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John Fergus

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Margaret Report 17 Jan 2016 03:24

I am looking for information about John Fergus who was in the Mounted Police in Australia. He had a daughter Elizabeth Fergus who was born in Portadown County Armagh Ireland on 7th May 1856. I do not know his wife's name or any other details of him. Elizabeth married Isaac Hunt in New Zealand 8th November 1879 and died 22nd July 1933.
Any information about john or his wife would be gratefully received.Thanks very much.
Margaret Hunt
New Zealand


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jan 2016 10:53

Well - with the info you have given, he presumably went to Australia between 1856 & 1879. Does Elizabeth's DC name her mother or has it been left blank?


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Jan 2016 11:00

Margaret I don't know if this helps at all but it appears it was a Dolores Fergus that married Isaac Hunt....Scroll down midway until you come to a John Fergus and Elizabeth McCory....One child Eliz.born out of wedlock then another child Dolores ...who it states married an Isaac Hunt.


MarieCeleste Report 17 Jan 2016 11:04

Did Elizabeth travel to New Zealand with her parents or on her own?

Just came across this passenger list on FamilySearch:

ADDED: It is her, the obituary further down names the ship.


Gee Report 17 Jan 2016 11:05

You would need the certificates to check if this couple are yours

Name:Mary Jane Dickson


Marriage Date:12 Feb 1855

Marriage Place:Seagoe, Arm, Ire

Father: John Dickson

Spouse: John Fergus

FHL Film Number:101368
Reference ID:2:3QGB7LC

Name:Mary Jane Fergus

Birth Year:abt 1839


Death Place:Brighton, Victoria

Father's name:Dickson Jno

Mother's name:May Incram

Registration Year:1899

Registration Place:Victoria
Registration Number:4836

Name:Mary Jane Fergus

Death Age:60

Birth Date:abt 1839
Death Date:11 Jun 1899

Cemetery Location:Cheltenham, Victoria


Name:Jno Fergus

Birth Year:abt 1834

Death Place:Cheltenham, Victoria

Father's name:Saml

Registration Year:1893

Registration Place:Victoria
Registration Number:9365

Name:John Fergus

Death Age:59

Birth Date:abt 1834

Death Date:26 Sep 1893

Cemetery Location:Cheltenham, Victoria


KathleenBell Report 17 Jan 2016 11:09

There is this marriage in Armagh at around the right time if his daughter was born 1856:-

First name(s) John
Last name Fergus
Age -
Marital status -
Marriage year 1855
Marriage date 12 Feb 1855
Marriage place Seagoe, Arm, Ire
Father's first name(s) Samuel
Father's last name Fergus
Mother's first name(s) -
Mother's last name -
Spouse's first name(s) Mary Jane
Spouse's last name Dickson
Spouse's age -
Spouse's birth place -
Spouse's marital status -
Spouse's father's first name(s) John
Spouse's father's last name Dickson
Spouse's mother's first name(s) -
Spouse's mother's last name -
Residence Seagoe, Armagh, Ireland
Place Seagoe
County Armagh
Country Ireland

EDIT - Snap Gins

Kath. x :-)


MarieCeleste Report 17 Jan 2016 11:11

Elizabeth's 1933 obituary casts aspersions on the accuracy of that information on the link above to RootsWeb.

This is from Papers Past

ADDED: It confirms the passenger list above is correct.

Further ADD: The Rootsweb info is definitely incorrect -

New Zealand, Marriage Index, 1840-1934
Name: Isaac Hunt
Gender: Male
Marriage Year: 1879
Relation: Bridegroom
Spouse: Lizzie Fergus
Folio Number: 2319


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Jan 2016 11:17

Not sure if this is relevant - googling "John Fergus who was in the Mounted Police in Australia" brings up a Pdf link

[PDF]Police Point Volume 1 CMP.pdf - Mornington Peninsula Shire
2 Aug 1980 - Point Nepean, the community and the creation of Police Point Shire Park .... The Australia ICOMOS charter for places of cultural significance (1999). ..... Mounted Constable John Fergus (M.C. 434), who was in charge of the ...

The man is mentioned on download page 25 (printed page 21)
The Constables of Police Point 1871 – 1884
Details of the early occupants of the Police Barracks are yet unknown but from 1871 to 1884 there are records of three Mounted Constables who were in charge of the station at Point Nepean at various times and all hailing from Ireland. 1875 he was succeeded by Mounted Constable John Fergus, referred to above, who ran the Station for eight years before being replaced for one year by John Brophy. In his early police career in Penshurst in the district of Belfast, John Fergus was reprimanded on several occasions for neglect of duty, improper conduct, being under the influence of drink and “...gross carelessness in losing a warrant for the remand of a prisoner in his custody...” On his transfer to Point Nepean his record shows he had become a ‘steady, well conducted man’. In
1883 he transferred to Trentham and was succeeded by Mounted Constable John Brophy from Tipperary, who had in fact transferred from Trentham, so affecting a direct swap.


