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John Report 18 Jun 2013 00:42

oops! sorry for the spelling mistakes in my last post. It is nearly 12.40am (BST) and although I am very tired,when I went to bed I could not sleep, hence doing this.



John Report 18 Jun 2013 00:37

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all fine and well. Finally got my new computer, but still trying to work out the emails ect. It has not been easy,but I think I have finally got ther, only time will tell I suppose.

Please forgive the familiarity, as I am still a newby, but Arthur, have you tried neat vinigar for your raspberry canes.Although I am in no way a gardener, I have tried it in the past with some success

Robert, I hope the op went well.
I went to the opticians two weeks ago, you know the one, begins with B****, inthe high street and they refered me to another specialist opticians, because they thought that I had the startings of Glaucoma and cataracts. I went to the specialist and they gave me the all clear on both issues. When I asked why I was refered he said it was because the normal high street opticians have not got the equipment to diagnose really effectively, so all well and good.

When are we going to get some summer weather over here, today,Monday, was overcast and really dull until after lunch, then it seemed to brighten up. I went to my adopted daughters thisafternoon, and had my dinner there. On the way over the outside temperature was 21 degrees centigrade but on the way home it had dropped to 16 degrees. We could do with a summer like we had in 1976. I remember driving my bus along the seafront in Gt. Yarmouth with the doors open
(naughty), but it was still very hot.
I am off to Aus in October with my two younger sisters, to see my older sister, it is about that time that it starts to get warm over there, Yippee

Thank you to everyone for their contributions to this thred it makes very interesting reading, and oft times funny Keep up the good work.



Old Report 17 Jun 2013 15:14

I didn't make myself clear. The wild raspberry canes bear NO FRUIT. They simply multiply at an alarming rate and nothing seems to kill them.
Like dandelions and thistles, if some part is left in the ground it grows again.
Have had a massive bonfire on the spot where most are growing but even this may not have killed them - it certainly didn't the last time a couple of years ago as the forest of canes proved.

High drama this morning - one of the kittens was missing in the house. Eventually found her behind a fitted wardrobe. She had climbed on top of the wardrobes and there is a gap about 4 inches wide and a foot long. She had gone down the gap onto the floor and could not get up again - about 6 feet.
Had to take out clothes and then unscrew the wardrobe from the wall. She was totally unconcerned and went straight to her food.

Happened with the other kitten some 4 weeks ago, but she was smaller then and managed to get into the wardrobe and came out the door.

Must permanently block the gap.


Tabitha Report 17 Jun 2013 13:36

Hi Sue

We have used Internet banking now for over 5 years and touch wood nver had a problem with mine or the OH - it may be even longer

Didn't know you could get wild Raspberry's - wouldn't mind some myself - i do like the ones that are a little sour with a pavlova & raspberry puree.

Gosh feel hungry thinking about it.

Didn't realise you didn't have blackberry bushes in OZ Sue

Having watched both OZ & NZ Masterchef I know you have some strange things there - never heard of half the items they use.

Wouldn't have believed we could be so different - even the shows are different in content & your teams get such a lot of money & prizes.

Our ones just seem to get a trophy.

Watching the Roux Scholarship at the moment - they can be very hard on the chefs - its all very fishey though - they did a lovely Gâteau St Honoré - it looked wonderful.

Anyway - back to work now -

Take care all


Susan Report 17 Jun 2013 08:03

Hello Friends

Very quiet around the place .

Another good load of wood on the weekend ,good job as it is so cold the fire is going 24/7 at the moment..

I used to love blackberries ,always went out picking them for Mum she would make Apple and blackberry pies when I was a little girl ...really miss her.

Don't think OZ would let me bring back seeds for the blackberry bush :-(

I have just set myself up for Internet banking mainly so I can check our account online from time to time ,I don't think I will actually do any banking online as I do not trust the Internet that much.

