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Marjorie Blackshaw Born 3rd April 1923 in Ashton

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greyghost Report 9 Feb 2016 14:33

The birth registration gives no other initial and her mmn as Dyer so are these her parents?

First name(s) JOSEPH
Marriage quarter 4
Marriage year 1919
MarriageFinderâ„¢ JOSEPH BLACKSHAW married
Spouse's last name DYER
District number -
County Lancashire
Country England
Volume 8D
Page 1259

One probable brother Kenneth shown as born in Ashton RD 1920

There are other births to the Blackshaw /Dyer combination but no other marriage to account for them unless a second marriage for Mum.

They are 1924 in Nottm, 1926, Notts, 1927 Nottm and 1938 Nottm. Are these possibles if the parents moved around or not as they may give other avenues to follow


Andysmum Report 9 Feb 2016 14:31

Does she have a middle name?

There are 8 marriages between 1940/60 on FreeBMD, of which 4 have a middle initial. Of the other 4, one is registered in Ashton.


PricklyHolly Report 9 Feb 2016 14:02

Hi Peter

Do you have an idea who she may have married?


Peter Report 9 Feb 2016 13:41

Hi I have being doing family research for nearly 20 years and have become obsessed about the above person. I am a member of four ancestry sites including Genes Reunited [which I joined today]
But to date all I can find about the above [My Aunt] is a birth certificate which I have a copy of. I believe she may have married and moved to South Africa in the 40/50s but have no other details.
I have researched every avenue I believe available to me on line. But I cannot further my research. I have no living relatives who can help either.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a way I can trace my Aunt?
