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Finding maternal grandfather - Herbert Hartnett

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Clive Report 12 May 2016 18:49

This one has me stumped because I am not aware of any living relatives I can talk to. My Mother was born Phyllis Hartnett in 1910 and her brother Roland in 1908. I have traced them and their mother Ethel Grace Hartnett (nee Jones) who was born in Mold circa 1882. I know my grandfather left/died (uncertain which) when my mother was infant and he is not in the family home in the 1911 census the head of household there is I believe my great granfather Jones. I only know his name is Herbert from my mother's marriage certificate (he is listed there as retired bootseller). I know a few more things about him, he had a brother, Jack, who died in Golders Green in the late 60's but again I can find no trace. I also know that he drove a car and could fly a plane plus he had haemophillia B, a hereditary disease passed to me through my mother. He is the only possible source. I have managed to get back several generations in my fathers family but of my mothers there is little trace. Not quite sure where to turn from here.
My main research tool is but I have imported the gedcom file here though it has drawn it fairly strangley. Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated