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Nathaniel Lucas/Lukis

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Tessa Report 24 Oct 2015 21:01

I am trying to find the birth and baptism of a Nathaniel Lucas born probably at Harkstead in Suffolk on the Shotley Peninsular , Lucas could also have been spelt Lukis, I am guessing he was born anytime from 1730 he married Mary Winney in 1763. thank you


Kay???? Report 24 Oct 2015 21:07

England Births and Christenings
Name Nathanel Lucas
Gender Male
Christening Date 24 Jul 1737
Death Date 05 Apr 1742
Father's Name Nathanel Lucas
Mother's Name Elizabeth


Tessa Report 24 Oct 2015 21:11

Thank you that could be him but the other side of Suffolk so keeping an open mind at the moment thank you


alviegal Report 24 Oct 2015 21:13

Have you noticed that that one died in 1742? Can't be YOUR man if he married in 1763 ;-)

First name(s) NATHANIEL
Last name LUKIS
Marriage year 1763
Marriage date 26 Apr 1763
Marriage place HARKSTEAD
Spouse's first name(s) MARY
Spouse's last name WINNEY
County Suffolk


Andrew Report 24 Oct 2015 21:14

He died in 1742 so can't be yours.



Tessa Report 24 Oct 2015 21:26

ok thank you for pointing that out , the family I am looking for were spelt Lucas later so maybe the Lukis ones are a red herring, I am visiting one of the Suffolk records offices shortly so am going to trawl through the prs and see what i can come up with


Tessa Report 24 Oct 2015 21:32

ok thank you for pointing that out , the family I am looking for were spelt Lucas later so maybe the Lukis ones are a red herring, I am visiting one of the Suffolk records offices shortly so am going to trawl through the prs and see what i can come up with


JoonieCloonie Report 24 Oct 2015 22:57

can you give the details of the Nathaniel Lucas you are interested in - he is the father of an ancestor of yours?

so it would help to know the name and details of the known ancestor, that a Nathaniel Lucas was the father of

and is the mother's name known?

in other words, what is it about the Nathaniel Lukis and Mary Winney marriage that interests you? have they been determined to be the parents of the person of interest to you?


JoonieCloonie Report 24 Oct 2015 23:02

is this the family of interest, in 1841 in Harkstead?

John Lucas M 35-39 Suffolk
Mary Ann Lucas F 35-39 Suffolk
Gorge Lucas M 15-19 Suffolk
John Lucas M 13 Suffolk
Sarah Lucas F 11 Suffolk
William Lucas M 9 Suffolk
Joseph Lucas M 4 Suffolk
Nathanel Lucas M 2 Suffolk


Tessa Report 24 Oct 2015 23:37

No Nathaniel Lucas who was married to Mary Winney I have their marriage date (1763 ) thanks I need his birth/bapt dates and the name of his parents if possible, i have all censuses for the next generations I have parish register discs for Harkstead and surrounding villages back till 1754 but need info a bit further back than that i reckon usually (but not always) a 20 to 30 yr gap between the persons birth and marriage so as Nathaniel married Mary Winney in 1763 he would have been born anytime between 1730 and 1750 at the latest, thank you for your interest regards Tessa


JoonieCloonie Report 25 Oct 2015 00:57

Sorry Tessa that didn't answer the question :-)

(and I don't know what you were saying 'No' to)

do you have a definite connection to Nathaniel Lukis and Mary Winney - are you descended from a child of theirs?

do you have a baptism record for that child showing the parents' names?

the question is whether you know that the couple are your ancestors, or are assuming the link

and if the link has not been established in some way, whether this could be a wild goose chase, investigating the ancestry of someone who is not related

you said

'maybe the Lukis ones are a red herring'

so I am assuming you have nothing that actually connects your ancestor to them - ?

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 25 Oct 2015 07:26

(previous to 1754, Find My Past just has below, using 'Name Variants')

(Parish not covered on above, can be useful, Suffolk)

You would need Ipswich Branch of Suffolk Archives

Chris :)

LUCAS CATHERINE — 1731 1731 National Burial Index for England & Wales Harkstead, Suffolk, England

LUCAS CHARLES — 1734 1734 National Burial Index for England & Wales Harkstead, Suffolk, England

LUCAS KATHERINE — 1748 1748 National Burial Index for England & Wales Harkstead, Suffolk, England

LUCAS RICHARD — 1723 1723 National Burial Index for England & Wales Harkstead, Suffolk, England

LUCAS THOMAS — 1717 1717 National Burial Index for England & Wales Harkstead, Suffolk, England


JoonieCloonie Report 25 Oct 2015 15:28

In the 1841 census the population of Harkstead was 338

there was one Lucas household, the one I posted above

that household was transcribed at Ancestry as 'Lucy' and corrected by a user in 2007 ... that user was logged in to Ancestry yesterday ... so if it is not someone you already know Tessa, you might contact them to see whether they have further info

John Lucas in that household is shown as 35 so born 1802-1806 ... he was deceased by 1851 ... widow Mary is shown as 45 in 1851 and 35 in 1841 so the ages are consistent

for info, their son George was apparently baptised in Stutton in 1826:
and the 1851 census shows sons John and William born there as well, and the younger children all born Harkstead

so this is the parents' marriage

Name John Lucas
Spouse's Name Mary Ann Haws
Event Date 11 Oct 1825
Event Place Stutton,Suffolk,England

those are the only Lucas events that familysearch shows in Stutton

so my assumption Tessa is that you know who John Lucas's father is, who would have been born sometime before 1785

and it is possible that Nathaniel Lukis who married Mary Winney in 1763 was John Lucas's grandfather, particularly since John Lucas had a son named Nathanial

but it seems ... assuming that the 1841 household is the one of interest to you ... that what you need is to find who John Lucas's father's father was

not find a Lucas who could be his father and adopt him

I may be off base on the assumption about the 1841 Lucas household (and since you say you have all the censuses but haven't offered any information I have nothing else to go on)

... but the principle is the same, to trace backward rather than leap over a link in the chain and make an assumption and then search/ask for help based on that assumption

sometimes of course it is a reasonable assumption that the only person in the right place and right time with the right name is the right person :-)

but when asking for help tracing someone, it is fair to give the reasons why you are doing it, so that if it is based on an assumption, helpers can test the assumption ... and maybe find that it is incorrect, and actually find the correct person

the thing is that many of us really have engaged in too many goose chases where someone has said 'I need to find so-and-so's" ... parents, marriage, census, whatever ... and after much wasted time, it has turned out that so-and-so is not the ancestor or relation of the person asking

several people here have John Lucas 1805/6 Suffolk in their trees ... and one person has John Lucas 1806 Harkstead + sons John and George, plus others with Harkstead Lucas births (search for born in Suffolk does not catch the Harkstead births)


Tessa Report 25 Oct 2015 20:53

Thank you for your help have been out all day so only just got messages I am related to Nathaniel Lucas, I am visiting one of the records offices in Suffolk very shortly so will be able to hopefully to find the info I want, if i find out more about Nathaniel will post it here over the next few days, I have been researching my tree for the last 20 yrs or so the Lucas's are not direct ancestors so just filling in. Thank you Chris for your info as well i have seen this on the NBI as well and have tried find my past and ancestry without much luck hopefully will find out more when i get to the records office many thanks everybody