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Trying to find Kelsey-Wood

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Virginia Report 1 Oct 2003 05:17

Trying to find Alfred Kelsey-Wood or anyone who may know or have known him (or have a photo of him) Alfred was a Sergeant (1057985) in the Royal Artillery (1930- 1940 ish) but not sure where specifically he was posted in UK. Alfred was born in Darlington. He was married to Hilda Josephine Ackerman, not sure how long for. During the late thirties, early forties, he was acquainted with Florence Roberts and fathered two children with her (Dennis and Hazel). If you have any information on either Alfred or Hilda - I'd love to hear from you! Thank you :)


Julie Report 30 Mar 2016 18:07

Hi Virginia, My father in law was named Alfred Kelsey wood and he was also a sergeant in the Army and based in woolwich. He went abroad and ended up in the 8th Army, and died in 1957. My husband and his sister both have their mothers name on their birth certificate as Margery Nicholls, but their elder brother Colin, has Hilda Josephine on his birth certificate. I have found out that he married Margery in 1948, but Alfred Kelsy Wood is named as the father on each of the birth certificates, along with a son which was adopted early 1950s. He was apparently a "bit of a lad" and managed to get 5 nurses pregnant whilst they lived in East Ham. This is too much of a coincidence not to have something in common.. Hope you get this email. My husbands phone no is 07506728719 I have pictures of him if you are interested xx


greyghost Report 30 Mar 2016 18:30

Julie - you have picked up on a post that is 13 years old and Virginia hasn't returned to the boards since then.

She may or may not be a member. You could try clicking on her name and you will then be able to send her a personal message through Genes. IF she still has the same email address that she registered with Gr they can notify her that she has a message. However after all this time, there could be many reasons why she doesn't answer.

Please remove the phone number from your post - the site is not secure and so is open to abuse. You can be contacted by PM in the same way as I've just described.

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 30 Mar 2016 23:30

You can find Virginia on Facebook.
