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Susan Report 21 Jul 2013 10:18

Hello Friends

We are having the complete opposite to your weather here in OZ,it is so cold .

I hope you are all keeping up your fluid intake as that is so important with the heat,water is the best and lots of it.

Anne I won't talk about the cricket as we are obviously not going to win this one at Lords either.
Some good play but most is just rubbish from our boys ,A few of them need to grow up and put a smile on their faces now and then.

Robert pleased to hear all went well,I have my check up next month too Aug 6th.

I had both my eyes done and can see really good after 61 years of wearing glasses,I am quite proud of myself but I can honestly say I like my face better with glasses on it .

Sally just keep your chin up and remember you can come and have a chat anytime on this thread we are all here for you <3.

Sylvia knows too we have her back ;-)

I am not having much luck with my brick wall at the moment but may put up a request for help thread on the appropriate board later today you never know :-D

Time for a nice hot bath I think to thaw me out :-D

Talk to you later :-D :-D :-D

Love to all my friends <3 <3 <3

Suex <3


Robert Report 19 Jul 2013 19:59

Thanks Tabitha, more or less recovered - my checkup is due in August.
The operation was not to improve my sight in that eye as it was a "lazy" eye but merely to replace the lens which had got very thick. Evidently if the lens is not replaced it can burst causing complications within the eye.

Regards to all.


Tabitha Report 19 Jul 2013 14:04

John - thank you for the help & assistance

I have copied off a few - How to do it shortcuts - & will think about starting again tonight - if I am still awake -

Glad you didn't read my comments Cynthia as I had another early morning today - but not quite as early as yesterday

Not working on Saturday - except on Windows 8 Grrrrrrrrrr

I am working early sunday morning though

Keep drinking the liquid

I thought our Air con at work wasn't working yesterday as it was very stuffy in the office - then I left the building at 17:30 last night & nearly went back in again - it was like walking out into an oven - I was worried I was going to burn on the way to the bus stop.

Well according tot he weather man on the local channel last night the weekend will be cooler - but it will go up to 35 degrees or more by the middle of next week & humid - I can take the heat when its dry like Spain - but in the UK its awful.

Anyone heard from Reece since her move?

Robert I hope you are fully recovered now

Take care all & keep drinking the liquid (soft drinks in Cynthia's case) he he he


Sally Report 19 Jul 2013 13:47

hello all

I would like to thank you all for your messages and encouragement

poor Sylvia I managed to keep out of it buy not looking at any with that name on but it is upsetting the boards

Cynthia hope your bruses are better

my daughter is having trouble with windows 8and she is pretty good with teci stuff I have windows 7 of course I am an expert :-S :-S

sally w <3


Cynthia Report 19 Jul 2013 08:24

Hello everyone :-)

Dear Sally - so very sorry to hear your news but, as has been said, let's hope that the treatment works well for him. Keep your chin up. <3

My words, it's been hot hasn't it? Phew........we tend to do anything we have to in the morning and then stay inside and cool in the afternoon. I keep putting large glasses of orange cordial by my husband's chair to remind him to keep drinking - don't want to go down the dehydrated route!!

Sounds like fun and games with the computers and Windows 8. I have Vista and XP on mine at the moment and hope not to change either of them until I have to.

I spent most of yesterday afternoon teaching myself how to do things with PowerPoint. I managed what I wanted to do, but have a feeling I went the long way around things. Never mind, I got there in the end.

Take care all.......Cx <3


John Report 18 Jul 2013 23:02

Hi everyone, just popped in to have a look really, but Sally, I am so sorry about your OH diagnosis, and like everyone else, I hope you have the longest time together.
On the subject of computers, those of you with Windows8 are not alone. I bought one a month ago, as a replacement for my old XP. I too locked myself out of it, with the same problem as Anne (Microsoft Account). It cost me £300.00 to get it sorted, although to be fair the tech guy also set up a home network for me. This included my Desktop (Windows 8) my laptop (XP) my new printer and also my TV. He was in my house for just over 4 hours. He also sold me and installed a new Router, Which is now obsolete as my broadband connection has been upgraded to "superfast fibre optic broadband". I must admit though that now I know some of the tricks for Windows 8, my broadband is great and I don't have any problems getting on to GR any more.
If anyone with Windows 8 misses the old type of start screen, there is a solution: Go to This restores the old type start button, but also leaves the new screen on the computer as well.
Good luck to everyone and good wishes to all.