Back to the housework ....not much happening on the boards ...its a worry :-(

Suex <3 :-D


Cynthia Report 14 Jun 2013 14:35

No advice for wild raspberries - sorry Arthur :-(

But I'm happy to eat any leftovers..... :-D

The nice weather seems to have disappeared again but at least the gardens are being watered......

I recently found an unknown cousin to my OH - took me about three years - so I sent him a message to see if he was interested in any contact. it took him a while to get back to me but, at last, he has replied and said he would love to know more. Thing is, my OH isn't particularly interested!!!! Men!! :-S

I agree the boards are very quiet Sue. I wonder if it's because there is so much more online these days as well as there being quite a few other genealogy sites?

Only used to go on Chat now and then but, because there isn't much going on with the other boards, I go over there quite a bit but don't post that much.

Love to all..........Cx <3


Old Report 14 Jun 2013 13:45

Having a brief rest before I get back to removing my garden shed. Only possible with the help of my neighbour's son - boy is he fit.
He is waiting for a visa to go back to Afghanistan to do security work. He was in the army and saw action in Iraq, was in N.Ireland and did two tours of Afghanisatn - hair reiaising accounts of what went on.
He has strimmed my garden - which is very large and needs lots of work to keep under control - to remove the brambles. I am infested with wild raspberry canes - no fruit but they spread easily. Have asked all my gardening friends how to get rid of them but everyone says there is no weed control they know of - you mhave to dig them out. Does anyone know of a possible weed killer that would work. I did try a very strong weed killer that worked by killing the roots of plants and that was very effecient with bindweed and thistles but did not touch the wild raspberries.

Back to work


Susan Report 14 Jun 2013 12:03

Hello Friends

I hope all is well with all of my friends.

Robert I do hope your eye surgery went well I am sure it did ,looking forward to hearing from you.

It is very cold here at the moment,I am hoping for the rain to come back that usually warms it up a bit when that happens.

Not a lot happening at present, going out to the forest again tomorrow for another load of wood ...always feel better when the wood heap is full.

Getting ride of a few of my brick walls at the moment ..there must be a few new records coming on line .

Has anyone noticed how quiet the boards are getting,I am beginning to worry about it :-(.

Drop in tomorrow <3 :-D

Suex <3


Cynthia Report 11 Jun 2013 13:42

Hello my chatty friends........ :-D <3

Hope all has gone well with the cataracts op Ven. Robert - just you take care of yourself..... :-)

Time has gone by quite quickly since this thread began. I remember when it got whooshed but Sue soon got it up and running again........ :-D

It was my grandson's 14th birthday Sue, I love my grandchildren to bits - they are an absolute joy. <3 Mind you, it doesn't seem two minutes since he was born bless him...........

Decided this morning, that we would go to a large retail park about 15 miles away. I have a voucher for M & S and thought I would have a browse round.

Off we set and then, on the sliproad down to the motorway, the traffic ground to a halt. We sat there for over an hour :-(

It seems as though a lorry had shed a load of planks onto the motorway and it blocked both sides...... :-(

Fortunately, it's been an overcast day so far - if it had been hot sunshine, it would have been most unpleasant. As soon as the traffic started to move again, we came off at the first exit and came home for lunch. Enough was enough.

May go to the local store this afternoon instead.

Keep well everyone......... Cx <3 <3


Susan Report 10 Jun 2013 07:44

Hello Friends

We had a wonderful day yesterday out for the first load of wood in the forest.

We did get the trailer full so a good start ,another 4 trailer loads and we will be set for the entire winter ,we like to keep going so we have plenty stacked for the summer so it all gets nice an dry.

We go out with friends and make a day of it ,have a little Barby while we are out there ...though we did get rained on yesterday :-D

Nice a sunny today so trying to get all the washing done and dried.

I have my wonderful little Grt Grandaughter here with me today,she is such a sweetheart just love her to bits...OH gone to visit his mother she has not been to well of late with Shingles.

She is on the mend but being 93 this year it hit her hard so we keep a close eye on her,if you remember a way back someone set fire to her back table under the roof of her house at 1 in the morning.
She still lives in her own house ...that's how she wants it .

