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Enfield Mdx

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Ed Report 21 May 2015 17:28

Thanks Catherine

That baptism looks good especially if family moved to Enfield while Elizabeth at a young age but no idea how to prove it.


Catherine Report 21 May 2015 16:54

same family in 1841:-

Name: Elizabeth Briggs
Age: 8
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1833
Gender: Female
Where born: Middlesex, England
Civil Parish: Enfield
Hundred: Edmonton
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England
Street address:
Registration district: Edmonton
Sub-registration district: Enfield
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 653
Book: 6
Folio: 10
Page Number: 14
Household Members:
Name Age
William Briggs 49 (Ag.Labourer) not born in county
Sarah Briggs 43 (not born in county)
Charles Briggs 19 (not born in county)
Thomas Briggs 13 (not born in county)
Mary Ann Briggs 11 (not born in county)
Elizabeth Briggs 8
John Briggs 7
Emma Briggs 3


Catherine Report 21 May 2015 16:39


Name: Elisabeth Briggs
Age: 17
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1834
Relation: Daughter (Child)
Father's name: William Briggs
Mother's name: Sarah Briggs
Gender: Female
Where born: Enfield, Middlesex, England
Civil Parish: Enfield
Ecclesiastical parish: St James
Phillimore Ecclesiastical Parish Maps:
View related Ecclesiastical Parish
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England
Street address:
Registration district: Edmonton
Sub-registration district: Edmonton
ED, institution, or vessel: 1n
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 62
Piece: 1703
Folio: 541
Page Number: 12
Household Members:
Name Age
William Briggs 60 born: Huntingdonshire 1791
Sarah Briggs 55 born: Stapleford, Hertfordshire 1796
Thomas Briggs 22 born: St Albans, Hertfordshire 1829
Elisabeth Briggs 17
John Briggs 14 born: Enfield, Middlesex 1837
Emma Briggs 12 born: Enfield, Middlesex 1839

................father's occupation here is (Land Surveyor) so myabe not this one????


Catherine Report 21 May 2015 16:38


Name: Elizabeth Briggs
Gender: Female
Baptism Date: 22 Jul 1832
Baptism Place: Holy Trinity,Clapham,Surrey,England
Father: William Briggs
Occupation:- Gardener
Mother: Sarah
FHL Film Number: 307716, 307717, 307718, 307719


Ed Report 21 May 2015 16:19

Thanks - will see what I can find


mgnv Report 21 May 2015 16:12

Yes - see
If you go to right of page, you can browse thru records, and the borough Enfield is there - including some Enfield churches. I don't have a sub, so can't help with further details.


Ed Report 21 May 2015 15:53

Does anyone know if PR's for Enfield are available on-line anywhere? I have looked in usual places with no luck.
I am trying to find a birth/baptism for Elizabeth Briggs. She married 30 Jan 1856 Enfield St Andew to Alfred Gowers. She was 23(1833) and her father was William who was a farmer. Witnesses were Charles and Sarah Briggs. In 1841 Enfield census is an Elizabeth Briggs(1833) born in County with father William (ag labourer) mother Sarah and a brother Charles. In other census Elizabeth Gowers birth year varies but always Enfield.