Robert Report 18 Jul 2013 19:51


Sorry to hear about your OH, but have faith.

At my age -in my 80's -this is a common problem among my friends all of whom are living almost normal lives despite the hormone injections having some side effects.


Tabitha Report 18 Jul 2013 13:38

Sally I am so sorry to hear your news - Lets all Pray for the longer option for you both. Will keep you in my thoughts

I seem to have missed a few things

Cynthia - what have you been doing - too much Juice again was it? Take more water with it girl

Sylvia - have a safe journey – hope the cabin is ok

Sue – how was the little house wrecker – did she enjoy herself?

I seem to have missed the boards too - I have to admit - I don’t know who it is that follows who around - I think I tend to keep out of all the "Interesting" emails.

I learnt a long time ago to keep things to myself

On the subject of computers

I was very happy with my desktop which is on XP but it ran out of space - so OH said (this was a few years ago when we had the where with all to spend)
Why don’t we upgrade the PC & I will put your Desktop in my study - I can work upstairs then instead of disturbing you.

So a study was created & he took my lovely computer with him - I got a new one - a lot bigger supposedly faster – but it only had one DVD drive not two – I missed my desktop – then the new one blew up & burnt the carpet (we had a very large power surge – the hospital lost all its power & the alarms kept going off for 3 hours & it was summer) Sorry drifted off the plot.

A well known computer chain said they could fix it – I said do not do anything drastic to it without telling us first – so they wiped the hard disc & returned it to factory settings – we lost everything – good job I keep paper backups (I now have computer backups too)

I still don’t trust it & that was at least 7 years ago – in between times we needed to have mobile means of communication at the record offices – so 4 years ago I was given some vouchers at work & purchased “My Lovely Compaq laptop” with Vista which I really like.

We had 4 very happy years together & then it died on Sunday morning – I spent the whole day trying to revive it – but nothing - I had some more vouchers so we went shopping after work on Monday evening

Couldn’t get the one I wanted but I now have a new Purple Toy with a horrid operating system I HATE WINDOWS 8 at the moment.

I spent two hours setting it up & working out how to use it only for it to lock me out – so called ** World again & they gave me the number for Mi***soft – could I get to speak to anyone no – so rang the freephone number on the website they said to look at.

Ended up with an I**ian call centre & people I had problems understanding due to the accent. For her to tell me I had been hacked

When she started to tell me I needed to purchase protection insurance from her & it woudl cost me over £400.00 or £799.00 for life membership & I had to pay I smelt a big RAT. However I called PC ***** back & they said I need to reset the laptop to factory settings just in case – so the whole afternoon was wasted AGAIN.
I am now paranoid we are going to be burgled as they have my phone number & post code let alone my name & email details – thank goodness there wasn’t much on the computer.

By bedtime it was still only 15% so reluctantly we left it working – when I got up this morning it had finished so at 02:00 I was reinstalling it before I went to work. Cynthia don’t read this bit (I had overtime this morning so was at work at 03:30 doing a 13 hour day

So if I feel like it tonight I will start all over again - aaaaaaaaaaaaagh

Going off to finish my sandwich

Take care all


Sally Report 18 Jul 2013 11:24

hello all

thankyou girls for your kind wishes

sally w <3


Susan Report 18 Jul 2013 04:14

Hello Friends

Cynthia glad to hear you are on the mend.

Yes the boards are not nice at the moment and poor Sylvia is copping it all the time ..I think she gets followed around by one person I can think of.

It is about time Genes made an example of this person and ban for good ,it shows how good the boards were when said person was not around (MPO) of course....Enough said.

Anne I am dreading the day I have to get a new computer...Windows 8 looks very hard to learn,I am so used to my XP.

Sally I am so sorry to hear your news but as Sylvia said lets all pray your Hubby gets the longer time with all our combined prayers together.
You know we are all here for you anytime you need us <3

I am going to try and do some of my tree today hopefully with no distractions :-D

Nice to see you all back :-D

Love to all my friends <3

Suex :-D <3


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jul 2013 21:58


I am so very sorry to hear your news.

Let's pray that he has the longest time xxxxx

I will be away for a few days ................ we're going up to the cabin tomorrow until Sunday.

