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Looking for a grave in Battle or near Hastings

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AndyTG Report 19 Feb 2016 12:51

Yesterday I received the death certificate of my wife's great Aunt Ann Sophia Turner b 20/10/1906 d 10/08/1999 Epsom/Surrey. Her niece Diane registered the death and told me she went to the funeral and believes her body was taken to be buried with her 2nd husband Alfred Turner (b 1910, d 1991) near or in Battle, Sussex. Can anyone suggest how best I could find the cemetery/plot they may be buried or which council to ask.


KathleenBell Report 19 Feb 2016 13:41

You could try Hastings Crematorium. If she is not buried there they would probably be able to point you in the right direction for nearby cemeteries. Contact details are:-

Address: The Cemetery/The Ridge, Hastings TN34 2AE
Phone:01424 451057
Hours: Open today · 8:30am–4:30pm

Kath. x


Kuros Report 19 Feb 2016 15:04

Local councils usually hold records of burials in municipal cemeteries. Most charge for a search. although some will tell you if the person is buried in the cemetery and you have to pay for the details. Our council charges £50 for the burial details but, once you know someone is buried there, you can save the money by doing some legwork. If the cemetery is a large one, though, this can be a daunting task.



Kuros Report 19 Feb 2016 15:08

This may be useful to you.

Battle Cemetery
The Almonry
High Street
East Sussex

Tel: 01424 772210

[email protected]



AndyTG Report 19 Feb 2016 17:20

Thank you for all the replies, I'll e-mail the Battle town council first then try the phone numbers suggested. From my experience always get the plot numbers & sections as many of my wife's relatives got a plot for life but couldn't afford the headstones!! Many a happy hour wandering a cemetery. If I won the lottery I would invest in a few headstones, my wife's thinks I'm a bit crazy, but sure many genealogists would do the same.

Andy :-)