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Henrietta Croft ne Farelley

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MargaretM Report 30 Mar 2016 22:18

Duplication, response on other thread:


Mary Report 30 Mar 2016 22:01

I am absoulutly stumped with this lady and I know I have asked before, but a long time ago. She married Kane Croft in Ireland in c 1883, they moved around all over the place from Northamptonshire,Leicestershire, Scotland to Dorset and back to Ireland. I have about 50 newspaper articles mentioning Kane Croft, (he was a 2nd whipp, then 1st whip for the Hunts. I found his death in 1915 in Strabane area Ireland (LOL) under suspicious circumstances, found newspaper clippings of his inquest, either he was drunk and shot himself or the equipment he used to put down injured hounds was faulty. (we will never know the answer to that one. I know he Left her about 153 pounds and she was awarded 75 pounds in compensation from his employers (but where the hell did she go after 1915. she was born around 1866 give or take 4 years in Kells Co. Meath Ireland. and I think her fathers name was stephen (not positive on fathers name). Any help would be appreciated. I have been looking at my Kane Croft for about 9 years and only after 1911 census did I find him in Ireland. How a child born in Northamptonshire can end up in a Workhouse then scotland, get married in Ireland, back in england in Dorset and then in Ireland makes you realise what life must have been like. Any help at all would be appreciated on my Henrietta, If I can help anyone at all with searches , please feel free to ask. Thankyou all in advance