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SylviaInCanada Report 20 Sep 2013 01:59

Hi Sue, and everyone

Sue .... glad to hear that you had a restful holiday. Hope that your OH gets sorted out soon.

Reese ............... nice to see you back. I often think of you, but don't often post these days!

Anne ...... I love the story of your two cats, who are not really yours!!

Josie .......... also nice to see you posting again. I've heard many stories of the NZ winter!

Sally .............. I hope your OH is doing well

Cyn ................. I talk to you elsewhere, so I'm not really ignoring you

Arthur ................ how nice that your nephew came to help you tame your garden. Is there much more to do??

The weather has been very pleasant here for several days................. sunny, about 18C. But i gather we have the first of the autumnal storms coming through late tomorrow. I need to find out my sou'wester and wellies

The antibiotics did their work, and that problem seems to be cleared up :-D

I've been feeling off-colour for a couple of days ................ sort of nauseous and a bit of a tummy upset. I thought I was over it today, I felt great ................. until about 2 hours after I'd had my lunch. :-(

We were supposed to go out this evening, but I have called off, and OH is going to go to the reception by himself.

I suppose I've got to look carefully at what I had for lunch ................ which did not contain anything that I haven't been eating without any problems for months :-S

My daughter and grandson arrive for a week's visit on Friday next week, the 27th. She opted for a late flight out of her home town, so they arrive here at 11:30 pm, which is about 3:30 am their time ......................... I have no idea what state the 3½ year old grandson will be in when they arrive ................... either so over tired that he's flying, or completely zombied!

take care everyone



Cynthia Report 18 Sep 2013 14:12

Hello everyone.......nice to see Reece posting again. <3

Hope everything goes okay with your OH's appointment with the surgeon Sue. Knee pain is SO very painful. I had a cartlidge op about 17 years ago and then had a thrombosis afterwards - which I hadn't bargained for......thankfully, they deal with these things much quicker nowadays. :-)

Seems as though Anne continues to have fun and games with the cats.....they're sure keeping her out of mischief.

Waving to Josie ~~~~~

As for the sad situation we faced re our vicar - his funeral was held last Friday. The church was absolutely packed, as was the meeting room and people were even standing outside in the rain. It was a very fitting tribute to a man who had meant so much to so many.

It will take months before the congregation settles down to some sort of normality. Many have taken the shock of his death quite badly and, there is so much paperwork, organising and arranging of things to sort out. We are a very active and busy church and so lots of people are involved.

Love to your all........Cx <3


Susan Report 18 Sep 2013 05:55

Hello to all my friends

Sorry I have been so busy since we got back but it is all slowing down now :-D

Oh has appointment with Surgeon on 3rd Oct,hope it is done quick so we can get on with our lives ,Knee surgery we do not know yet .

The boards are good at present as I have not seen are resident trouble maker around ....or has she changed her board name again not sure :-(

We had the granddaughter and her hubby and baby stay the weekend ,nice to have them ,they are looking for another house to rent until they can buy one ,that will take them awhile to save deposit.
They are staying with our Dau and her Hubby so thought it would be a nice rest for them to have their house back for the weekend :-D

Not a lot to report today except it is still raining and very windy ...I would say that the drought has well and truly broken in WA,don't know what the government thinks though ,it has been a good excuse for them to put the price of water up dramatically.
I wonder if it will ever come down now ...dought it :-(

Better get back to the Housework :-(

Love to all my friends <3

Suex :-D

Reece ... it is lovely to hear from you <3


Sally Report 17 Sep 2013 21:18

pleased to see your o k :-D

sally w <3


Reece Report 17 Sep 2013 20:10

Dear friends,

Sally, thank you for thinking of me - I have moved to Dorset but have been back in London for the past month and only recently returned to my new home.

I'm not able to post any more today but will try to return in the near future.

With love to all,



Sally Report 16 Sep 2013 22:22

hello again

just thinking we have not heard from reese for a long time does anyone know how she is

sally w <3


Sally Report 11 Sep 2013 22:48

hello all

yes I shall join the book club if they have cd s

I like hearing about the catsone of my ginger tabbys frightend me I woke in the night and there was something between us in the bed......a cat

after that he did it a lot very often by my feet and if they moved he would bite themhe would crawl under the duvet from the foot of the bed

Cynthia what a shock for you

sue glad you had a good rest and sorry your oh is will be allright soon

sally w <3


Old Report 11 Sep 2013 09:50


Love your account of the cats - just typical of how they treat us mere humans.

I have my nephew staying - he is helping me reclaim my wild back garden. The cats love visitors and give him their undivided attention - I am ignored. Only when he went to bed did they come and sit on my lap. And they chose my bed to sleep on - not his :-)


Susan Report 11 Sep 2013 06:58

Hello to all my Friends

We are back safe and sound and we had a good rest as my OH hurt his Knee before we left so he could not do much walking.

He now has to have surgery on his Knee so with surgery pending for his neck and Knee it is full on as soon as we get back home.

At the moment he is up at the Hospital having his 3 yearly Colonoscopy,his Father died of Bowel Cancer ...we never let that go.

With all of that we did get a good rest and it was nice just to get away to some warm weather,it is very cold still here with Winter storms still at it ,nothing but rain since we got home .

I will have a good read of the messages I missed while away and come back tonight ...waiting for Hospital to ring to go pick his lordship up...he will be hungry so I made a nice stew for dinner tonight with dumplings.

Love to you all <3
It is nice to be back in my own Country :-D

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 10 Sep 2013 13:47

Our new little furry friend - Snoopy Shadow (we can't agree) he won’t take any notice of us no matter what we try & call him

Has decided he prefers to be inside these days – my OH knew he was in the house but couldn’t find him - so stood on the upstairs landing and called him & then clapped his hands & the cat Meowed (yes he really does say meow) appeared on the bed,OH said it was as if by magic – no idea where he came from. Any way OH then called him for food & then the cat disappeared
upstairs again.

Oh went up to the bedroom to see if he could find him & saw the quilt move, when he looked closer he was right in the middle of the double bed under the bed cover (for the cat to lie on) & under the quilt too. He took a photo for me. So he clapped his hands again & the lump moved across the bed & slid out the side & quick as a flash jumped up on the bed. Little devil he likes to hide.

He loves to have a cuddle too.

Last night OH was in bad books

Ginger Nut knocked the door for his supper - so I let him in – SS was out (for a change) so Ginger nut had the place to himself for once and had two whole bowls of food & went & sat on OH lap, washed & fell asleep. Shadow knocked the window & came in – didn’t see Ginger nut so went to the kitchen for his leisurely supper.

Wandered in & sat on the foot stool had a good wash – looked at my lap & wandered over – did the normal pawing thing to soften me up & sat down facing the OH & did a double take. The look of horror on his face & he sat bolt upright – looked at me & turned his back on OH & used me for a cushion. Meanwhile Ginger nut had just realised the black one had arrived – yawned prodded OH & went back to sleep. Therefore we were stuck a cat each & the first time they had
shared the same room without spitting or swearing at each other.

Peace actually lasted for at least 2 hours – then GN got up & yawned
jumped off his lap & went to the kitchen. SS on my lap opened one eye & watched him go – OH followed & shut the door – fed GN Again!! & he went out.

OH came back – SS still one open glared at OH & turned his head & settled back – OH tapped his lap & was ignored. Then comes bed time SS refused the food from OH & turned his back on him – but took the same bowl from me. SS always sleeps with OH on his side of the bed even though there is more room my side. However last night he walked round the bed to my side & jumped up on the bedside table, another first - then waited for me to settle down & came for a cuddle – OH tried to stroke him & he jumped off – got back on lower
down & then snuck back up later on. By morning he was back over OH side & stayed in bed with him as I was up early again, so he let him feed him.

Cynthia how are you feeling now - has your community come to terms with the loss of your vicar now?

Sally are you going to join the book club?


Sally Report 8 Sep 2013 14:09

hello all

I do not use my tree on hre as I find it difficult as well Josie

cats can be so funny and mine have their own little ways arther I know what you mean it seemsas if they should not be moved when on the bed

it is cool to day but we did not get the rain on Friday hope its not winter already and we have some warmth to come

sally w <3


Kiwibird Report 8 Sep 2013 08:52

Hi Everyone,
Susan I hope you had a nice break in Bali
Sylvia hope you are feeling a lot better now.

Ann I loved reading about your cat, made me laugh its funny how cats own us not the other way round.

I am very sorry to hear about your Vicar. Cynthia.
Nearly 2 years ago our Pastors wife also a Pastor and worship leader died at 48 of breast cancer. It was devastating for our church as we believed she would be healed. But we pulled together and our church family is much stronger, so I pray that your Church will unite together and pull through.

