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John Jarrett

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SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2015 22:54

ArgyllGran posted this for the 1891 Census

Name Age
Thomas Gamble 40 - born Belfast
Eliza Gamble 41
Robert Gamble 19
Eda Gamble 14
Henry Gamble 11 - Belfast
James Gamble 10 - Belfast
William Gamble 8 - Belfast
Mary Gamble 7 - Coleraine
Alice Gamble 5 - Coleraine

I'm wondering whether Eda was in fact Georgina???

Eda is 1877, West Hartlepool, Durham

Robert is 1872, West Hartlepool

I can find neither of them on the 1881 census


S Report 8 Nov 2015 01:55

Thank you all very much for this information. My sister and I have struggled to find John because we kept getting muddled with the different birthday dates and the fact that there are so many John Jarrets even several married to Elizas! As for the McQuestions who knew that such an unusual name, for me, would be so common at the time! I found that lots of James McQs went to the states but I was sure that mine couldn't have, at least until after 1850! We lost Eliza after John's death date and as Georgina is my ancestor, it was frustrating not to know where she was between her birth and her marriage. It would seem that she probably is the Eda in the 1891 Gamble census as her birth dates fit, thank you very much Argyllgran. My father is dead now and we know so little about his grandmother. Thank you all so very much for help with this part of my family. I have many more names and dates to add to my tree now :-D