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Trying to find McCombie

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KathleenBell Report 29 Nov 2015 18:17


Welcome to the boards. Sharon's post is over 11 years old so I doubt that she is still a member. You could try clicking on her name and sending a private message. If she still has the same email address she should get notification from Genes that she has a message from you. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

It is against Genes terms and conditions to include your email address in a post. People can contact you through Genes by clicking on your board name.

Kath. x


McArda Report 29 Nov 2015 17:50

I have a James McCombie in my background. Born in Braco Perthshire about 1860. His mother Ann Tozet married my ggrandfather Angus McArthur in 1867 and James is listed on a couple of census as stepson. He may have emigrated to Australia. Dave McA [email protected]


McArda Report 29 Nov 2015 17:49

I have a James McCombie in my background. Born in Braco Perthshire about 1860. His mother Ann Tozet married my ggrandfather Angus McArthur in 1867 and James is listed on a couple of census as stepson. Dave McA [email protected]


Sharon Report 10 Jul 2004 17:26

I am trying to find any relations of my father Hamilton McCaig McCombie born. 15.7.1915 at 18 Ross Street Glasgow. I have found a death entry for a Hamilton McCombie born same date as above in Glasgow and the death is registered at Bury St Edmunds 28 Nov 1990. The last known address I had for my father was 16 Eightacres, Tring , Herts. I think this is possibly the death certificate for my father but I am not sure as I have n't seen him for thirty five years since I was 13. His father was John McCombie born. 9.3.1872, died 8.8.1934 occupation police constable, his mother was Catherine McCaig born 1876 and died 12.10.1925, in the 1891 census was living at 82 Raise Street Ardrossaur. My mother also told me he was the youngest of thirteen children. John was the eldest born 5.12.1897 at 16 glen street paisley, then Alexander born 14.12.1898 at 14 Blythwood Drive Paisley, next Helen Workman Brown McCombie born 10.3.1901 at 36 Raise Street Saltcoats, married 25.3.1927 to Robert Cochrane living at 25 Portland Street Glasgow. My sister was named Sheree Helen after my aunt. I also know he had a sister called Catherine but cannot get any census information after 1901, I was named Sharon Catherine after this aunt. In the 1901 census the family were living at 36 Raise Street. One of my fathers brothers was a Sea Captain who lived in a large house with tall railings around it. Also some of his siblings I think emigrated to Australia, USA, and New Zealand. My fathers maternal grandparents were William McCaig miner born 1831 Ireland , Catherine Kinniburgh born 1831 Saltcoats Ayr,Children William born 1859, John born 1866, Hamilton born 1872 and my grand mother Catherine was the youngest. Her brother William McCaig married Jane Muir 28.11.1890(her father was William Muir and mother Margaret Ross), the children of william and Jane were my fathers cousins, Walter born 1887, Maggie born 1889 ( I think she died before the next census 1901), William born 1891, John born 1893, Hamilton born 18.8.1894, and Helen Workman Brown McCaig born 1897. Hamilton married Annie McArthur in 6.2.1920. Helen married on 25.7.1919 Hugh Hunter-Wilson Gibson born 1894(his father was George Gibson and mother Helen Davison) My fathers paternal grandparents were Alexander McCombie born 1820 and died 20.3.1879(his father was Alexander McCombie his mother was Grace Christie), and Isabella Gordan born 1837 (parents John and Elspit and sister to William who died 2.9.1879 aged 60) married 19.7.1856 living at Glennines Aberfour. Children were Alexander born 1857, Ellen born 1876 and my grandfather John. Alexander married Christina McIntosh 30.11.1883 (her father was James McIntosh and mother Jane McIntyre). Their children were Alexander born 1885, Joan born 1887, Judith born 1888 living at 1 comach Croy & Dalcross. If any of this information is reckonised please contact me