Feisty little thing she is ,won't let anyone run her out of her house and we won't let them either.

Back to the dreaded washing ..have a nice day friends :-)

Suex <3 <3 <3


Susan Report 9 Jun 2013 12:39

Hi Robert

Good luck for Monday

I had both of my eyes done last year and they are glasses after wearing them for 61 years ,I was two when I started.

I just need readers now.

Sue :-)


Sally Report 9 Jun 2013 12:04

hello all

lots of love on hear today andhears some from me <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I followed this thread a long time before I postedbut I do enjoy it

the the three old planes are going over at the moment the battle of britten ones

I know what you mean Sylvia I make sure of whos posting and avoid a certain name

good luck Robert

summer has left this part of the world we have had our heating on the last days it has been so cold the sun is trying to come out but the wind is very cold

sally w <3


Susan Report 9 Jun 2013 11:20

Hello Friends


What a lovely message.

We love you to,and look for ward to the next 4years <3

Suex :-D :-D :-D <3 <3 <3


Old Report 9 Jun 2013 11:00


Good luck tomorrow. Hope it is a routine op with routine recovery.

I was told I have a catarct developing on my left eye, but growth is mercifully slow. Could be years before I need the op.

Best wishes



Tabitha Report 9 Jun 2013 10:14

I have just realised how very quickly time really does fly.

At theend of this month I will have been posting on this thread for 4 years & known a lot of the regulars since then.

I want to take this opportunity to just say


For keeping me sane through the bad times & giving me a good giggle when I needed it & for all the moral support you have given me & I hope will continue to do so should I need it.. I love you lots & feel better just for being part of this very friendly bunch of people from around the world.

We have lost a few & found a few & I hope the missing ones pop back in soon if they can.

I hope i have done the same for you & I say now all the while I can I will continue to support my friends through good times & hopefully very few bad times.

We all need to stick together through thick & thin.

Long may our friendly thread continue.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jun 2013 01:24

Good luck on Monday, Robert

I had both eyes done back in 2001, and OH had both done at teh end of last year and the beginning of this year.

One tip .................. please do take a pair of sunglasses with you, even if it is pouring with rain ................... you will find that the light and lights will seem very much brighter after the operation.

and thank you very much for your support

Arthur ...................

your mother was indeed a very wise woman :-D

I used to enjoy reading the Scottish Rock Garden Club publications when I was working at the Botanical Garden ..........

.......... can you believe, part of my job was reading any and all gardening and plant-related articles and journals that interested me? The perfect job!

I'm not a gardener myself .............. but I love reading about plants, plant explorations, etc.

it seems very quiet on the Boards today, and I have managed to sit on my hands for the couple of threads that annoyed me :-D


Tabitha Report 8 Jun 2013 21:31

Good luck Robert - we will be thinking of you


Robert Report 8 Jun 2013 20:31


Don't give in to them - if you do, they will have won and we do not want that!!!!!

There are some of us who don't post very often, but we do enjoy your contributions.


I will miss your postings on Monday as I am having a cataract done but I should be back on by Tuesday.


Tabitha Report 8 Jun 2013 10:18

Arthur - in that case

We are back to the subject of 50 Shades of Grey - 50 Shades Darker & 50 shades Freed then

Anyone for a discussion he he he

I only got as far as half way through the 50 shades and gave up - not my kind of reading

Anyone see the old Confessions films - no I dont want to see them either

Sylvia sorry you have had problems too


Old Report 8 Jun 2013 08:52


Sounds an excellent gathering.

I make it a point to go to a Discussion Weekend organised by the Scottish rock Garden Club end September/early October. The speakers come from round the world but the real joy is the social side - meeting friends and discussing travels where plants have been seen in the natural environment.

My mother was a very wise woman. As a child I enjoyed reading and she gave me a book "The Water Babies" by the Rev.Charles Kingsley. It contained the Golden Rule - "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."

She also said it is better not to discuss Religion or Politics - so that leaves just Sex.