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John Leslie Pankhurst 1923 - 2002

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Carol Report 8 Feb 2016 13:38

thank you


Rambling Report 8 Feb 2016 12:56

No don't be upset Carol because people here are only trying to help, reporting a thread might not seem like that but ultimately it is helpful because it allows the people helping with queries to put all their time into the one thread and see what has been found by others and what still needs to be looked for :-)

We're all working to the same end, to help find as much as info possible to help :-)


Carol Report 8 Feb 2016 12:41

thank you for making that clear as I'm dyslexic I don't always read everything on the site correctly. I was just upset that someone thought it was a good idea to report the issue after I had already made the mistake but lifes too short to be upset for long after just one incident. And yes you are right if I can help other people with their trees etc I alway open my tree on this site and on the other site I use
Thank you


MargaretM Report 8 Feb 2016 12:32

One thing I don't understand, Carol, is your mention of "the nameless person who reported the over sight that has been a member since 2003. "

I don't know where you got that from but there is no way that we can determine who reports a post or how long they've been a member.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Feb 2016 11:57

Carol - its always best to add additional information to the original thread. That way all the previous research is in one place. As has been pointed out, members spotting a 'new' thread on a different board, won't necessarily realise there was a previous one.

If necessary, you could click the 'edit' button on your opening post then say 'added - ' and tack the extra detail on the end.

Don't take umbrage - just take on board and move on. There's nothing more that 'helpers' like, than to 'help' other members ;-)


Carol Report 8 Feb 2016 10:41

I seem to have upset a lot of people with my couple of posts for further info about a new found family member who as a family we have been searching for, As I have only recently sign back on with this site and haven't used its message boards before I didn't realise after posting a thread I wasn't allow to go back and revisit to update the information that I had found out. Be sure that I will not be doing it again or asking for help to find my relations. I am very sorry to of upset the nameless person who reported the over sight that has been a member since 2003. Thank you to margaret and Rose for pointing the error out to me, it won't be repeated


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2016 13:11

Glad some people have retrieved the original!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Feb 2016 13:11

Sure I read a similar thread earlier this morning.

Didn't Gins find a possible death for him in Swale/Thanet with his first names reversed?
If that was your thread, it really isn't a good idea to delete as additional or amended requests can be added on. The background research will be all in one pace.

People are unlikely to jump out of the woodwork to say they are related. You need to be pro-active and look for them. In the first instance, use the Search all Members trees and contact anyone who features him. Make sure he is also on your tree so they could do the same.


MargaretM Report 7 Feb 2016 13:10

Snap, Rose!


MargaretM Report 7 Feb 2016 13:09

Why did you start a new thread, Carol?


Rambling Report 7 Feb 2016 13:09

Carol as you already have a thread, it is better to continue there, a google search will show that thread if anyone else is looking for the name. Having 2 threads runs the risk of helpers repeating info that has already been found.


Carol Report 7 Feb 2016 12:51

Does anyone know the ancestors or the family of this man the half brother of my mother but one she never met. His father was divorced from my grandmother C1933 when John was 10 and then he married Lucy Jones. As was the custom in those days John had to stay with his father John Alfred Pankhurst something my grandmother regretted very much. we have been searching for years for him but I don't know what if anything his surviving family know of my grandmother Ellen (Nellie) Casemore nee Longhurst. If anyone knows the family please could you let me know if anyone reading this know anything of the family
Kind regards