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SylviaInCanada Report 3 Aug 2013 05:34

Hi Sue, and everyone

Things still seem pretty peaceful :-D

We had rain most of today:-D

Everything seems so fresh, and the cooler temperature was also very welcome. :-D

I'm just making arrangements for us to go up to OH's sister in a couple of weeks time ................. it's our anniversary on the 12th, and then OH will turn 75 a week later.

I've found it difficult to decide what to do for his birthday, but then had the bright idea 2 days ago that he might enjoy going up to see his sis, and the niece and her husband who live in the same town (the niece who had her appendix out a few weeks ago). He jumped at the idea. Sis-i-l is going to check out a place for us to go for dinner

I have to book things this weekend ................ we'll fly up there, stay a week, then take the train home.

The train is a bit "round the hills" .................. it's a 2 day trip from sis' town to Jasper, staying overnight in a hotel. We then have to stay overnight in Jasper, before getting on to The Canadian for the overnight trip to Vancouver

Sis-i-l told me tonight that she starts back to work on Sunday, half time at first. It's a month since she had the last chemo treatment.

Sue .........<3 <3 <3 <3

take care everyone



Sally Report 31 Jul 2013 22:38

sorry to hear your news sue take care

sally w <3


Cynthia Report 31 Jul 2013 21:12

So sorry to hear about your neighbour Sue........good neighbours are important. I am sure you will be a great help to his widow. Take care. <3 <3

Don't know whether I am coming or going these days......... I seem to be chasing my tail 24/7 :-S

Had the grandchildren today, they are great to be with but it involves a lot of walking around shops etc........they are growing up so fast, so I must make the most of them still wanting me to go out with them... :-D

Take care everyone.......... Cx <3


Tabitha Report 31 Jul 2013 13:41

Oh Sue - how Sad - thinking of you


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Jul 2013 05:23

Our "friend" is posting, but seems to be behaving :-)


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Jul 2013 05:23


I am so sorry to hear the news of your neighbour's death.

It will have been a shock for everyone ............... but at least it was fast, and hopefully pain-free for him.

Take care xxxxxx

xxxx <3 <3 <3


Susan Report 31 Jul 2013 05:18

Hello Friends <3

Just a short one today.

We lost our wonderfull neighbour last night ,he collapsed in the shower.

We rushed over to help but there was nothing we could do ,the ambulance paramedics worked on him for a very long time but just could not bring him back.
All we could do was hold his wife and pray for him .

It is a very sad time for us at the moment .
I will be back in a few days <3

Love to you all

Suex <3


Tabitha Report 30 Jul 2013 14:48

Yes Cynthia - still busy - rushed off our feet last week .

Slowed down a bit yesterday had time to catch up - and then Tuesday hits & off it goes again

It should be a lot Q******* (can’t say that word) as most people are away - but its bucking the trend here - which is good for us

We have heavy rain now - been like it since 8 this morning - no Thunderstorms - shame I like them too & it would be amazing looking out over the town for this high up.

Our new little Black furry stranger is so cute & adorable - but a real fidget – In & out – he does not like it if the window is shut - he likes a quick getaway –
He will settle on a lap for a bit but if he hears someone walking down the stairs or open the front door he is off like a rocket.

I don’t know who is more scared of who – the black one hisses at the ginger one but won’t run – he just stands like a statue – the ginger one runs a mile if he sees the black one. They were both in the kitchen last night by accident – Black one was eating & ginger lump arrived – stood in the door slowly walked over to the black one sniffed him & walked to the other side of the kitchen & had his food. Then the black one looked up went to leave & saw Ginger & was rooted to the spot. He wouldn’t move till Ginger left the kitchen. He went back upstairs & Black one flew out the door, into the lounge & out the window.

Talk about Cat wars - My OH thinks it’s very embarrassing walking down the road with me as I get followed by cats – they all seem to know when I arrive as they come rushing out the gate or jump up on the wall for me to stroke them. OH has that effect only on one of them – who will stop whatever he is doing to go & see him.

We love dogs too but only see them when the owners are out with them. I just seem to have a magnetic effect on cats – except the one i really want to stroke & cuddle who won’t come anywhere near me - he is the most adorable Siamese & he runs a mile if I go near him. I do love them but never been close to one.

Must run – tempus fugit & all that

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Jul 2013 20:38

Hi Sue, and everyone

still sunny and warm here .............. though, thankfully much cooler than it was a week or so ago!

We have not had any rain since June 28, and there is none in the forecast except for the possibility of "some slight showers early on Friday morning"

Mind you, we always let the grass dry out over the summer ............... we have watering restrictions from the end of May until October ................. 4 hours from 4 am to 9 am, 3 days a week.

The days differ depending on whether you live on the even-numbered side of the street or the odd-numbered.

Ladies ................. beware.

Our bete noire has returned today.

Stay safe everyone



Sally Report 29 Jul 2013 14:30







Cynthia Report 26 Jul 2013 22:15

I do hope we get some thunderstorms - I love them.... :-D :-D

The time seems to go faster and faster each year .......must be an age thing!

