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How to contact marriage record office, Oxfordshire

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Carole Mac

Carole Mac Report 9 Jun 2015 12:03

For many years I have been looking for a marriage which I believe to have taken place in Oxfordshire about mid 1940's.
It would have been registry office. Failing that they might have just done a name change.
Can anyone please tell me where I can write to perhaps get any information I can't find on online sites. I have tried googling but draw a blank everywhere I look.
Several years ago I did have threads up looking for this marriage to no avail. I have also looked extensively recently, with no luck.
Thanks in anticipation.


safc Report 9 Jun 2015 12:11

try here


Jacqueline Report 9 Jun 2015 12:14

The Register Offices should be in the phone book, with the full addresses

there are doubtless several of them in the County

Presumably, you've checked that the parties were not already married to people other than each other, and therefore not free?

I expect a lot of work was done for you on your other thread, so it would be a good idea to post the URL, so that people don't do it all over again

Carole Mac

Carole Mac Report 9 Jun 2015 12:14

Thank you, will do. You are busy today! I am in Australia so don't have a chance to get to places I might need. Thanks again.

Carole Mac

Carole Mac Report 9 Jun 2015 12:19

Jacqueline, the male was a widower, the female had originally been married but we can't find a divorce. She had a further "partner" but he died. Then this one. That is why I wondered if it had been a name change. I haven't used Genes for a few years so am not up to date with their changes of procedure. Not sure how to "post the URL"


Jacqueline Report 9 Jun 2015 12:20

Find your old thread, and then C&P the info in the browser bar

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Jun 2015 20:17

All marriages whether church or register office will have a GRO record so if it not listed then it most probably didn't happen .

Is it possible you are looking for the wrong surname for her , has it been tried just searching on the grooms name


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Jun 2015 20:31

They may have said they were man and wife, but technically were co-habiting. It happens!

Don't dismiss a marriage reg which took place away from where you expected - It wasn't unknown for couples to travel out of area. That way the people they knew didn't realise they weren't already married

Carole Mac

Carole Mac Report 10 Jun 2015 02:24

Thank you everyone. I have tried using all the names possible, and also just the groom's name. The story told to me from the "wife's" cousin was that they got dressed up and went away to get married, not far from where they lived, which was near Aylesbury. I have their passports both in the groom's surname. I am assuming they needed documentation to get passports in 1948 when they left UK for NZ. All this has made me wonder if it was just a name change by deed poll? Male surname Aldridge initials PL. Not sure of the year but could only be between 1938
and 1948 at the outsides.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jun 2015 04:38

Carole ......

I know of someone who emigrated to OZ with "husband" and 3 children, 1 of which was not his.

They did not actually marry until several years after they arrived in OZ. Then they divorced soon after and both re-married

The problem was uncovered many years later when the child who was not his wanted a passport, and it discovered that they had entered the country under the wrong name.

It was all eventually smoothed over ...... the child was found to be an innocent victim of mother's deception. Mother was threatened with deportation, but eventually some agreement was reached though I am not sure how.

Have you tried entering the male's surname and P* L* and the dates, no county in

IF they married in England or Wales, that should bring up the marriage.


Vanessa Report 10 Jun 2015 05:29

May have some bearing that the majority of time involved spanned the war years too.


MarieCeleste Report 10 Jun 2015 09:12

Just in case previous threads help:

Carole Mac

Carole Mac Report 10 Jun 2015 09:26

Will get back to you all later thank you, have to go out now. I am on a different time zone, in Australia.


mgnv Report 10 Jun 2015 09:50

One would need an m.cert to get a joint passport, but not to get two individual passports, and presumably NZ admitted single people at that time.

Incidentally, Aylesbury's in Bucks.

Carole Mac

Carole Mac Report 10 Jun 2015 12:48

The passports were individual. On the male's death certificate from NZ it stated that he was married, and in Oxfordshire. That isn't too far from Aylesbury etc. Will do some more searching, thanks everyone.