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Unable to find ancestors

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mgnv Report 9 Aug 2015 21:22

If C is the 1941 kid and F is the 1944 kid, then the only birth rego's with their surnames in SE England 1935-1955 are 1937q4 Edmonton, 1940q1 Staines, 1941q2 Uxbridge, 1944q1 Croyden, 1945q1 Croyden, 1952q2 Surrey NW. There is an Edmonton death, also 1937q4 age=0, that could match the birth.

None of the aove are named June - I can't find a likely June, so maybe June was still born, in which case, the entry is severely restricted. I think only the parents and siblings of the still born child can access the record - you'ld have to ask the GRO abt this.


KathleenBell Report 9 Aug 2015 18:16

The General Register Office in Southport. Contact details:-

Address: Smedley Hydro, Trafalgar Rd, Southport PR8 2HH
Phone:0300 123 1837

Kath. x


Unknown Report 9 Aug 2015 18:10

Kathleen that is wonderful news... what is the GRO so that i can get my hubby to call them and arrange to get some information?


KathleenBell Report 9 Aug 2015 17:45

Is it possible that the child was stillborn? If so then you won't find the birth on the birth index as stillbirths are recorded separately and are not available to the public. One of your mother-in-law's children could apply to the GRO for information from the stillbirth register but only the parents or siblings of the chlld can have access.

Kath. x


ArgyllGran Report 9 Aug 2015 17:42

Have you tired searching on FreeBMD just using the parents' surnames - not specifying a first name?

Maybe June was a middle name?

Or if she died in infancy, she may just have been registered as "Female Richardson"


Unknown Report 9 Aug 2015 17:41

yes Kathleen... we have tried searching by that but can't find any results on any sites


KathleenBell Report 9 Aug 2015 17:36

Do you know your mother-in-law's maiden name?

Kath. x


Unknown Report 9 Aug 2015 17:25

Thank you. Mother in law was married at the time and we are unsure on location as they were in Uxbridge when their first child was born then in croydon when the 2nd surviving child was born. We know that June was born between these two but not sure of location or how old she was when she passed away. Can't seem to find her anywhere :-(

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Aug 2015 16:27

Was you mil married at the time of the birth ?

If so searching on both surnames should bring up all possible births

If she wasn't then searching in freebmd with her maiden surnames should again find her


Rambling Report 9 Aug 2015 15:07

Do you know where June was likely to have been born? There are a number of June R's who died young, but depends on location and whether 'young' means as a child?


Unknown Report 9 Aug 2015 14:44


I know that my mother in law had a daughter called June Richardson some time between 1941 and 1944 and that she died young, but we are unable to find any records of her :( rather stuck at the moment.

Also my father in law was rather busy and had a child out of wedlock with another woman before he married my mother in law. We know that he is unlikely to be on the birth certificate. We also know the name of the son and the mother's first/middle names but we do not know surnames. Anyone know how to proceed with this?

Thanks in Advance