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help with printing images on FMP?

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Bruce Report 6 Sep 2015 20:22

I use the print page button. Copy the page to a word page. Then use the edit buttons to crop and enlarge to the size I want


Familyfinder Report 5 Sep 2015 19:44

Thanks so much everybody -Off to snip!!!!


MarieCeleste Report 5 Sep 2015 09:03

Do perservere with the snip tool - it's so useful.

As said, you have the option to either copy and paste what you've snipped or to save it as a file (if you do that then it's ideal for adding as an image on a record - I have put loads in my Ancestry trees. Usually save them as jpg.)

Here's an example of how you can get the article in a readable format:


Kucinta Report 5 Sep 2015 00:08

"Snipping Tool is a screenshooting utility included in Windows Vista and later. It can take screenshots of an open window, rectangular areas, a free-form area, or the entire screen. Snips can then be annotated using a mouse or a tablet, stored as an image file (PNG, GIF, or JPEG file) or an MHTML file, or e-mailed. Snipping Tool allows for basic image editing of the snapshot, with different colored pens, an eraser, and a highlighter."

If you're using windows, trying googling snipping tool and whatever version of windows you have and see what you get, and take it from there.

I just zoom in on the news article until it is readable and then snip it.


Andysmum Report 4 Sep 2015 22:54

I put the cursor in the top left hand corner of the bit I want, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor across the screen. If that doesn't work you need someone more computer-savvy than I am! :-S


Familyfinder Report 4 Sep 2015 22:26

can't get it to highlight :-(


Familyfinder Report 4 Sep 2015 22:22

Thanks I'll try that ! :-)


Andysmum Report 4 Sep 2015 22:11

I believe there's a thing called a snipping tool which can be used. I didn't have one on my previous computer and I solved the problem by:-

Enlarge the page until the piece you want is readable, in the centre of the screen.
Highlight it.
Right click in the middle and then click Copy on the dropdown menu.
Open Word, or some other program (I use Open Office).
Right click and then click Paste on the drop down menu.

You should then be able to print it in a readable size.

I use Google Chrome. If you use a different system, like Internet Explorer, you may have an Edit tab, but it should still work - says she hopefully!!

Good luck! :-)


Familyfinder Report 4 Sep 2015 21:26

I've been doing Find my past -and am lucky enough to find lots of newspaper reports about my ancestors -however - I cannot work out how to print them. If I click on the 'print' icon they come out so small I cannot read any of it. I tried downloading the pdf and printing that -and that was rubbish too! any advice please as I want to show things to my Mum and she needs it enlarged