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Edward Clarke born 1864 in Tipperary

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Eringobragh1916 Report 6 Oct 2015 14:34

Isnt it gand when there is a positive outcome especially as Maureen was searching back in the annals of time when the Records can be a nightmare to find and confirming family links even more difficult.


ArgyllGran Report 6 Oct 2015 13:12

Further thanks from Maureen:

After years of trying to find more info on my Irish ancestors, I posted an enquiry last week &, thanks to some wonderful people on Genes, within hours I had 4 more brothers of my gt grandfather plus various people who were obviously aunts/uncles/cousins. I was also able to confirm the correct maiden name of my gt gt grandmother. This led me to a site that gave me the Berecry/Berkery family history back into the mists of time!
So, a big thank-you & well done to my helpers.


Maureen Report 17 Aug 2015 21:26

Thank-you again
I have noted the names of the children-there were 8 of them. It makes a remark once made by my gt grandmother, much clearer. 'The famous Clarke 8'.
She also had 8 as did her son -my grandfather.
I have wondered if any of them who may have survived also went abroad-especially as 2 of the older ones did. That's something I could try to check out.
Thank you so much for your help-it has been invaluable to me.
I can have the Ancestry trees checked for the Berecry connections


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Aug 2015 17:39

There are a number of Berecrey and variables in Public Trees Ancestry but I don't have access.... McGrath/Thompson and Murphy in particular have Co.Tipp.connections..


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Aug 2015 17:29

Maureen ...You are quite fortunate in the findings so far as the time frame we are looking at and going further back is really problematic less than a 10% chance of finding anything despite the Registers becoming available....many are so badly written and old that it is a job to read them...

List the children you have found to save searching and posting ....

Bear in mind that Tipperary was relatively badly affected by the Famine. Almost 70 000 people died in the county between 1845 and 1850 particularly in the years 1849 and 1850. The county population fell from 435,000 in 1841, to 331,000 in 1851 and to 249,000 in 1861. The rural population declined by two-thirds in that period and the town population by nearly one-half.

Given the above I would hazard a guess that all did not survive and possibly some emigrated....


Maureen Report 17 Aug 2015 15:50

My goodness-I'm having trouble keeping up!!

Thank you all once again-all I've found around 10 children for James & Mary & not a girl amongst them! I wonder if most of them stayed around Cloughjordan-I must have loads of relis!
Bless you all


Gritty Report 17 Aug 2015 15:02

Mary's death:
Civil Death Record
Name: Mary Clarke
Date of Death: 13-Dec-1864
Age: 45
Parish / District: CLOUGHJORDAN
Address: Ringroe County: Co. Tipperary
Status: Married
Name: Thomas Clarke
Address: Ringroe Ardcroney
Relationship: Householder


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Aug 2015 14:53

Maureen...Probable Kin of Mary...Ringroe....Griffiths Val.

Berecry Bryan Ringroe Ardcrony Tipperary...and

Berecry Daniel Killoskehan Kilfithmone Tipperary 1826 (Tithes)


Gritty Report 17 Aug 2015 14:42

Name: Edward Clarke
Date of Baptism: 21-Aug-1864
Address: Ringroe
Parish/District: CLOUGHJORDAN
County Co. Tipperary
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Clarke
Mother: Mary Berkley

Informant 1: Daniel Clarke
Informant 2: Judy Murphy

A sibling:
Michael Clarke
Date of Baptism: 23-Nov-1861
Address: Coolagorna Parish/District: CLOUGHJORDAN
County Co. Tipperary
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Clarke
Mother: Mary Berkery
Informant 1: Thoms Ryan
nformant 2: Mary Fitzpatrick

Also Baptism for Daniel Clarke 1848, parents- James Clarke, Mary Berkery, sponsors Tom Clarke & Ann Berery


Maureen Report 17 Aug 2015 13:07

Thank you once again--you are brilliant!
I will check out this site-I have so many Clarkes now I'm wondering who was who & are they cousins or uncles or????


