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Nottsgirl Report 18 May 2015 08:21

Morning All,

Could some kind person please look on census's records for Richard Jackson born abt 1797 living in Beckingham, near Newark in Nottinghamshire he died in 1874, would like to know where he put place of birth.

The thing is I have 2 Richard Jackson's born Bulwell one in 1796 son of John and Mary the other born 1799 son of Luke and Hannah, one went to live in Blackley Lancashire died 1884 I think this is the son of Luke but there is a tree on Ancestry that says he went to the Newark distract and died in 1874 but I think that could be the son of John. Ages at death puts me right but would like to rule out the Beckingham one.

Sorry if it sounds confusing :-(

Thank you for any help given on this
