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Strange birth records

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Penny Report 13 Jul 2015 07:59

Its very difficult for anyone to be able to actually look and try and confirm things for you with the *Suppose he's called x*

would it help to send someone the actual names and see if they come up with any suggestions? Happy to look if you want to send me the info.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 13 Jul 2015 07:10

Doesn't sound like its twins but a coincidental birth for parents with the same surname combination

I understand the time of birth is put on birth certs for twins for any later legal matters


Madmeg Report 13 Jul 2015 01:47

Still on the same family, but back to the twins. I now have the birth cert of the known brother and it has no time of birth, as I thought certs of twins should have. This is 1954. Is it worth sending for the cert of the possible twin born in an adjacent registration district in the same quarter with same parental surnames?


Jacqueline Report 25 Jun 2015 08:28

Of course, even a short cert has the DOB - and births in the same qtr (as per those you have found) can be virtually three months apart, so getting copies may be worthwhile


Madmeg Report 24 Jun 2015 20:07

Thanks both. I had forgotten the adopted thing - been a long time since I did any research. I clearly haven't lost my ability to waffle!


Jacqueline Report 24 Jun 2015 12:46 son's birth was registered when someone from the Registrar's dept visited the hospital

The solution may never be found, as any copy certs obtained now would be short versions.

If the mother's husband wasn't the father - he would be within his rights to insist that the birth was re-registered without his name being recorded

I would think it extremely unlikely that he would do the reverse, as per your suggestion, Meg


Potty Report 24 Jun 2015 11:32

Registrars also visited hospitals to register births. This happened with my sons in the 1970s.


mgnv Report 24 Jun 2015 10:36

The informant would just go once to register the births, but the registrar could forward the info to the appropriate registrar, I'm almost sure. They certainly can forward it today.


Jacqueline Report 24 Jun 2015 09:13

Surely twins would be registered at the same time. The person registering wouldn't go to a different register office for each of them.................would they?

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 24 Jun 2015 05:35

An S after the page is indicates the child was adopted so if anyone applies for a copy of the birth certificate they are only sent a small copy which doesn't show parent/ parents names


mgnv Report 24 Jun 2015 02:08

Re the twins:

There could have been complications with the first home delivery, so the mother was taken to hospital where the 2nd birth occurred. There must be a number of homes near the N/S border where the nearest hospital is in the other district.


Madmeg Report 24 Jun 2015 01:08

I repeated myself re Helen Breedon and Amanda Jones. Sorry.


Madmeg Report 24 Jun 2015 01:03

Hi folks, not been on here for ages. Helping a friend out. Her hubby has just been contacted by a half-sister, Amanda, he never knew existed. Seems she was born to his mother, (say she was Ivy Breedon) in about 1966. His mother was married to his father (say he was called Thomas Jones), but the child isn't his, and she was subsequently adopted.

He has met with her. Her adoption records name her mother as Ivy Breedon, and her father as Thomas Jones. I can find a record of such a birth in March Qtr 1967. But I can also find a record of Helen Breedon, mmn Breedon in the December Qtr of 1966. I am not convinced that these are two different births. The registers for births for that period have a letter "S" after the record number for Amanda Breedon. Any idea what this means?

Is it possible that Helen Breedon was registered in Dec 1966 and later the birth was amended to Amanda Jones, mmn Breedon?

I am not convinced that Helen Breedon and Amanda Jones are different people. I think they are the same person, with Mr Jones objecting to his wife registering her birth as a single woman, when she was in fact married to him. He might have also insisted on the change of first name to Amanda.

My friend's hubby has met with his half-sister and she tells him he actually had five full siblings, and he only knows of two. Now I am a believer in only trusting your own research, so I set about finding these three missing siblings. I can only find two other possibles.

His half-sister tells him that one of his brothers was a twin. I can find his brother (say Fred Jones, mmn Breedon) registered in Dec Qtr 1954 in Liverpool North, and another child Jones, with mmn Breedon, born same quarter but in Liverpool South. Is that possible? Surely, if you had twins, born alive, they would be registered in the same district? Can anyone advise on a reason why that might not happen?

I found a possible birth for the adopted sister, Liverpool North, in Dec 1966 (Helen Breedib mmn Breedon), but then another birth of Amanda Jones, March Qtr 1967, mmn Breedon. They can't both be the daughters of Breedon, so is it possible that the birth was first registered under Breedon/Breedon and then changed 3 months later to Jones/Breedion? The entry on the register for Jones/Breedion has an "S" after it. What does that mean?

Names changed to protect identitities.
