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1891 Census

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Margaret Report 22 Apr 2016 13:56

Can anyone take a look for the Rogers/Rodgers family please? I have a family with father Peter born Tyrone, Ireland and wife Bridget born Tyrone. In July 1885 they had a daughter called Kathleen. They were living Cross Street, Colne at that time (according to birth certificate and she is recorded as Kathleen RoDgers. I cannot find this family on 1891 census at all. However I have just found them on 1901 census living Mill Bridge, Skipton where they are recorded as RoDgers - Peter 49 a stonemason, Bridget wife, CATHERINE dau 15 born Colne and son Joseph 5 born Skipton.

Advance to 1911 census and they are living Westmoreland Street, Skipton and son Joseph is 15. No sign of Kathleen/Catherine so I assumed she had married. Have not been able to find a marriage for her either. This family came across from Ireland and when they did they changed their surname from whatever it was to Rodgers/Rogers. It is believed they had another daughter Roseanne who went under the name of McCroary/McCrory but extensive searching has found no trace of her in either births, marriages or census returns, so maybe she remained in Ireland.

Any help locating this family in 1891 would be most welcome. Many thanks.