Well it is Spring here :-)
We had an amazingly mild winter they said it was the hottest winter since records began in NZ in 1840. Some parts of the country were basking in temps up to 22 cel.

Have been very busy over the last 6 months expanding my Family tree on a certain site after being able to pay a monthly subscription instead of a yearly one.

My tree on Genes used to be my main tree, but since they re -vamped the site. The tree has no appeal any more and all my photos are muddled up in their keep safe, I tried to add my photos back into tree but gave up as it so difficult and laborious :-(

Must go serve up the Roast Dinner.
Take care everyone, catch you all later. :-) :-) :-) <3 <3 <3


Tabitha Report 6 Sep 2013 13:50

Oh Cynthia - so sorry to hear about your friend - what a shock and not very old
Healing thoughts

Sylvia Glad to have you back with us - sorry to hear you have a health problem now you are back - hope it clears up very soon

Arthur good luck with your talk

I like Snoopy too - but OH likes Shadow

He really does seem to have taken over the house - he has a way of looking at me & making me think I am in the wrong. I am such a push over.


Robert Report 6 Sep 2013 13:31

Thanks Sylvia,

I will do as you suggest.


Cynthia Report 6 Sep 2013 11:32

Welcome back Sylvia.......sounds like a hectic but good time... :-D

I love the name Snoopy...... :-D

I've never had a cat, only dogs but it sounds as though they are every bit as lively as a couple of puppies. I was worn out just reading about all the antics.... :-)

We had a dreadful shock yesterday when we heard that our beloved vicar and friend had collapsed and died at the age of 58. We have known him a long time - before he came to the church we attend, so it's hard to take in. :-( the whole parish is absolutely shellshocked. Hopefully, everyone will rally round and play their part in keeping things going.

Anyway, only popped in for a moment. Hope everyone is okay. Love to all Cx
<3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Sep 2013 06:24

Hi Sue, and everyone

Do hope Sue is having a good time, and a rest in Bali xxxx

I love the sound of either Snoopy or Shadow!

Robert ................ I really can;t help much ......... I don't have any ancestors etc living here in Canada.

I can only suggest what Cynthia has already suggested. Or that you look for the name of a local paper in Dion Mills, to see if there is an obituary.

I think it might be good if you put up a thread headed something like "Looking for cousin in Canada", then in the opening post say you "want information on where to search for a cousin whom you had not heard from in Ontario some years ago"

leave it at that ................... there are several others who do do research in Canada who know much more than me about how to find "modern" information.

the weather has turned quite nasty on us ................ huge storm late this (Thursday) afternoon and over dinner time ................ thunder, lightening, very heavy rain, etc. Just in time for rush hour

The forecasters seem to think we will be back to sun in a couple of days, with temps in the low 20s

I should be about back to normal soon ..................

we had a delightful visit Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning with our friend from the Island.

There isn't anyone else visiting, THAT WE KNOW OF, until daughter and grandson arrive on Sept 27 ........... and 2 other friends also arrive the next day to spend the night!

I got a phone call from the doc Tuesday afternoon, following on from my doctor's appointment Thursday last week. I've been having a funny cystitis problem .............. get the symptoms, but can clear it up within 2 or 3 hours by drinking lots of water and cranberry juice. But then it returns in a few days.

I'm getting fed up with getting up every 1 or 2 hours through the night! So I mentioned it to the doc .......... although it was not the reason I had gone to see him!

............... the sample looked clear to them, but they sent it for culture. I DO have a slight infection, which they ordinarily ignore "unless it is causing problems"

it is for me ............... so I'm on a 3 day (6 tablets) course of antibiotics.

Bloomin' HUGE tablets that I have to take morning and evening. I take the last one at breakfast on Friday morning

Then I keep my fingers crossed that it will have worked. I do see the doc again next Thursday about the change in bp pills.

Take care everyone



Old Report 5 Sep 2013 13:40

I think SNOOPY fits him best.

You certainly have become servants of the cat - "dogs have owners, cats have servants".

My two continue to delight me with their antics. Latest craze is to catch the largest moths I have seen, and, after releasing them in the house and leaping to catch them, eventually eating them.

Mine sleep on the bed and sometimes I awake and cannot move as they are either side of my legs. If they have gone to bed before me, I almost apologise when moving them to get into bed.

Would not wish to be without them.