It's on the market, but w haven't yet met the realtor, so hoping to do that!

I'll have a look at Arthur's problem next week.

yep, Cyn ....... trouble's back :-(

take care everyone



Sally Report 17 Jul 2013 21:21

hello all

I have had some bad news today my oh has prostate cancer he has been put on horemone tablets he may have three months or ten years they don't know

it san not be cured only controlled if the tablets work

please exuse the spelling as you know I am not good at the best of times

sally w <3


Cynthia Report 17 Jul 2013 18:25

Hello everyone.....

Arthur, you may have to wait until Sylvia comes back on here.....I'll give her a nudge...she's good at sorting that sort of puzzle out.

Sue, looks as though the peace has been shattered on the boards... :-(

Hope you get to grips with your new laptop soon Anne.......I have Vista on my laptop and XP on my desktop........both are getting on a bit now. Bit like me really :-D

My head is a lot better now but, funnily enough, my foot - which I didn't hurt - is covered by a large bruise...... :-S

My grandson asked if I would go with him to buy some football boots yesterday. I couldn't believe the colours that they come in now....... :-0 A rainbow of psychedelic pinks, yellow, greens and orange lay ahead....quite a dazzling display. I don't know how the footballers can concentrate enough to play the game. :-S

As for the heatwave - personally, I am staying out of it. We go out in the morning if we have to, but spend the rest of the day in the lounge which is nice and cool because the sun has moved round. We also have a fan on which is very helpful.

I think I'll go and see what has been happening on here whilst I have been busy....

Hope everyone is okay and sending love to all......Cx <3


Tabitha Report 17 Jul 2013 15:45

Hi All

I am now back online at home - my laptop died and I have had to buy a new one

At the moment Windows 8 is doing my head in

It keeps asking for a Microsoft account aaaaaaaaaagh


Susan Report 13 Jul 2013 07:23

Hello Friends

Cynthia I do hope you are OK,I have now slowed down my walking as I am always stubbing my toes ....My mind wants to move quicker than my legs can carry me.

Anne this cricket has got really nasty and it is only the first test.
My OH is carrying on about the Broad wicket but it always evens itself out at the end of the game with decisions from umpires.

We can see the Cricket very good now as we went out on Wednesday and bought a 50inch HD TV ,it is set up in the main bedroom at the moment until we can buy a low unit to put it on

I think it will be a good ashes series the Aussies are not as bad as we all me :-)

We had the British soldiers Funeral on our TV was nice to see the people lining the streets to farewell him and absolutely heartbreaking to see his son who will now grow up without his Father :-( MPO only )

It is pouring down with rain and my OH wanted to go out getting wood today :-D

The boards have been a pleasure this week....I wonder how long for though :-(

Check back in later.

Love to my friends <3 <3 <3

Suex :-D


Anne ..April is now 14 months old :-D...she is a pleasure to have around and she can wreck whatever she wants :-D


Old Report 12 Jul 2013 11:30

Like the lijne up for the new series of WDYTYA starting July 24th.

Una Stubbs, Nigel Havers, Minnie Driver, Lesley Sharp, Gary Lineker, Nick Hewer, Sarah Millican, Nitin Ganatra, Marianne Faithfull and to round off the series there is the colourful tale of John Simpson’s family and his links to the former wild west cowboy, aircraft and balloon pioneer and general showman, Samuel Franklin Cody.


Old Report 12 Jul 2013 10:59

I would appreciate a fresh pair of eyes on part of my tree.

My 3 x GtGrandfather Joseph Nicholls had a brother Peter born 1787.

Peter married twice, first to Sarah Richbell, by whom he had a son Thomas and daughters, and then to Mary Hanniker in 1825, by whom he had several children.

My Greatgrandfather, Arthur was apprenticed to Thomas. This was verified by a professional genealogist, who was able to find the guild and the papers relating to his apprenticeship.

