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Maddie Report 23 Sep 2015 15:21

Name: Bruce Kingdon
Birth Date: 21 Apr 1888
Death Date: 25 Oct 1916
Cemetery: Vimy Memorial
Burial or Cremation Place: Vimy, Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Has Bio?: Y

Birth: Apr. 21, 1888
Death: Oct. 25, 1916

Private, #622376, 44th Battalion, Canadian Infantry (New Brunswick Regiment), who died age 27 on 25th October 1916 in the Area of the Somme.
Son of John E. Kingdon & Elizabeth Limebeer of Barnstaple, England. Husband of Rela Viola Kingdon (nee Drennar), of 249, Kilbride Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Vimy Memorial
Departement du Pas-de-Calais
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Plot: Final resting place unknown. Name listed on the Vimy Memorial.


Andysmum Report 23 Sep 2015 15:07

The London gazette has been merged with the other editions and is now just "The Gazette" and is not on Genes. The link to John Kingdon's entry is below

For people born in Scotland you need Scotland's People website. It is very good but there are lots of other members who can tell you more about it than I can.

Some war records can be viewed on Ancestry and I am sure that someone on here with a subscription will help, if you don't have one yourself.


matthew Report 23 Sep 2015 14:41

Hi, can someone with more family tree experience help me with these matters.
John Kingdon was mentioned in the 2.8.1918 London gazette on page 9243 but I can't find the London gazette in the genes papers section.
Also I hit a dead end with my 2xgreat granddad john Wilson born in Scotland in 1842 who moved to Wolverhampton and died in 1870 aged 28 his wife was esther brotherton and he listed his father as james on his marriage licence but I can't find any reliable info on Johns location of birth or his parents.
Was Bruce Kingdons war records lost/destroyed over the years? He was born Barnstaple 1888 and though I've found he was killed in action, I can't find his record or his brother Johns.
Finally, if anyones close to st peters church in Swansea, could they please email me if they're planning a visit as I live 100's miles away and though I've phoned them, I always get the voicemails unanswered. I would appreciate some pictures taken of my descendents graves emailed to me in case they hold additional info. Thanks for any help you may give me.