Too hot again today to work in the garden. Just as well as I am preparing to give a digital talk to a garden club and need to make sure the equipment works.


Tabitha Report 4 Sep 2013 14:20

Here I am – not far away - I pop in & out daily if I can & then you get an epistle

Oh Cynthia please don’t lose the Autumn - it’s my birthday (& OH) I love this time of year and later when you get all the beautiful colour leaves and for anyone who leaves near or is going to visit Hastings.

Check out Fairlight Glen & the fire hills this time of year It’s so beautiful in the autumn & when the sun is beginning to set

At work we tend to be less busy in the summer as everyone is away on holiday. People are planning ski holidays & Christmas so will get busy now. Already calling round for bookings

It’s been so hot some nights unable to sleep & our new little furry friend looks here to stay

So I may end up a cat owner again - we are still trying to sort out a name for him -shows we look after them too well as he has started putting on weight & sleeping a lot - no he isn't a little girl with kittens

He has now made a mental note about our sleeping patterns & as I have been working early mornings we have retired early to bed. so he does too.

Around 9 pm - get up off my lap (or OH’s) - stretch, yawn jump on arm of sofa - look at clock & Yowl - keep looking at door hoping someone is going to jump up & feed him. Once fed run down hall way to litter tray - do the necessary & tidy up after himself - bolt up the stairs & settle on the bed (sometimes without us, sometimes before us - in that case settle down in the best spot – sometimes after us & wiggle way in to where he wants to sleep anyway)

Wake up just before 4am & nudge me until I stroke him & get up – bolt down stairs ahead of me & use the littler tray – rush into kitchen looking pathetically hungry & Yowl at me for breakfast. Eat a leisurely meal & then bolt into lounge to go out & Yowl until let out.

Yes i do mean Yowl I think he has a hit of Siamese about him and he can Miaow too and i mean a proper Miaow . Never had a vocal one before

Trouble is he does not know the difference between early work days & weekends

It was funny on Friday night – we stayed up to watch the TV as no early start on Saturday – so we had the pantomime around 9:15 as he over slept - did all the normal bits – but no-one moved - so Yowled extra loudly – came on my lap - head butted me & yowled in my face – so I got up & fed him – but went back to the telly – he dashed upstairs. We didn’t follow - about 30 mins later – thump on the ceiling & he rushed down stairs & stopped at the lounge door (OH said it was so funny to watch) – looked at him – then kept looking at the kitchen – then up the stairs & finally jumped on the arm of OH chair head butted him – jumped on his lap – made a funny noise jumped off & rushed out again – came back yowled & then realised we were not going to follow – so head & tail up in the air & sauntered out the room & upstairs. When we did go to bed he pretended he was asleep & ignored us. He tried waking me up Saturday morning & got told to go back to sleep as we were having a lie-in for a change. We were in his bad books most of Saturday.

Back to the naming crisis

My friends at work think I should stay with Sausage - which is what I called him when I first found him in the garden

OH thinks it should be Shadow as he is always following me about like a little black shadow – even to the loo -

I thought of Snoopy as he is finding his feet around the house & started snooping in to all the little nooks & crannies now & nearly got shut in the airing cupboard He tried to make his way to the top of the glass cabinet & I just grabbed him off in time.

I got confused on Sunday & called him spooky – no matter what we try he takes no notice & just does what he wants anyway.

Oh well more stories later - must go back to work


Cynthia Report 3 Sep 2013 19:15

Hi everyone......I do hope Sue has a great holiday and a good rest. She's had quite a time of it lately......

Robert, I'm afraid I can't help you but maybe someone else can.....hope so. I can only suggest that you check to see if anyone on this site has her in their tree and then, perhaps, google both her maiden and married name, it's amazing what can pop up when you do that. Maybe also try googling some Canadian websites too. Good luck!

Where's Anne and Arthur these days? Everybody is probably busy during the summer months maybe ? :-S

Although it's apparently going to be warm for the next few days, it's pretty obvious that Autumn is on it's way. The leaves are definitely changing colour and, although I know there are some beautiful sights to be seen, I really don't like this season. I want to close my eyes and move on to Spring :-D

Hope all our missing friends are okay and keeping, Cx <3


Robert Report 1 Sep 2013 16:04

Canada help please.

I have a Cousin Mrs Lorraine McGill, last heard of in Don Mills, Ontario some years ago.

Is there anywhere I can look to try to trace her or what has happened to her?

Regards to all.