Eringobragh1916 Report 17 Aug 2015 11:54

This is the area for Daniel et al........(Ardcroney)

Clarke Anne Coolagorane Upper ***
Clarke Daniel Coolagorane Upper ***
Clarke Eleanor Willsborough
Clarke James Ringroe ****
Clarke Michael Ballinvilla
Clarke William Coolagorane Lower ***
Clarke William Coolagorane Upper ****


Maureen Report 17 Aug 2015 08:23

Thank you Eringobragh1916

I found the marriage of James (the son of Daniel Clarke) & Mary Berecrey in 1843 &, although I found the place difficult to read, it did start Cool--- ! I have found several children of James & Mary that I knew nothing of, I only knew about Thomas, William & James (my gt grandfather) because they came to England (Thomas & James then went to New York where my grandfather was born) Due to James's untimely death in 1895 , my gt grandmother returned to England with her brood I remember his brother William (bapt 1857) because he lived here in Nottingham & was well in his 90s when he died. Thank you so much for this info-I am so grateful that at last I have information about my Irish ancestors


Eringobragh1916 Report 16 Aug 2015 21:32

Maureen...It appears that the Clarkes lived around the Ringroe area when Edward was Baptised..(see Baptismal Record).
Ringroe was a small "Townland" approx. 250 acres in the Civil Parish of Ardcroney Lower Ormond.
The following from Griffiths Valuation shows

Clarke James Ringroe Ardcrony Tipperary.

I cannot find the Marriage of James Clarke and Mary Berkley up to now but given we don't have ages or approx. dates to go by it will take some ploughing through the Registers...

I have found the Baptism of Michael Clarke 23 November 1861 (parents James and Mary) Godparents Thomas Ryan and Mary Fitzpatrick...Their place of residence was given as Coolagorane which is in the same area..also Clarkes listed there on I would suggest that you are looking at the Civil parish of Ardcroney


Maureen Report 16 Aug 2015 18:50

Thank-you all for your help-I will search the database as suggested. Thank-you for confirming Mary's death
Sorry I was a little behind with answering-went off to have my tea!



malyon Report 16 Aug 2015 18:37

found the birth it is 7th entry down on page


Kucinta Report 16 Aug 2015 18:25

This looks like the death for Mary Clarke nee Berkley in the Civil Registration Indexes. :

Name: Mary Clarke
Estimated birth year: abt 1819
Date of Registration: 1864
Death Age: 45
Registration district: Borrisokane
Volume: 18
Page: 285
FHL Film Number: 101582

Her son Edward's birth:

Name: Edward Clarke
Date of Registration: 1864
Registration district: Borrisokane
Volume: 18
Page: 429
FHL Film Number: 101041

and the marriage of James to Ann Whelan:

Name: Anne Whelan
Date of Registration: 1866
Registration district: Borrisokane<<<<<<<<<<<
Volume: 3
Page Number: 443
FHL Film Number: 101250
Records on Page:
John Gaynon
Judith Heenan
Biddy Hogan
Martin Mulvihill
James Clarke<<<<<<<<<<<
Maryanne Carty
Anne Whelan<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Darius Ryan


Kucinta Report 16 Aug 2015 18:15

You can search microfilm images online of the Catholic Baptisms and Marriages at Cloughjordan from c.1833 to c.1881at the site below for free, but you will have to search through microfilms of the original registers as no index provided.


Maddie Report 16 Aug 2015 17:55

Name: Edward Clarke
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 15 Aug 1864
Birth Place: Cloghjordan, Tipperary, Ireland
Father's name: James Clarke
Mother's name: Mary Berkley
FHL Film Number: 101097


Maureen Report 16 Aug 2015 17:36

I know Irish records are notoriously difficult but is there anyone who might be able to find any info on Edward please.
He was born in 1864 in Cloughjordan to James & Mary (nee Berkley). After that, I can find nothing. I know his mother died, (perhaps in childbirth- it's possible I suppose that Edward died around that time too) but certainly before 1866 when James married Ann Whelan-both widowed.
I would be most grateful if some brilliant person can find even the tiniest scrap of info
Many thanks-Maureen