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Jane Anne Culhane

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Brian Report 31 May 2016 20:30

Glasgowlass what a dreadful end.
Pressing on with search of Culhanes in the Glasgow area as a relative could have got Jane the job in Derby Street. Now have historic maps of area and the poorer area that her baby ended up being adopted in. Will spend some money on Scotlands People looking for a Culhane sibling and hope to strike lucky. Many thanks.

Chris Ho thank you. Seem to have been some Culhanes in London area from about 1850. Made contact with someone, but unfortunately no lead. Elimination is progress - or so they say !!

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 31 May 2016 07:06

Births Sep 1879 (>99%)
Culhane Joseph Gerard Marylebone 1a 580

(just to add, above looks to be son on Census posted, coming up at Rathmines, Dublin on below, as Joseph G, also Louis, John, Thomas, Mrs I.)

1914 Britain, directories & almanacs (Find My Past)

Chris :)

(looking at 1901 Irish on above, says London for Joseph and John)


GlasgowLass Report 30 May 2016 23:47

I had exactly the same thought about Dr Culhane and thought that his connection to the RC churches in Lanarkshire may be relevant

DR Culhane and his family were indeed catholic and he was a highly respected member of the RC church.

His obituary mentioned this is detail.
He was a Grand Knight (K.O.S.C) in Derby
By 1935 he was appointed as Supreme Physician to the whole order
The Bishop Of Nottingham delivered a Panegyric at his Requiem Mass

Just for the record, Dr Culhane was accidently knocked down and killed in 1938 by his eldest son Oliver who was a Medical student.
Oliver came to pick his father up from a meeting and when Dr Culhane saw the car coming down the road, he stepped out to flag his son down.
His son never saw his father at the edge of the road and the car hit him.
Dr Culhane hit his head on the kerb and died almost instantly
Oliver was exonerated of all blame

His daughter Therese was also nursing sister and as mentioned above, son Austin also became a doctor of medicine


AustinQ Report 30 May 2016 22:31

and just to add- Dr Ignatius Benedict Culhane and family were Catholic


ArgyllGran Report 30 May 2016 21:23

Just for the record - no sibling called Jane in 1901 either. John, the father, was born in Tipperary, if that's any clue to more distant relatives:

Benedict Culhane
in the Web: Ireland, Census, 1901
Name: Benedict Culhane
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Birth Year: abt 1892
Relation to Head: Son
Residence Date: 31 Mar 1901
Townland/Street: Roebuck (Part of)
District: Dundrum
County: Dublin
Household Members:
Name Age
John Culhane 46
M E Culhane 44
Mary S Culhane 19
Agnes Culhane 6
Patrick Culhane 12
John J Culhane 20
Joseph S Culhane 21
Benedict Culhane 9
Bernard Culhane 3
Julia Coogan 50
Kate Royes 27
Emma Hanley 25
Roas Dolan 23


Brian Report 30 May 2016 21:05

Saved me more money !!
Was going to send off for Austin's birth cert.
Yes Dr. Culhane would be the perfect candidate to pay up, even if it's a distant poor relation that he's paying for.
The adoption (not legal actually in Scotland until 1930 although the word adopted is on the 1926 cert) was arranged by the Catholic church. Perhaps the Church asked Dr. Culhane to pay.
Many thanks once again :-)


AustinQ Report 30 May 2016 10:09

GlasgowLass I think you're right- just looking at Ignatius' siblings- there are none listed as Jane on the 1911 census, but as you say Jane may have been a relative,

Residents of a house 1 in Temple Road (Rathmines & Rathgar East, Dublin)

Culhane Mary E 52 Female Dublin married 32 years
Culhane Joseph J 31 son Male Merchant England
Culhane Mary J 29 daughter Female - Dublin
Culhane Louis 27 son Male Dublin
Culhane Gertrude 21 daughter Female Dublin
Culhane Benedict 19 son Male Dublin
Cullen Sarah 28 Female Servant
Walsh Helena 24 Female Servant


GlasgowLass Report 30 May 2016 00:36

I have an inkling that Austin Brendan Culhane was born into a marriage .
Father is likely to be Dr Ignatius Benedict Culhane mother Josephine Maud Wilson who married in Dublin 1917

Looking at Lanarkshire newspapers where Dr Culhane is mentioned in an article giving first aid lectures on behalf of St John's Ambulance.( 1924 in the Bothwell area)

Further info shows that this Dr Culhane was a distinguished medic who moved from Lanarkshire to Derby in 1927 and died in a dreadful accident in 1938 age 47yrs.

His wife, 2 sons and 4 daughters are mentioned in his obituary including a son named "Master A Culhane."
The other, older son was named Oliver Anthony Patrick Culhane
Only 2 daughters were mentioned. Misses Marie Therese & N Culhane,

The marriage of 1917 suggests that Jane Anne could not be their daughter but, perhaps she was a relative?

It's a long shot but, if Dr Culhane was related to Jane Anne, he would be a perfect candidate to pay for her expenses


Brian Report 29 May 2016 20:51

Have printed off all your info.
Will study.
Am hopeful that Austin may be Jane's brother.
Australia interesting.
Got directions to go now that I hadn't before.
Many thanks to you all.


