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Emma Serigins/Scriggins

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katqueen Report 7 Apr 2016 18:17

Yes Emma did die in 1880. Mary married Thomas B Knill [not sure of date] and Sarah Jane married William Brend in 1878 so that is why they do not appear in the 1881 census. Have searched in genes and ancestry for a record of Emma's birth at or around 1804 in hopes of finding her parents names but still cannot be certain if her surname was Serigins, Scriggins or Striggins or even something else. I think it is one of those that is impossible to find.


alviegal Report 15 Apr 2016 13:22

So this is Sarah Jane and Mary in 1881.

1881 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription

38, High Street, Barnstaple, Devon, England

William Brend Head Married Male 32 1849 Fish Fruit & Game Mcht Devon, England
>>L J Brend Wife Married Female 31 1850 Game Mcht Wife Barnstaple, Devon, England
Sydney Brend Son Single Male 0 1881 Game Mcht Son Barnstaple, Devon, England
Mary E Brend Servant Single Female 16 1865 General Servant Devon, England
>>Mary Davey Visitor Single Female 40 1841 Invalid Barnstaple, Devon, England

Mary has a spinal injury, not from birth. I suppose her age could be 49 on the image. Does look like 40 though.

1891 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription

Sanders Court, Holland Street, Barnstable, Devon, England

Sarah Brend Head Widow Female 40 1851 - Barnstaple, Devon, England
Sydney Brend Son - Male 9 1882 Scholar Barnstaple, Devon, England
Percy Brend Son - Male 8 1883 Scholar Barnstaple, Devon, England


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Apr 2016 20:01

I don't think Mary married Thomas Knill

This is the only marriage record including a Thomas Knill and a Mary Dav* that shows up on Freebmd ...............

Marriages Dec 1850 (>99%)

BARNES Elizabeth Barnstaple 10 59
>>>>>>>> Davey Mary Barnstaple 10 59
Halford Edward Barnstaple 10 59
Hawks Eliza Frances Barnstaple 10 59
>>>>>>>>> Knill Thomas Barnes Barnstaple 10 59
>>>>>>>>> Knill Thomas Barns Barnstaple 10 59
Macey Edward Barnstaple 10 59
Moon Thomas Barnstaple 10 59
Redmore Sarah Barnstaple 10 59