MarieCeleste Report 17 Jan 2016 11:24

His obituary in The Caulfield and Elsternwick Leader (North Brighton, Vic.) (Saturday 30 September 1893

"Sergeant John Fergus, who for some years past had charge of the Cheltenham Police Station, died at his late residence, Point Nepean Road, last Monday. He was buried in the Cheltenham Cemetery last Wednesday afternoon, his remains being borne thereto by some half-a dozen of his associates in the constabulary. In the funeral cortege there were representatives of the police, headed by their band, as also the brethren constituting the Loyal Orange Lodge No 23, and the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society Loyal Cheltenham Lodge No 43, of both of which the deceased was a member. The funeral arrangements were attended to most satisfactorily by Mr J. Monkhouse, undertaker, of Carpenter Street, Brighton; Centre road, East Brighton and Church street, Middle Brighton.

From Trove


MarieCeleste Report 17 Jan 2016 11:37

Mary Jane's obit:

"FERGUS -On the 11th June, at her late residence, Westella, New-street, North Brighton, Mary Jane Fergus, relict of the late John Fergus, late sergeant of police in Victorian police force, beloved mother of John, Willie, James, Thomas, Rebecca, Mary, Martha, Fannie, and Florence Fergus."

The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic) Saturday 17 June 1899

No mention of Lizzie/Elizabeth?


MarieCeleste Report 17 Jan 2016 11:53

Here's the image for that 1855 marriage:

His name has been obliterated but the rest of the info all tallies.


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Jan 2016 17:46

Dover Castle London via Belfast to Auckland arriving 24th August 1875.

FERGUS Lizzie 19 ..single woman...(no other details)

No other Fergus passengers on board.


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Jan 2016 17:53

Sorry MarieCeleste Didn't see the Passenger List link you posted...Don't know what is up with the site from my end.. ..each time I try to go back to page 1 of the thread it cuts me off and I have to "log in" never logged In since forever...!!

Edit...No Page 1..this page just keeps rolling on...


Margaret Report 17 Jan 2016 20:23

Thanks very much everyone for all this, I was working from the obituary cut from the newspaper but will try to find her actual death or marriage certificate. Our Isaac Hunt was married previously to Helen Mary Ann Walter who died 10 Jan 1877. He married Lizzie on 8 Nov 1879, so that roots web info will be correct. I will go through this all and see what I can also find from it. Regarding the death notice of possibly her mother,a family member of the same vintage only had her daughters on her notice despite having 2 living sons. I do not know if she came to NZ by herself probably though the above reference seems to prove that. Thanks I am new to the family search site and had not found this part of it but have had success with other branches of the family. I am making a family tree wall hanging with 7 generations,I am lucky to have 3 photos for pre 1875, each ancestor has their own leaf and each generation a different shade of green card with photos where possible, this branch of the balsa wood tree is rather short, only 5 generations so I am hoping with your help to make it a bit fuller!


MarieCeleste Report 17 Jan 2016 22:44

I'm still suspicious of the RootsWeb info - it says Isaac Hunt married Delores Fergus. There are no sources given by the person who compiled that information so treat with caution.

At least on here we have provided sources.


Gee Report 18 Jan 2016 00:36

I'm with MC on this. Delores Fergus is a 'red herring'

Name:Helen M A Walter

Marriage Year:1871

Spouse:Isaac Hunt

Folio Number:1083

Name:Mary Ann Ellen Hunt

Death Date:Jan-Feb-Mar 1877

Registration Place:Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Folio Number:10


Margaret Report 18 Jan 2016 00:55

The roots web has got the wrong sister, the dates and other information is correct, they had several more children but Isaac's father was a boat builder in Opotiki however I have him born in Auckland on that date and the person who gave me the information is very reliable. Looks like someone did a bit of guessing and perhaps that family isn't ours since you have come up with a different wife.


Margaret Report 18 Jan 2016 08:31

I have found Lizzie and Isaac' s marriage certificate copy unfortunately for some reason it does not include parents names. It does have her singed with a cross. So I think I need to find her death certificate to see if that might help, just have the obituary. Thanks again for the help. Margaret


Margaret Report 22 May 2016 00:33

Just thought I would let you know that I have found Lizzie's mother's first name, I got her death certificate, unfortunately no surname just Emily but now I have something more to work on, unfortunately it also eliminates most of what you kind helpers had found.
Thanks for trying anyway.