ArgyllGran Report 29 May 2016 15:03

Gwladys May Culhane
in the Fremantle, Western Australia, Passenger Lists, 1897-1963
Name: Gwladys May Culhane
Departure Place: London, United Kingdom
Arrival Date: 13 Feb 1958
Arrival Place: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Vessel: Stratheden

Not travelling with Austin.


ArgyllGran Report 29 May 2016 14:43

The undermentioned cadets to be 2nd Lts.,
4th Oct.1947:

Austin Brendan


Rambling Report 29 May 2016 14:31

Probate for Austin can be found at


ArgyllGran Report 29 May 2016 14:15

Same person ???

Austin Brendan Culhane
in the Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980
Name: Austin Brendan Culhane
Gender: Male
Electoral Year: 1963
Subdistrict: Melville
State: Western Australia
District: Fremantle
Country: Australia

Living with Gwladys May. He's a driver, she's a housewife (home duties).

Austin Brendan Culhane
in the Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980
Name: Austin Brendan Culhane
Gender: Male
Electoral Year: 1968
Subdistrict: Scarborough
State: Western Australia
District: Stirling
Country: Australia

He's a technician, living with Gwladys May Ann Culhane, home duties

Austin Brendan Culhane
in the Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980
Name: Austin Brendan Culhane
Gender: Male
Electoral Year: 1972
Subdistrict: Coolbellup
State: Western Australia
District: Fremantle
Country: Australia

Still with Gwladys, but now he's a doctor and she's a nurse.

Gwladys May A Culhane
in the England & Wales, Death Index, 1916-2007
Name: Gwladys May A Culhane
Birth Date: 29 Dec 1922
Date of Registration: Sep 1972
Age at Death: 49
Registration district: Plymouth
Inferred County: Devon
Volume: 7a
Page: 1779

Austin remarried in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire in 1976. I won't post the record in case his widow is still alive - haven't found her death so far.

She's on Bristol ER until 2007 .


ArgyllGran Report 29 May 2016 14:13

In case Austin Brendan is relevant:

Austin Brendan Culhane
in the England & Wales, Death Index, 1916-2007
Name: Austin Brendan Culhane
Birth Date: 16 Jul 1924
Date of Registration: Sep 2003
Age at Death: 79
Registration district: Kings Lynn
Inferred County: Norfolk
Register Number: 68A
District and Subdistrict: 637/1A
Entry Number: 185


Brian Report 29 May 2016 08:52

Thank you all.
Think I will pursue the idea that she may have had a child before or joined a relative in Glasgow to get a job. Intrigued by the fact that someone paid for the birth and paid for it outside Glasgow. The baby did not go to wealthy people - far from it. On the case!!


AustinQ Report 28 May 2016 22:32

Culhane is not a common name in Lanarkshire-

There is also an Austin Brendan Culhane born in Bothwell Lanark in 1924- not too far from Hamilton. Wondered if he was perhaps another child of Jane?


ArgyllGran Report 28 May 2016 22:30

Or this one:

Jane Culhane
in the Web: Ireland, Census, 1901
Name: Jane Culhane
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Birth Year: abt 1897
Relation to Head: Daughter
Residence Date: 31 Mar 1901
Townland/Street: Abbeyview Terrace
District: Rathkeale Urban
County: Limerick
Household Members:
Name Age
Edward J Culhane 41
Bridget Culhane 35
Mary Culhane 5
Jane Culhane 4
Bridget Culhane 3
Margaret Culhane 1


Andrew Report 28 May 2016 22:17

There is this in Ireland census 1911

Name:Anne Jane Culhane
Gender:Female Age:
Birth Year:abt 1899
Relation to Head:Daughter
Residence Date:2 Apr 1911
Townland/Street:Riverstown Town
District:Riverstown County:
Household Members:

Thomas F Culhane 41
Margt Culhane 43
Mary Culhane 18
Margt Culhane 16
Michl Culhane 14
>>>>>>> Anne Jane Culhane 12
Agnes Culhane 10
Alice Culhane 8
Patrick Culhane 6



Rambling Report 28 May 2016 22:15

Only Culhane I can see in 1901 Londonderry, not there on the 1911 Irish census?

Census Years1901LondonderryMagherafeltTullyinksayResidents of a house
Residents of a house 42 in Tullyinksay (Magherafelt, Londonderry)

Convent/boarding school

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Loughran Mary 18 Female - R C
Connolly Mary 14 Female - R C
Mc Elroy Cissie 13 Female - -
Grant Annie 11 Female - -
Barry May 9 Female - -
Culhane Annie 11 Female - -


Brian Report 28 May 2016 22:04

Trying to find Jane Anne Culhane born somewhere around 1900 - 1915. Thought to have come from Londonderry/Derry. Worked as a Domestic Servant in Glasgow. Gave birth to Margaret Culhane in Beckford Lodge, Hamilton just outside Glasgow in 1926. As the NHS did not exist until 1948 someone paid for the birth to happen at this hospital. Have tried to track down Jane Anne Culhane without success and yet she signed Margaret's birth certificate very clearly.