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John Foster c 1790

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SylviaInCanada Report 2 Feb 2016 19:38

Anglicans (or CofE) have Cathedrals as well as RC!!!

Manchester Cathedral is most certainly Anglican.

People might well have got married there because they considered it the "mother church".

For example, up until about 1840 or so, the Parish Church for Oldham was in Prestwich, then the parish of Oldham got large enough to have a church of its own. So Oldham Parish Church was built ................ but many people would still walk all the way to Prestwich to get married because that was THE church. Some of them even took their babies to Prestwich to be baptised.

My own GG grandparents were married in Prestwich even though they lived in Oldham and Oldham Parish Church was in existence.

One unfortunate effect of this is that the couple would often have to go alone as their relatives or friends did not have the time ................ so the witnesses for many of those weddings are of no use in tracing family relationships.

They are known as "professional witnesses" .............. members of the church who would act as witness for the payment of a small sum of money. Often, it will be the Church Warden or others who could be around during the day.


greyghost Report 2 Feb 2016 16:01

The Cathedral, Manchester in the County of Lancashire --
(Previously known as the Collegiate Church)

There has been a parish church on or near the site of the Cathedral since the late Anglo Saxon or early Norman period.

It was in 1421 that the parish church of the little known village that was to become Manchester was raised to the status of a Collegiate Church (a church served by resident canons). It was elevated to Cathedral status in 1847 and dedicated to St Mary, St Denys and St George.

Manchester was a very large parish with an influx of inhabitants in the 18th and early 19th centuries. The Potato famine in Ireland and the Industrial Revolution were major causes of this population explosion.

Could your couple have been part of this influx having married elsewhere and come into Manchester where their family were born and raised? -
here it says that the ancient parish of Manchester was 60 square miles in size, including 30 townships etc etc .......
- the other reason for the volume of baptisms and marriages conducted at Manchester was that the Collegiate Church retained a virtual monopoly over the licences to perform the ceremonies. There were outlying chapels within the parish, but a ceremony at one of the chapels was liable to a double fee – one to the chapel, and one to the mother church at the centre.,_St_George_and_St_Denys,_Lancashire_Genealogy -
gives a list of place names within the parish boundaries but is not complete.

It would appear that you didn't have to live on the doorstep to need the services of the collegiate church!


Dea Report 2 Feb 2016 08:04

I believe that both All Saints Church, Wigan and Manchester Cathedral followed the Anglican faith. (CofE). The Cathedral is certainly not Roman Catholic.

I am sure that someone will correct me if I am wrong.....

Dea x


Dianna Report 1 Feb 2016 16:11

Hi Guys,
I'm still not sure that the marriage record for John Foster and Jane Draper is the correct one . I have records for James the son and all refer to the place of birth as Manchester this includes Army and, Marriage certificates ( which only show the fathers name John ) and the baptism of James first child in Ireland . Would it be possible that there is a marriage of John Foster to a Jane in Manchester? which would make sense of the children being baptized there. Any further help much appreciated.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Jan 2016 16:49

It's only recently that RC church marriages don't have to have a registrar present. Even now they have to have someone, possibly a parishioner, trained to take that role. To be 'legal' the marriage had to be in a Protestant Church or Synagogue. Registrars weren't created until 1837.


Dianna Report 24 Jan 2016 16:08

Hi Guys. Thanks for your efforts in helping me with my research. I was on the same track as you regarding the marriage of John Foster to Jane Draper but was confused as to the place of marriage All Saints Church, Wigan which appears to be Protestant, where as the baptism of James and Elizabeth was in the cathedral in Manchester which I would assume is Catholic?

The baptism of William and Sarah could be linked to the family as the dates look in line with the marriage dates, I will continue to investigate and if you come up with any other suggestions it would be appreciated.



greyghost Report 22 Jan 2016 22:35

?? A possibility given the Wigan connection

John Foster
mentioned in the record of John Foster and Jane Draper
Name John Foster
Spouse's Name Jane Draper
Event Date 04 Mar 1811
Event Place Wigan, Lancashire, England

also from Lancs opc taken from Family search film

Marriage: 4 Mar 1811 All Saints, Wigan, Lancashire, England
John Foster - this town [Wigan]
Jane Draper - (X), this town [Wigan]
Witness: Wm. Bancks; Thomas Meadows
Married by Banns by: Thomas Pigot Curate
Register: Marriages 1803 - 1812, Page 321, Entry 3688
Source: LDS Film 1885690


greyghost Report 22 Jan 2016 22:33

Are either of these possibilities as well - or both if William's baptism was delayed ??

William Foster
England Births and Christenings
Name William Foster
Gender Male
Christening Date 25 Apr 1813
Christening Place Manchester, Lancashire, England
Father's Name John Foster
Mother's Name Jane
Sarah Foster
England Births and Christenings
Name Sarah Foster
Gender Female
Christening Date 15 Aug 1813
Father's Name John Foster
Mother's Name Jane


greyghost Report 22 Jan 2016 22:30

The 2 baptisms mentioned by Dianne

James Foster
England Births and Christenings
Name James Foster
Gender Male
Christening Date 20 Oct 1816
Christening Place Collegiate, Manchester, Lancashire, England
Father's Name John Foster
Mother's Name Jane
Elizabeth Foster
England Births and Christenings
Name Elizabeth Foster
Gender Female
Christening Date 28 Nov 1819
Father's Name John Foster
Mother's Name Jane


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Jan 2016 22:08

PM from Dianna - it appears we need to start again.

