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William Maddison in1851 please

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LondonBelle Report 9 Jun 2016 06:56

I'm getting a bit confused

So is it Lily Maddison the Ancestor you are trying to work back from?


Teresa Report 9 Jun 2016 07:45

This is for an elderly lady and she has sent two papers, one with Thomas Reed Brown born 1802 married Hannah Hodgson, whose daughter Isabella married a William Maddison. The other has Lily Maddison born 1900 married to Christopher Bradley.Their son Joseph married Emily Pearson, and I believe Lily is their child, from the info on the 1901 census. It has taken a bit of working out but there are so many William Maddisons I think I was on the wrong track with thinking it was Isabella who had died and he had taken a 2nd wife BUT it now look like William died and Isabella married again!!.
Sorry for the confusion but I was also flumoxed by it.
There is also some Harrisons on a list, in the same area but I haven't started on them yet.x