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Trying to find Hazell

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Donna Report 14 Dec 2005 02:17

I am trying to find anyone that may be related to my family - even distantly!!!! All of them are from around the Warickshire area (or close to) in England. My great grandparents were Thomas Hazel and Elizabeth Hazel (nee Willott) both born in 1895. They had 5 Children, Stanley, Joyce, Leonard, Dennis and Jean. Thomas' parents were George Hazel and Alice Hazel (nee Morgan). They had a total of 22 Children of which approx 14 survived. We have not been able to trace any of these children apart from Thomas. George's parents were Joseph Hazel and Sarah Hazel (nee Robinson). They had Joseph jnr who married Annie Hazel (nee Snowden) and had a son Joseph Hazel. Joseph's parents were Joseph and Mary Hazel circa 1790's. If anyone with any information on any of these names or any one that may fit into the family - either Hazel, Robinson, Morgan or Snowden would be great. It seems that the name may have been spelt Hazell on some occasions.


Jennifer Report 28 Sep 2015 07:44

I have Hazells in my tree. My Grandmother was the daughter of Robert Rand and Mary Ann Hazel born 1846. Her parents were Eli Hazel who married Anne Church.
Does this fit in your tree??

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 28 Sep 2015 08:54


Donna only posted once and the thread is ten years old so it's very unlikely she is still a member.

You could try and make contact by clicking on her name and sending a message . If she still has the same email address she will receive it and can respond


Jennifer Report 28 Sep 2015 10:44

Thanks Shirley.......I realised that after I posted but wasn't sure how to delete my post. I was actually looking for another post which I eventually found..
I shouldn't do things when I'm tired lol
Cheers :-)