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Pianoforte makers, London - can anyone help

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Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 5 Mar 2004 05:05

I'm trying to find details of my g-g-grandfather Charles William Parsons. On his marriage cert he was a pianoforte maker in St Pancras area (no address, unfortunately). Does anyone have trades directories, etc that may list piano makers circa 1850-80. I found him in 1881 census, but unfortunately he wasn't at the same address in previous censuses. He was born about 1828 in St Pancras, and married Jane Angel in 1851. Any help much appreciated, Richard in Oz


Hilary Report 5 Mar 2004 08:58

Richard, I also have Pianoforte Makers in Pancras from this period. I once went through every entry in the 1881 census, thinking there wouldn't be many but there are. The ones in our family used the name of LYNCH until 1860 and then changed it to LENSH. The only clue that I have is that one of the early ones married into the ENNEVER family and they come up as a known manufacturer via a Search engine trawl. Here is an overview: London Piano Makers The Tottenham Court Road area was a centre for furniture or cabinet making. As the piano grew in popularity, many cabinet makers readily adapted their skills for the piano making trade. Some in general and some catering to a specialised branch such as keyboard construction or french polishing. Eventually, the manufacturers migrated northwards into Camden Town and Kentish Town. At one time there were literally dozens of piano works in these areas. This website records the makers of known instruments in a museum. including - Ennever and Son c.1850 upright piano If you ever find a directory, please let me know! Hilary


Emma Report 5 Mar 2004 08:59

Richard, Is this your family in 1871? Charles Parsons, head, mar, 44, piano forte maker, Middlesex London Jane Parsons, wife, mar, 42, Wiltshire Mary Ann Parsons, daur, 14, Middlesex London Jane Parsons, daur, 12, Middlesex London Ellen Parsons, daur, 7, Middlesex London at No20 Little George Street, Somers Town, St Pancras, London Emma.


McDitzy Report 5 Mar 2004 13:20

I, too, have piano forte makers in St Pancras area around that same time and am finding it extremely difficult to trace them. The name is BYERS. George BYERS, mostly. Can anyone help? Was St Pancras the place for piano forte makers? They seem to be concentrated there. Chloe


Emma Report 5 Mar 2004 13:23

Chloe, Your Byers family are on the 1871 census. Do you have the information? Emma.


Margaretfinch Report 5 Mar 2004 13:27

I also have pianoforte makers from the same area, his name William Goddard and his father Charles goddard who came from Wiltshire. Margaret


McDitzy Report 5 Mar 2004 13:28

No, I don't Emma. Please could I have it? Chloe


Emma Report 5 Mar 2004 13:29

Chloe, Here you go: Henry G Byers, head, wid, 47, pianoforte key maker, Surrey Lambeth Henry, son, 19, engineering draughtsman, Middlesex St Pancras George, son, 13, pianoforte maker, St Pancras Alfred, son, 11, St Pancras Ann Levitt, mother, wid, 67, Surrey Lambeth Louisa Levitt, sister, unmar, 28, envelope stamper, Surrey Lambeth Frederick W Levitt, nephew, 5, scholar, Surrey Rotherhithe at 1 Grafton Crescent, Kentish Town, St Pancras, London Emma.


McDitzy Report 5 Mar 2004 13:31

Thanks, Emma. That's not actually the family, but I'm guessing it could be a brother of my George BYERS (born around 1835). Thanks! It is a great help. That family seem to be living in that one address for a long time.... I wish they were my direct ancestors!!! LOL. Mine obviously got the "moving around" gene. Chloe


Emma Report 5 Mar 2004 13:41

Chloe, Is this him? George Byers, head, mar, 35, pianoforte maker, London Surrey Emma, wife, 35, London Surrey George, son, 13, scholar, London Surrey Emma, daur, 11, scholar, London Surrey Edwin, son, 9, scholar, London Surrey Albert, son, 7, scholar, London Surrey Frederick, son, 5, scholar, London Surrey Walter, son, 2, London Surrey James, son, 5mon, London Surrey at Manor Cottage, St Peter Walworth, St Mary Newington, London Emma.


McDitzy Report 5 Mar 2004 13:48

Two people have found it! Yes that's George Byers born 1836 in Lambeth..... now to find his marriage, ah that'll only happen in my wildest of dreams!! Thanks Emma. Chloe

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 5 Mar 2004 14:34

Thanks Emma, that's definitely my family, the children's names are correct too. Thanks for the info too, Hilary - however, the website you listed is not available - is that the full address (maybe you could re-post it with brackets round the dots as this site seems to truncate web addresses for some reason)... Richard in Oz


Deborah Report 5 Mar 2004 15:47

Hi Richard, I've got Pianoforte makers in St Pancras as well! William MacKenzie was his name, all his sons were in the trade as well. Debbie


Lysianne Report 5 Mar 2004 21:22

Hi Don't know if this is any help to people looking for pianoforte makers, but I spoke to my local piano shop recently regarding a piano that had belonged to my great-great-grandfather, and they had a sort of (modern-day) directory/piano encyclopedia thing that mentioned its makers. You'd probably need to speak to a top-notch shop who would have a directory (mine was Carstairs in Canterbury), but they might be able to help even if the name was quite obscure - our piano was made by Justin Browne, and they found that the shop was in the Edgware Road in the nineteenth century (and long, long gone). Maybe if you get info on the shop, you can trace things further... Lysianne


Brian Report 19 May 2016 06:10

I know this is an old tread but you never know. My family were pianoforte makers as well. My GF3 Thomas was the foreman and many other family members worked there over several generations.