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Ian C J Galbraith married Ebba H Beale or Amundsen

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KathleenBell Report 9 Jan 2016 17:40

It means that she was known by both names. One could have been her legal name and the other a partner's name if she had lived with someone but not married him.

They could both be previous married names and different people knew her by different surnames.

Amundsen sounds Danish or Norwegian so perhaps she was from abroad or married abroad.

Kath. x


Kathryn Report 9 Jan 2016 17:28

Hi I have these people in my tree on Ancestry. Ian Courtney Julian Galbraith married this lady in 1955 in Oxford. Am wondering if anyone can tell me please why the two surnames for her? I have found them in the ER for 1964 and 1965 living in Wimbledon. Ian was born in India on 18 August 1925. I don't know when or where Ebba was born. I have looked on Free BMD under both surnames and can't find anything. I also have been unable to find a death for both of them. Can anyone help please? I do have a lot of details about Ian in my tree, it is just basically the above that I am looking for help with.

Kind regards