The (baptism) dates are as follows James 20/10/1816 and Elizabeth 28/11/1819 do you think this will help ?.

Dianna - please add any additional comments or answer questions on the thread, not by PM. No man (or woman) is an island. As you can see by what has already been posted, we work as a team.


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:52

Maybe this one then????

Name: Frances Foster
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 33
Birth Date: 1789
Burial Date: 16 Oct 1822
Burial Place: St. Mary, Birmingham, Warwick, England

Spouse: John Foster

FHL Film Number: 814239
Reference ID: Pg 123 No 978

.............I know it's not correct area, but then if John was born in Liverpool, it may be his father moved about a bit looking for work?


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:48


Name: Frances Foster
Birth Year: abt 1791
Death Age: 37
Burial Date: 9 Dec 1828
Burial Parish: Wigan, Lancashire, England
Search Photos: Search for 'Wigan' in the UK City, Town and Village Photos collection
Phillimore Ecclesiastical Parish Map:
View this parish
Register Type: Bishop's Transcript
Reference Number: Drl/2/503

EDIT:- NO this can't be correct as Henry was born 1827 and his mother is noted as Jane.

Will leave for elimination.


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:33


Name: John Foster
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 9 Dec 1819
Baptism Date: 11 Apr 1820
Baptism Place: Wigan,Lancashire,England
Father: John Foster
Mother: Fanny
FHL Film Number: 94032

So looks as though John may have been married twice if all of above is correct family.


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:29

Name: John Foster
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birth Year: abt 1819
Place of residence:- Haigh
Occupation:- Blacksmith
Event Date: 21 Feb 1841
Event Place: Wigan, All Saints, Lancashire, England
Spouse: Ellen Pendlebury
xxxx Father: John Foster xxxx (Labourer)
Parish as it Appears: Wigan


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:29

place of birth changes in 1861:-

Name: John Foster
Age: 43
Estimated birth year: 1818
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Elen Foster
Gender: Male
Where born: Blackrod, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: Blackrod
Ecclesiastical parish: Bolton
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England
Street address:
Registration district: Wigan
Sub-registration district: Aspull
ED, institution, or vessel: 9
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 9
Piece: 2769
Folio: 54
Page Number: 3
Household Members:
Name Age
John Foster 43
Elen Foster 43
David Foster 19
Henry Foster 16
Alice Foster 12
John Foster 10
James Foster 1


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:28

there must be another child as Henry looks to be with his brother in 1851

Name: Henry Foster
Age: 23
Estimated birth year: abt 1828
Relation: Brother
Gender: Male
Where born: Haigh, Lancashire, England
Civil Parish: Coppull
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England
Street address:
Condition as to marriage:
Registration district: Chorley
Sub-registration district: Chorley
ED, institution, or vessel: 4
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 114
Piece: 2263
Folio: 427
Page Number: 35
Household Members:
Name Age
John Foster 33 born: Liverpool, Lancashire
Ellen Foster 33
Dariel Foster 9
Henry Foster 7
Jane Foster 5
Allin Foster 5
John Foster 4 Mo
Henry Foster 23 John was born in Liverpool, then marriage may also be there.


Catherine Report 22 Jan 2016 17:16

Name: Henry Foster
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 10 May 1827
Birth Place: Haigh
Baptism Date: 22 Jul 1827
Baptism Place: Wigan, Lancashire, England
Father: John Foster
Mother: Jane Foster
FHL Film Number: 1885677
Reference ID: yrs 1825-1827 p 271


KathleenBell Report 22 Jan 2016 16:55

Do you know James's wife's name? Could this be James in the 1841 census:-

1841 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Tontine, Wigan, Lancashire, England

First name(s) Last name Gender Age Birth year Birth place

James Foster Male 25 1816 Lancashire, England
Alice Foster Female 25 1816 Lancashire, England
Mary Foster Female 4 1837 Lancashire, England
James Foster Male 1 1840 Lancashire, England

I know this isn't what you are looking for but would help if we knew we had the right family.

Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 22 Jan 2016 16:46

Could this be the family in the 1841 census? :-

1841 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Blundells Farm, Bolton, Wigan, Lancashire, England

First name(s) Last name Gender Age Birth year Birth place

John Foster Male 50 1791 Lancashire, England
Jane Foster Female 50 1791 Lancashire, England
Henry Foster Male 14 1827 Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Foster Female 12 1829 Lancashire, England

Kath. x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Jan 2016 16:42



: James Foster
Baptism Date: 20 Oct 1816
Parish: Manchester, Lancashire, England
Father: John Foster
Mother: Jane Foster
Register Type: Bishop's Transcripts

Abode Manchester. John's occupation, Spinner

James Foster
Baptism Date: 20 Feb 1825
Parish: Wigan, Lancashire, England
Father: John Foster
Mother: Jane Foster
Register Type: Bishop's Transcripts
Reference Number: Drl/2/502

Abode Haigh - John's occupation labourer.