wella s putting the world to rights :-D

take care everyone



Robert Report 21 May 2013 15:28

It's either a famine or a feast on here at the moment. I get quite depressed when nothing happens and then there is an explosion of postings!!!!


Tabitha Report 21 May 2013 13:21

Ah Arthur - i was reading a few posts & someone quoted "storms on the boards" not that I got involved.

No idea why people get so up tight over comments made - just read & walk away from it if you feel like that

I like our friendly little thread

Glad the cats are still keeping you busy & your health is improving

Sue sorry to hear the OH has troubles - hope they sort him out soon

Must go - no time for lunch really just popped in to see what was going on

Take care all


Old Report 21 May 2013 11:50


Thanks for your reply.

Tabitha quoted storms happening on the boards and I wondered what she meant.

The storm in Australia was bad, but you have to feel for the people in Moore, Oklahoma. Such terrible devastation and loss of life. It happened to them in 1999 - and they say 'Lightening never strikes twice.

Hope Reece has moved successfully - this can be so streesful even if everything goes according to plan - so far in Reece's case this cannot be claimed.


Susan Report 21 May 2013 11:02

OP is short for Opening Post ,that was the thread Sylvia was reported in last night along with a few others ...I don't know what for myself but suspect it has something to do with people reporting Threads...not Sylvia by the way :-|.

All there posts have now been put back ,I could not see anything wrong with them

The storms I refered to was in The South West of Western Australia where I live ,it is the start of our Winter here.

Happy to hear you and your friend are OK and that your cats give you so much love :-D.

Suex <3


Old Report 21 May 2013 10:16

Have been very busy this last week. I am the Membership Secretary of the Cyclamen Society. We issue two Journals a year in December and June.
I have been immersed in making sure that our database of members is up to date prior to the distribution.
Lots of reminders to be sent and general tidying up. Had a Committee meeting on Sunday so the work had to be done.
Now I am working on a talk on Kazakhstan I am giving to an AGS (Alpine Garden Society) group on Wednesday 29th. I have given it once, but major 'rewrite' is required. Keeps me out of mischief and keeps my memories of holidays with friend alive.

Am intrigued by all this talk of storms on the threads. what does that mean. And what or who is OP.?
Why was Sylvia reported?

I must be looking at the wrong threads - or should that be the right threads. I have received great help in my family research from this thread and from my specific family threads.

Susan - hope they can do something good for your husband, sounds promising.

On a positive note, I visited my urology consultant to review my latest PSA results. I fortunately, escaped a major biopsy earlier this year when the reading returned to near 'normal'. He was pleased to inform me that the reading was normal and they will continue to monitor me through my diabetic six monthly checks.
In addition, a dear friend who has prostate cancer (not the aggressive kind) has been receiving treatment and has responded very well. His oncologist thinks they have it beaten.

The two cats continue to enrich my life, giving great 'assistance' when I try to recover my bramble infested garden They are very affectionate, love visitors and rush to greet the postman every day. A tragedy when I lost my last cat, but I would not have these two if it had not happened.


Susan Report 21 May 2013 09:01

Hi Everyone

I do not have an excuse ...well I do really and it sounds like I have missed something on the boards.

A thread I looked in on last night, Sylvia you had been reported and so was the threads OP sounded really nasty.

I must admit i do get fed up with all the reporting that is happening on this site ,surely Genes can do something about if they want that is .

Well Oh's appointment at the Hos went well last week but his neck is very worn out ,they are talking about Putting a wedge into his spine at the neck and then fusing three bones together.

We are waiting now for more CTs and MRI scans to be done again so more money ,it is never ending.

Cynthia I have been looking a lot for Evelyn but I Cannot see anything that fits and i find it very hard to follow the Fenwick family,I don't know haw you do it .

We have had a week of very strong storms here and it is very cold well we call cold 20c for the day and about 10c for the night so far ...Winter has only just started.

Someone any one please Pm me as to what is going on on the boards looks a bit like a few month ago with the reporting again .

There must be a lot of people out there with enpty lives ,If they have nothing beter to do with there time.

I am going on the boards for a while back later.

Suex :-D :-D :-D <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 21 May 2013 01:22

and so was I :-|

going out for dinner tonight ...................... my English cousin's son emailed on Sunday to say he was on a very unexpected busines trip here, and would we be able to meet.

He was last here almost exactly (within days!) 16 years ago.

Since then he has been working in Sweden.

Today (Monday) is a Stat Holiday .......... Victoria Day ..................... the Monday before May 24

May 24 was Queen Viccie's birthday, and we still celebrate it :-D

we do not however get a Stat Holiday for Queen Elizabeth's birthday :-S

take care everyone


Sally Report 19 May 2013 21:09


my excuse iwas in the thick of it :-|

see you soon

sally w <3


Tabitha Report 19 May 2013 20:41

Ok - my excuse is I have had a very busy week & no time for a lunch break so not checked out the board

Also weekend without internet ( apart from the odd phone access in a pub carpark) dont ask - S in L birthday at non computer area. - just got back & find the place deserted.

Nows the time for all the other excuses -

Are we saying we dont want his thread any more - is that it?

Gone off in a huff to have a glass of wine

Hope the move goes well Reece - sorry cant remember the exact date - really sorry

Take care all


Cynthia Report 13 May 2013 13:55

Just as well you missed the storms Anne. I tend to catch things because I look at all of the boards (apart from Games and TLR) when I am on the lookout for new members who haven't come back to their threads. I got caught in the tail wind... :-D

You're always busy so take care of yourself.

Evelyn's thread continues...........and it really IS a case of where do we look next???

As I have said before, I think she was just dropped onto this planet in 1929. :-D

Hope you are all well...... Cx <3


Tabitha Report 12 May 2013 17:32

I seem to have missed the "Storms" on the board - where did they happen.

I haven't seen any on the threads I inhabit

I too will keep my head down

Cynthia if I had more time I would be happy to help out - but I seem to find myself with very little free time - even though i dont tend to do overtime these days.

wonder where it all goes to

Take care all


Cynthia Report 11 May 2013 11:52

I could say 'ditto' as well............I've been keeping my head down till the storms on the boards abated............ :-D

Like others, have been spending hours on Evelyn's thread.....I'm working on the Goddard-Fenwick connection - just to see if I can find anything. As with everyone else, constant brick walls....... :-(

Reece..........stay brave.......Evelyn has sent lots of love and (((hugs))). <3 <3 <3

Now I must go and look for a new gas cooker........... :-S

Take care all.....Cx <3


Sally Report 10 May 2013 13:44

ditto Sylvia

sally w


SylviaInCanada Report 10 May 2013 05:39

Hi Sue, and everybody

We've had about 6 days of lovely, hot, sunny weather ............. too hot for May on a couple of days!! It's gradually cooled down as the week has gone by ...... today was a very pleasant 18/19C

I fear rain is forecast for Mother' Day on Sunday, though.

OH had Windows 8 loaded on his laptop a couple of days ago ................ much against my warnings that people were having difficulties. But he had to have it ......... he actually wanted some software for scanning slides, and the one that is available for download from the internet (at a cost!) requires Window 8.

Oh well!!

I've been missing in action on here, and other of my "nice" chatty threads .......................... there was some nastiness over the weekend on some threads, and I was afraid I might be followed around. I did not want to bring that on here.

Anyway, GR says they're trying to sort it all out. Fingers crossed!

and so here I am again :-D :-D :-D

Take care everyone
