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Ireland - Mary Freeze and Patrick McGrath

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Kerrynk Report 14 Jun 2015 06:06


I am trying to find the marriage and parents of Mary and Patrick.

As far as I can tell they were both born very early 1800 in Ireland and possibly married prior to 1832 when their first child was born.
Thay had 5 children all born Tipperary
Matthew 1832
Catherine 1834
Margaret 1838
Denis 1841
Patrick 1843
I found 4 of the 5 childrens baptisms in Youghalarra Parish with Burgess as address

Thank you so much

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 14 Jun 2015 10:13

Try Family Search site :-)


Eringobragh1916 Report 14 Jun 2015 19:30

Kerryn.....You don't say which Baptism you are trying to locate.
Can you also post the already have on the family.

The Freese/Freeze/Freize surname was very rare in Ireland only 1 family (I have crossed checked the relationships) in the Country 1901/1911 (Tipp) which leads me to believe it originated as something else....

What I have determined so far is that somewhere along the line the Moylan's married into the Freese that surname familiar to you...?

Did it have a "last place of residence" on the "Flora MacDonald's" passenger list for Catherine when she went to Victoria...? I cannot access that to check anything out...


Kerrynk Report 15 Jun 2015 06:06

sorry about that.

I am trying to find the baptisms and marriage information for Patrick McGrath and also Mary Freeze plus their daughter Catherine.

From what I have found and been told Catherine was born in Tipperary abt 1834. I don't know when she come to Australia either although some trees say in 1856 on the flora mcdonald and other trees say her parents come out as well.

I have found both Margaret her sister born 1838 and Denis her brother in various certificates from Australia so I know the 3 of them definitely come to Australia. I also found the baptisms of Margaret, Denis, Patrick and Matthew but not Catherine as above.

Catherine married in Aus to John Michel from the channel islands in 1855. John died and she then married Joseph Ferfusson, In both certificates which are almost unreadable she names Patrick McGrath and Mary Freeze as her parents. I also have Margarets marriage cert and she names Patrick and Mary as well.

Any information on Mary Freeze and Patrick Mcgrath and also daughter Catherine would be very much appreciated

Thank you


Eringobragh1916 Report 15 Jun 2015 08:12


Does it state on the Baptismal Certs you have which Church Margaret and Denis were Baptised ?

I would hesitate to use any info.from other peoples trees unless you can verify it with Primary Source info.of your own....


Kerrynk Report 15 Jun 2015 09:53

I was given this a couple of weeks ago by a researcher in ireland

Rootsireland a subscription site is showing 4 baptismal records for children of Patrick Magrath and Mary Freeze.
Matthew 1832
Margaret 1838
Denis 1841
and Patrick 1843 - all in Youghalarra Parish with Burgess as address. Nothing for Catherine but these are transcriptions for the original register so some baptisms may have been overlooked.
The National Library is putting all the Parish registers online due mid July so you may be able to search the register then.

I was always told I was half scottish and half irish mmmmm does that say something -- hehe

Thanks again Kerryn


Kerrynk Report 17 Jun 2015 05:56

one tree on ancestry says Patrick and Mary migrated to Australia

I am not sure about this
