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Trying to find Jackson

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Doreen Report 5 Jan 2004 21:44

JACKSON I am trying to find relatives of John Jackson and Elizabeth Nuttall who were living at The Crescent, Salford in 1920. It was called The Crescent Confectionery CompanyThey had five children Samuel, Margaret Annie, Elsie Rachel, Joseph Henry and John Thomas (My grandfather). I believe Samuel married Polly and had a child called Molly. Margaret Annie married Fred Fidler and their children included John, Madge, Dorothy and Joan. Joseph married Eva and their children included Robin. Please get in touch is you are related to any of these people.


Janice Report 4 Jul 2014 22:31

Hello Doreen, Sorry this is 10 years late! I am just so amazed at seeing this message though!
I have been searching for information about the Crescent Confectionary on and off for several years now (more off unfortunately) and have recently asked for some research help! Low and behold I was telling my cousin (from the other side of my family) the other day and she found your message!
I am Dorothy's youngest daughter Janice! Please get in touch if you find this message after all this time!!


jax Report 4 Jul 2014 22:38

welcome to the boards Janice

Click on Doreens name and send a message, if she still has the same email address she will be notified


ArgyllGran Report 16 Nov 2015 17:10

Doreen, please remove your email address from your last post - it's against GR rules.

Sending a private message as you have done is the only way to try to contact Janice, but of course there's no guarantee that she will read it.
If you click on "Messages" at the top of this page, and then "Sent messages" you can see if she has opened your message or not. If it has an "unopened" green envelope next to it, she hasn't opened it.


Doreen Report 16 Nov 2015 17:39

Hi. I was really thrilled to see your reply. Sorry that it has taken so long but I have not been on the genes website for quite a while. I do have information about the Cresecnt Confectionary company. I have a couple of photos and also some letter headed paper. I also have photos of most of the people that I have mentioned in the above message. I would be happy to share them with you.
Do you have any photos or memories shared by your family?
I hope that you see this message soon and that we can share the information . I changed my e mail address after posting my original message so I did not get notification that you had replied. Hopefully you will not have changed your e Mail address.

I look forward to hearing from you.




+++DetEcTive+++ Report 16 Nov 2015 18:35

We hope Janice spots Doreen's message as well.

Unfortunately she has cancelled her membership - you can't even attempt to contact her by PM (private message)

If only people could remember not to Cancel, and just allow their subscription lapse. It would stop such a lot of disappointment.


Dea Report 17 Nov 2015 13:53

I have been doing a bit of 'digging around' and I think I 'may' have found who Janice is and a possible address for her.

I will send info by pm to Doreen.

Dea x