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Dalton in Furness Cumbria 1908

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Pamela Report 15 May 2016 16:55

I have a Birth Certificate in 1908 with an address of 12 Cardigan Terrace Dalton in Furness. Registration District Ulverston. But Cardigan Terrace does not appear on a current street index map . Anyone know where it used to be? Thanks Pam


Maddie Report 15 May 2016 17:09

from 1901 census
Street Cardigan Terrace
Town Dalton in Furness
Parish Dalton in Furness
City -
Country England
County Lancashire
Municipal ward Central
Registration district Ulverston
Archive reference RG13
Piece number 5338
Folio 131
Page 10
Record set 1901 England, Wales & Scotland Census

next address was devonshire street

from bing maps

Devonshire Street, Dalton LA15 8
Category Census, land & surveys
Subcategory Census
Collections from Great Britain


Pamela Report 15 May 2016 17:35

Thank you Kind Regards Pam


ArgyllGran Report 15 May 2016 17:58

To elaborate a bit on what Maddie has said -

The description of what streets the 1901 census covered (in that particular area of Dalton in Furness), lists Cleator Street, Cardigan Terrace, Devonshire Street, Porter Street - in that order.

Cleator Street, Devonshire Street, and Porter Street all run parallel to each other (per Streetview) - and nowadays there's Cavendish Street in the position where Cardigan Terrace was - ie between Cleator Street and Devonshire Street, and running parallel to them.

There's no sign of Cavendish Street in 1901 or earlier censuses - it only appears in 1911.
And Cardigan Terrace doesn't seem to appear in 1911.

So I wonder if Cardigan Terrace was renamed Cavendish Street ??


patchem Report 15 May 2016 23:07

Name changed by 1913?


Pamela Report 16 May 2016 10:02

Thank you for this I can see Cavendish St on my Street Index. Kind Regards Pam..


mgnv Report 16 May 2016 22:55

Nothing to do with your query, but if you're interested in births in Dalton, then it's worth supplementing FreeBMD's GRO index with the local index.

Here's an example from the GRO index:

Births Sep 1908 (>99%)
Smith John Ulverston 8e 799

and here's the same birth from the local index at:

Cumbria Birth indexes for the years: 1908
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference
SMITH John Dalton Cumbria Certificate Services JACKSON D/86/208


Here's how to match a CumbriaBMD hit with the GRO entry

Cumbria Birth indexes for the years: 1908
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference

Cumbria Birth indexes for the years: 1908
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference
SMITH John Barrow Cumbria Certificate Services ASKEW B/117/176
SMITH John Barrow Cumbria Certificate Services DONELLY B/116/229

Suppose I know I'm interested in the Smith-Askew birth

A 1908 lookup at FreeBMD gets just one hit:

Births Sep 1908 (>99%)
Smith John Barrow F. 8e 851
[Actually, the image says the page # is 854 - I've subm'd a correction to FreeBMD]

So I look up the other names on p854 in 1908q3 - here's just one with the local ref appended.

Births Sep 1908 (>99%)
Cole Harvey Barrow F. 8e 854 B/116/224
Smith John Barrow F. 8e 851 [854] B/116/229

Most local refs have 3 elements:
1) a subdistrict code (or church code for marrs);
2) a register sequence #, sequenced within the code;
3) an entry or page #. Initially, the GRO copies had twice as many entries per page as the local rego's.
This was halved for marrs in 1852q1, and halved for Bs & Ds in 1911q3.
The local rego's always had 5 entries per page for Bs & Ds (and 2 for marrs).
Local rego's have 500 entries (some local marr rego's had fewer).

So two distinct entries on a b.rego page should normally differ by at most 10 entry #s or 2 page #s.
Since local b.rego's had just 100 pages, it's clear the 3rd element of the local ref is an entry # here, so this is the Smith-Donelly birth.

CumbriaBMD indexes by year of birth, not quarter of regostration, so an Xmas 1908 birth is quite likely to be rego'ed in 1909q1, as was the Smith-Askew birth:

Births Mar 1909 (>99%)
Craig Andrew Robert Barrow F. 8e 765 B/117/174 [1908]
SMITH John Barrow F. 8e 765 B/117/176 [1908]

In fact, all the births on this page of 1909q1 rego's are indexed under 1908 by CumbriaBMD.