I suppose you have lived in Canada for so long Sylvia, that you MUST have picked some of the accent up but just not realised it. ;-)

I've watched the baby news with interest and, even though I am an ardent royalist, I think we were in danger of 'overkill'. Love the names for the child and just hope they are now given some privacy to get used to the idea of being parents. Mind you, I'd love a proper look at him if I am honest.... :-D

I've had 2 really hectic days and was hoping for a nice calm day to such luck.....just lots of hassle, hassle and hassle. Sheeeesh. Hoping tomorrow is better.... :-S

Don't tell me Anne is still being busy....... ;-)

Love to all Cx <3


Old Report 26 Jul 2013 12:17


Thanks for having a look.

Still having a heatwave, but thunderstorm threatened for tomorrow. Really looking forward to some more rain to freahen the grass - looks like a praire at the end of summer. Also temperature will drop.

Hope the weather does not affect the Anniversary Games at the Olympic Stadium - can't believe a year has gone by - how time fles when you are enjoying yourself.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jul 2013 07:40

Sue ..................

it is incredibly peaceful on the Boards at the moment!!

and I am feeling fine!!!



SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jul 2013 07:00

Hi Sue, and everyone

It's still hot and sunny here ............... although it is a little more comfortable, at around 25/26C. It seems that we are going to get a few more clouds over the weekend, and the temperature will drop a couple of degrees ................ but still no rain in the forecast through to Tuesday next week.

I got a surprise yesterday ....... we have a friend arriving in a couple of weeks. She's from NZ, but has been travelling in Europe since April. She just phoned to check in with us ................................

but I answered the phone with the usual "Hello" ........................ there was a short silence, and then she said

"Oh, I wasn't expecting such a Canadian accent"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the first time I have been accused of having a Canadian accent! :-0

Arthur ................ I've read through your post about 3 times, and I still cannot work out how to help you further!

Take care, everyone



Susan Report 25 Jul 2013 09:45

Hello Friends

We have a bit of sunshine at the moment but it is all going to come to an abrupt end tonight as the rains return but thankfully it is not so cold now.

Yes I have been following all the baby news.

I like the name but I think he could be called Alexander instead of George ,maybe turning to George when his time comes to become King...a bit like Harry really ,His name is Henry first but never used .

They look a very happy family lets hope it stays that way with no interference from the higher ups.

I am thinking of Diana now she would be so proud of them both .

Sylvia I hope all is well with you ;-).

The boards are not to bad at the moment but with the weekend coming up you never know :-|

Cynthia glad to hear you are keeping up your fluids...first thing I was told when I came to OZ and they were right.
I did get dehydrated once and I was very sick can be dangerous too for the elderly :-D...listen to me I am old myself :-D.

Off to the boards.
Love to everyone
Suex <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Jul 2013 04:24

lovely names ............... and very traditional! But then, it seems that traditional, or "old", names are on their way back.

George Alexander Louis, or Prince George of Cambridge.

it's still hot here, not much sign of a break before the weekend.


Cynthia Report 23 Jul 2013 19:02

Sue, I'm trying to be good about my fluid intake - and I keep putting a pint pot of orange squash by OH's chair.... :-D

We don't go out in full sun unless we have to but we like the early morning under cover of shady trees. Lovely...... :-)

Sylvia, it sounds as though you've had a wonderful time - you'll have to put your new bear as your avatar so that we can see it ;-)

Anne.....I have taken note about how hard and long you are slogging away at work and still hoping you're not overdoing things - especially in this weather. ;-)

As for the name of the new baby.........not a clue - there's so many they could choose from. I'm just glad he is here safe and sound and I'm delighted for his parents..... :-D

Had a lovely lunch with a friend today and then went for a walk with OH because it was overcast.

Have a hectic time coming up tomorrow.......It seems as though I have been nominated to take the grandchildren shopping for their holiday clothes.... :-S Good job I love being with them!!

Take care all...........Cx <3


Tabitha Report 23 Jul 2013 13:51

Anyone want to play guess the name of the new baby?


Have you had enough of the news by now?


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Jul 2013 21:13

Hi Sue, and everyone

We had a lovely time up north. We didn't stay in the cabin, it is completely empty now except for 3 bed frames. Instead we did as we did last year .............. stayed in a hotel in town, with an air conditioned room

We went out to the cabin (about an hour's drive from the town) on Friday............... it was the loveliest view from the gate ................. about half an acre or so of white!

All the Marguerites were in full flower, and standing about knee high above the grass.

OH managed to get work done that he could do on that one day, so we mooched around town on Saturday ........ we went to our favourite gallery, and I gave in and bought another soapstone carved bear. Had sworn I didn't need another one, but ..........

Remember the one I had as my avatar 18 months ago, with the pink stole slung around his shoulder??? Well, he's got a pal!!

We managed to meet up with the realtor on Saturday afternoon, he was having a very busy weekend with clients! We liked him, face-to-face, and he seemed "our kind", if you understand what I mean.

The weather was lovely ................ we had a bit of rain on Thursday as we neared the end of our journey, but after that, it was hot and sunny!

Thank heavens for an air conditioned car.

A good drive home yesterday, picking up some of the new season's fruit from a farm stand on the way ............ apricots, peaches, cherries, and 2 lemon cucumbers.

I have another trip to the doc's this afternoon to see if a week on the new drug has achieved anything.

It's a little bit cooler here, at the moment.................... about 25C

take care everyone



Sally Report 21 Jul 2013 22:28

hello all

heat what heat none hear today dull and a cool wind :-S

night night

sally w <3