I had not been able to trace any details relating to Sarah Richbell, until I noticed another tree on Ancestry that had Peter Nicholls married to Sarah Richbell. I wrote to the owner of the tree and her reply is given below:

"My name is Janis Kerr (nee Quick )and Peter Nicholls born 1787 is my paternal 3x greatgrandfather. I have not researched the Nicholls line as they seem to have a lot of marriages and children to boot!
Born 7 April 1783 St Alfege, Greenwich, Kent
Baptised 2 May 1783-as above-
Father is James Richbell who was a Waterman.
Mother is Sarah Richbell
Married to Peter 17 April 1808 Limehouse St Anne,London
Died 5 August 1851-Buried 11 August St Alfege, Greenwich, Kent aged 64 ish.
1841 Census shows her name as RICHLAR
1851 Census she is shown as a Visitor to the Greenwich address.
I hope the above information is helpful. Some of it has citations other has been found from other Member activity and therefore I don't know how accurate it all is."

I replied:

"Janis Many thanks for the detailed reply.

Fascinating that Sarah's father was a Waterman and she married into a family of barge builders.

I employed a professional genealogist to provide info on my mother's side of the family - I had very little info and wanted guaranteed facts. she also did research on the Nicholls line and confirmed my findings back to our 4 x gt grandfather Peter Nichols who married twice - firstly, Ann Crow who died shortly after birth of second daughter and secondly Lydia mother of Peter (your 3 x Gt Grandfather) and Joseph (my 3x).

I am puzzled by the fact that you have Sarah dying in 1851. As divorce was rare how did Peter marry Mary Hennicker in 1825? I think this could be wrong as all my links work through my Great Grandfather Arthur to Thomas, son of Peter.

I have a possible death for Sarah, but as not sure not added to my tree."

Do you think that Peter married bigamously?

As the records for Sarah Richbell's birth and marriage are before 1837, what would be the best course of action to verify them.

Puzzled that Janet has accepted that Sarah reverted to her maiden name when finding her on the 1841 and 1851 Census.

How would I best verify the possible death for Sarah in 1825? - I cannot order a certificate.

Can obviously provide many more details, but think my questions relate to the above.

Would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance


Cynthia Report 11 Jul 2013 20:38

Hi everyone..........phew, it ain't half hot..............OH and I go for a walk first thing and then, don't go out unless we have to. Far happier watching the sun from the shade :-D :-D

Had a bit of a shock on Tuesday when, whilst seeing some visitors out of the front door, my ankle gave way and I pitched over and hit my head on the porch wall. Honestly, what a wally. It was SO embarrassing. I decided to have it checked out at the hospital later but all is well if a little sore. My dignity may take longer to heal though. :-D

Have had some really busy days but today has been lovely......only one appointment and that was for nice to sit and relax. I actually was going to have a head massage but will leave that until my head is less sore.

I agree about the boards - they have certainly been quieter and more pleasant with no argy-bargying going on thank goodness. Long may it last!

I am so envious of Anne being able to look at the are a lucky girl.

Hoping everyone is okay and sending love..........Cx



SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jul 2013 21:26

Hi Sue, and everyone

a busy time ................... had one of OH's cousins-by-marriage visiting for a week, so we were showing him around, and I was stealing bits of time here and there to look on the computer.

We took him on a 2 day trip to the west coast of Vancouver, Island, where the Pacific Ocean rolls in.

It was hot and sunny all week (still is!!) ................ but those 2 days on the outer coast were a little cooler, with a sea breeze. It was gorgeous!

We found a little motel in a place called Ucluelet, and then drove up the coast to Tofino, through the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, looking at the sights. It mus be close to 40 years since we had been there (hard to believe!!!) ............ then, we camped among the driftwood on Long Beach, along with all the hippies who had built shacks out of the driftwood :-D

It has been lovely and quiet on the Boards ............. I think someone might have had a ban, but is now back, so keep your eyes peeled :-D

take care everyone



Tabitha Report 10 Jul 2013 13:53

England: 102-3 (27.3 overs)
Australia: Yet to bat
Venue: Nottingham

Sue we coudl come to blows over this you know

One of the lads i work with is from Melbourne - he is delighted to rub our noses in this

Glad you have your little house wrecker to yourself - how old is now & i forgot her name (I blame it on getting older)

Sue just to get one back on you - it was 29 degrees here yesterday
Looking out our window over the town to the sea it looked like the Mediterranean - it was so blue - its only 27 degrees today as its cooling down.

Apparently Saturday its getting hotter & we are off to the inlaws - we will swelter in the car & they rarely have the windows open as its too noisy - their flat looks over the Thames estuary