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James Hopper 1783-1855

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Oct 2015 13:13

Can you please give the details from the DC?

The obvious first step is to try and find Ann as well as Henry on the 1841 & 1851 census. As you haven't given any place details, we can't really do anything for you at the moment

Have you looked to see if Henry had a daughter named Ann? You may need to look at Parish Records. If there is an Ann, how about a marriage for her?
What about Henry's siblings? Any Anns' amongst them?


Mark Report 10 Oct 2015 12:44

My 5x great grandfather James 1783-1855....

Today I received his death certificate. The informant is Ann Barnicle or Burnside. I know it is not much to go on but if anyone believes they can give me some guidance would be much appreciated. I will be around for a while to answer any questions
